I had no idea that the Miss Universe pageant was being televised on Monday night here in the states. Usually, I don’t find out about it until the very last minute and end up missing most of the telecast. This year, I was able to watch a good amount of the pageant and check out the Asian contestants to write this article.This year, I was made aware that the pageant was on television via Facebook when a friend of mine (who is Vietnamese and smoking hot) mentioned that Vietnam did not have a representative for this year’s pageant. I still cannot believe that Vietnam was unable to find one beautiful woman in that entire country to represent them in this year’s pageant. Even so, there were still plenty of Asian contestants for me to check out.
On the Miss Universe website, I first wanted to find out who was the highest rated contestant out of the Asian countries going into the pageant. I was surprised to find out that the highest rated contestant was also from an Asian country. That happened to be Venus Raj representing The Philippines. Going by her photos, I felt that she looked okay but wasn’t wowed by her.
On the telecast, the first Asian contestant that I was able to get a good look at was Miss Thailand, who I was really amazed by. Out of all the Asian contestants, I feel that she is the most beautiful. I was hoping that she would make it into the top 10, but unfortunately, she wasn’t able to make it into the top 15.
Venus Raj was able to make it into the 10 top, and later, into the top 5. She ended up as the 4th runner up with Miss Mexico taking home the crown. I would have liked to have seen Miss Thailand take it home, but that wasn’t going to happen. At least she took home the awards for being the most photogenic and for having the best national costume.
Did anyone else check out the pageant? Did you have a favorite? Besides Miss Thailand, Miss Malaysia and Miss Indonesia were my other favorites, but I did not get one look of them while watching the telecast. Let’s discuss.

Miss Universe Website
I agree candyman – i’m not too sure why venus raj was the most popular. I also like thailand and think china and japan are cute too. nice post
Saw most of the pageant due to a particularly intrigued wife and got to see Venus Raj throw herself under a bus with her horrible ‘important question’ answer, thus her 5th place standing. Mexico’s answer was crummy as well, so if anyone cares I think Australia should’ve won it!
As a side note, my Korean wife thought that the rep for Miss Korea was not very pretty at all. Must be that blunt Korean opinion.
I watched as they narrowed the crowd from 83 to 15. Of the 83 there were lots of dark skinned women and Asians but almost all of the top 15 were white girls (maybe not technically but they were light skinned). I wanted to see more of Miss Japan, her curves looked good. Miss China looks good in the above photo also, I didn’t get a good look at her in the pageant.
myrke: I cringed when Venus Raj of the Philippines gave that horrible answer. Odds-makers in Vegas had her coming in second place…but then, answering that you never made a mistake is like bitch-slapping everyone over the age of 8…
Vietnam was one of several countries whose pageant affiliate could not agree to terms with the Miss Universe organization. Sucks for us…but imagine how Dr. Lee feels.
I thought Venus Raj was stunning. That swimsuit had me in another world.
I laugh at the “blunt Korean opinion”…so true!
miss thailand is the hottest which is the first picture.
and last. Has that unique thai look
Japanese women are usually my least favorite but I am a big fan of Maiko here.
Who is in the top photo with turquoise earring?
That’s quality.
I only caught the end of it on TV. I could have sworn it was telecast on Sunday night in years past. Miss Thailand looked good in the little bit I saw of her.
I have a simple question
and I hope it’s not too rude
I like this group of beauties
but do any model NUDE?!?!?!
I’m living up near Gympie
and the local talent’s rough
I need to see some asian boobs
and I need to see some muff
so Candyman I beg of you
stop p*ssy-teasing me
show me stuff with tits and muff
I really need to see!!!
I don’t need porn with vege acts
or close-up shots of clits
Just some me pics of asian babes
who like to show their bits
Sir Kroos too much doest thou protest
The posters here will do their best
To bring the group the hottest siren
I trust them so; they’re really wise men.
Like you I need no men in boat
Nor prime examples of raw deep throat
I can occasionally cut some slack
To pix that only show the back.
Where is this place that you call Gympie?
Info here is kind of skimpy.
Is the tally of women there so devoid
That you’ve got neuroses that stump even Freud?
Yet perhaps it’s time for T & A
Be it from Tokyo, Shanghai or Bombay.
Have heart, be patient and you will see
The next young thing will be JAV.
Rap Battle! Aren’t you supposed to talk about his mom?
Miss Thailand confuses me, that first pic is really hot but the last pic does nothing for me.
Of course my Filipino family was rooting for Miss Philippines, but then they asked her the only personal question of the lot, and I think she was taken off guard by it. Botched it totally. Shame, she could a’ been Somebody.
These ladies above are all hot, though.
The Asian Sirens poetry challenge continues – nice work guys! 🙂
I didn’t watch it. From the pics here, I would say Miss China and Miss India. The others don’t get my vote. Of course, on tv it may be different, these are just stills.
Anyone noticed the dreadful answers of Miss Indonesia, Qory Sandioriva, on the preliminary round to the 2010 pageant?
The first question was: ‘What is the best advice you can give to a man?’
Her answer in broken engrish: ‘When You Down The Women Can Make You Up’.
