Korean Baseball Cheerleaders

Kang Ye-jin

Unlike professional baseball teams in the US, all of the teams in the Korea Baseball Organization have professional cheerleaders stirring up the fans on both sides of the park during games. Above is the captain of the LG Twins squad, Kang Ye-jin, who’s currently the best-known baseball cheerleader in Korea and is expected to branch out to other avenues of show biz.

Oh, and despite what Ye-jin’s banner reads, her team didn’t even make the playoffs last year and are currently in 6th place out of only 8 teams in the KBO, which means at every Twins game she has her work cut out for her.Below is just a sample of the girls from each team in the KBO and the outfits they wear. (They usually change at least once during games.) The whole squad doesn’t cheer at every game. There are usually four girls cheering at an average game but I’ve seen at little as two at some games and as many as six at others. Also, Korea isn’t unique by having pro baseball cheerleaders. Japan does as well and I’ll be posting a follow-up entry on their Japanese counterparts in the near future.

A word of advice for those planning on taking in a game to catch these ladies in person while in Korea : In some stadiums, the cheerleaders are stationed along the baselines, in others, they’re in the outfield stands, so you should make sure where the cheerleaders will be in the stadium you’re at before buying your ticket.

Doosan Bears Cheerleaders
Doosan Bears squad cheesing for the camera

Hanwha Eagles Cheerleaders
Hanwha Eagles

Kia Tigers Cheerleaders
Kia Tigers

LG Twins Cheerleaders
LG Twins. Yea-jin (from the opening photo) in action with one of her colleagues.

Lotte Giants Cheerleaders
Lotte Giants

Nexen Heroes Cheerleaders
Four of the Nexen Heroes cheerleaders from a Maxim Korea shoot they did earlier this year. Believe it or not, their best-known cheerleader is a 14-year-old middle school student (and that’s her actual age, not her “Korean age”). She is NOT pictured here.

Samsung Lions Cheerleaders
Samsung Lions

SK Wyverns Cheerleaders
SK Wyverns

This video is a few years old and quality isn’t great but I choose it because I shot it and I love the Wyvern girls’ routine to Little Richard’s “Tutti Frutti.”

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0 thoughts on “Korean Baseball Cheerleaders”

  1. I’ll take one of each!!!

    Actually, I’m really digging the 3rd girl in red in the second-to-last photo (red, white, red, white – with fingers).

    Loving her super lean legs and long, thick hair.

  2. You have a good eye, AmericanArsenal…the force is strong with you.

    CEC: Thanks for posting and for taking the video. A word of begging- if you are in fact an American then by God act like it and next time shove your way up to the front row and THEN record the dance 🙂

    Again, I ask the question: Why do I live in the USA?

  3. Hopefully the same goes for these girls as the last girls where we have to take each one home before making a decision. 😛 All these hot girls makin me feel funny.

  4. Sorry CEC: I was only able to ‘tolerate’ the first 2-minutes of the…ummm..film.

    Mr.French: If you like these ladies, you will love the pom-pom girls at Beqia Univ.(cynical comment)
    I think the gates to S.Korea are still open to US citizens? As a fan of Korean woman-flesh: You will enjoy the beautifully-crafted Korean film UNTOLD SCANDAL.

    Korea is blessed with many ‘drop-dead’ beautiful women!! They are NOT represented properly in this post IMO.

  5. I’ve nae had much use for girls who cheer,
    But one thing’s for sure, let me make this quite clear.
    These Koreans are smokin’
    But not thought provokin’
    There’s better in the country, I fear.

  6. On Google I’ve found Gympie the town
    Understandable that Sir Kroos is down.
    He was hoping for nude,
    But this post does preclude,
    There’s no girls here of renown.

  7. These ladies are not bad, but nothing close to the redhead cheerleader from college that had virtually all the male student population completely paralyzed. While there are a couple here that are lookers, half an hour on a Seoul street corner would lead you to make that deal with the devil.

  8. I notice that here in the states, cheerleaders from football and basketball teams dress and dance really slutty. These korean girls are fun and energetic to watch. Talking about cute dance moves!

    well I know that Korea is pretty conservative compared to the U.S.

  9. @Quyen – I think that most parents of 16/17 year old girls who participate in these programs at high school would resent the word “slutty” used to describe their daughter.

    In many US high schools, there are now “Competitive” Cheer, Pom and Dance teams. Each go to an in-state meet to compete against other high schools. Most of the routines are done to hip-hop music or the latest top-40 and are indicative of the dance styles now popular. Are there some suggestive moves? Perhaps. All part of the show.

    There are religious schools that either do not have cheerleaders, or they have them wear the ’50s style long skirts and bulky sweaters.

    The trend for skimpier outfits in the US, which has trickled down to the college level, was probably started by the Dallas Cowboys in the ’70s.

  10. They’d definitely be the only reason I’d go to a game, but their bodies all look soft in comparison to US cheerleaders.

  11. Go Eagles! That’s my fav. And I like a lot the girls in the Maxim cover, very cute.

    Now I know why there’s this baseball craze in SK… 🙂

  12. Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd…….

    Ball game:-;

    dbldipper, I think Quyen was referring to cheerleaders for pro teams. However, I’m not alone I think with my slutty cheerleader fantasy from high school (lo those many, many years ago).

  13. Yes I am referring to the pro teams not high school teams.
    Example: Dallas cowboys cheerleaders and Dallas mavericks dancers .
    From the previous post, the chargers.

  14. Two bits, four bits, six bits, a buck.
    Come on cheerleaders, how about a

    nother cheer!!

    [What we used to yell from the stands after the classic – Two bits, four bits, six bits, a dollar, all for the (