Excuse me?! 🙂
Some links:
ht tp://www.abigmessage.com/qory-sandioriva-let-down-by-poor-english-at-miss-universe-2010-pageant.html
ht tp://www.thejakartaglobe.com/home/miss-indonesias-broken-english-sparks-online-ridicule/392402
Watch it online. The part where she is invited to imitate sheep and a cow is, well, unreal!
ht tp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkENPvJcnTM&feature=player_embedded
Have a laugh!!! 😀
In terse reply to Double Dipper
whose Mum I’ve loved but had to whip ‘er
(sorry… AlienOverlord is a bad influence)
To let you know just where I dwell
tis a place renowned as shagging hell
Gympie lies in Queensland State
north of Bris, in Aussie Mate
The place is filled with cows and dirt
and “picking up’s” not worth the hurt
The women here have balls as well
to pick from blokes is hard to tell
A man’s a man and can grow a beard
(many can’t but are kinda weird)
But here’s a fact that’s very scary
the women here are far MORE hairy
If i had an urge I couldn’t shake
to wack the weed and wet the snake
to choose my pick I would of course
go out the back and do the horse
So I ask again- please here I beg
please promise me and don’t renege
I need some pics of something nice
thats hot and nude and feeds on rice.
Some gorgeous women here for the Trumpfest that is Miss Universe.
Wonderful poetry! Class acts from amateurs that state some serious calls for more nude Asian T&A.
Kroos..invite dbldipper to Gympie. Let him see some Gympie women.
He might even help you with your airfare out.
oh and daznlover,
‘When You Down The Women Can Make You Up’ (is it a song title?) makes sense to me. Maybe it’s all the practice I’ve had listening to Engrish tho.
MISS THAILAND!!! WOW! So so beautiful! OK I like Thai women but she is something else!
Doggerel style
It’s so hard to choose. One of each maybe?
arf, I think the only way to be sure you make the right choice is to be fair and take them all home one at a time, then choose.
Miss Thailand does stack up well. Going through and looking at the head shots really finds some out, how Miss Denmark let them use that photo has me stumped, and I think Miss US Virgin Islands is a tranny.
On a positive note I thought Miss Peru looked good and it was good to see the US use a dark haired girl. Overall I think the South American contestants seem to play the game better and have much stronger photos.
Zoiks!!!…take them all home one at a time. Oooh…can we can we luvasian?
I have reviewed all the data and hereby make the following awards:
Hottest Asian Contestants. (In order)
1. Japan:
2. Thailand
3. Phillipines
4. Korea
5. Singapore
6. Malaysia
Hottest Black Contestant:
Hottest White Contestant:
Not Sure Why I Love You But I Do Award:
The You’re Above Average, but I’m not sure how you got into a Miss Universe Pageant Award:
1. Lebanon
2. Serbia
Fivehead award:
You’re Probably a Tranny:
Hey Collector. Not a bad list. I am not surprised you ignored Miss China. IMO the best pic of her is the one above. Of all the millions of delicious Chinese women, why did they (who are ‘they’?) select her? I mean she’s ok, but not Miss Universe material.
Chuckled at the last 4 or 5 categories. Maybe Miss China could be added to the Lebanese and Syrian contestants.
Must have a peek at Misses Germany and Zambia now.
Oh yeah! Miss Jamaica. Miss Guam is pretty breathtaking as well. And also how about miss Sri Lanka, Egypt, Mexico and Mauritius too.
Oh Collector..Miss Zambia does not deserve that award! um yes. Miss Germany might pump iron but a tranny? No, that was harsh.
And the 20 yr old Miss Curacao (mmmm) ought to be among the top 6 I think. Exchange Miss Singapore for her.
I’d like to see arf’s list though..would he leave any out?;-)
lol..see what I mean? arf wants em all!!
Well, i was working. so i didn’t see the pageant on TV (and no way the wifey would let me watch in person), but I like the Asian contestants. Miss Mexico (the winner) is pretty damn hot as well.
Two more Sam Adams’ and I’ll join the poetry competition!
Yeah Longtack, China and Guam missing
was an oversight.
*I will say that Guam was a conundrum. One fantastic photo and the rest were merely “cute pretty girl who never bought a drink in her life”.
1. Japan:
2. Thailand
3. Phillipines
4. Korea
5. Guam*
6. China
5. Singapore
6. Malaysia
Mr.kroos:: So relieved to know the location of Gympie. Does that end with a PIE or a PEE? Your rap is a kick…so keep it up Mick!
As far as Miss-Uni: Mexico is a Luni! Philly blew her chance willy-nilly. My vote for Jamaica was dished and likewise Miss Eire left sooner than wished.
Miss Thailand was definitely the most beautiful facially IMO out of the asian group.
Perhaps she was a bit too short, at “only” five foot five and some change?
Actually I work at Mandalay Bay so I saw these girls everyday for about a month. Miss Japan is smoking. Miss Thailand actually is pretty average but she does have daring style. Makeup and lighting (along w/ a good photographer) make a huge difference. What about Miss US? She was pretty hot and I think she was SW asian…
I could fall so in love with Ms. Japan it is not even remotely funny…
Not sure if this video will play, but here is a proflile of Miss China from the WSJ.
Here she is – if there’s any justice in the world, I think she should have a real chance of winning. Has an oriental woman ever won Miss Universe?
Doc – according to wiki – Japan 2007 /1959, USA 1997 (Korean descent), Thailand 1988 1965, Philippines 1973 / 1969. In the wsj video the mentor (the “Oprah” of China) said that she was trying to make her “less Chinese” and more worldly.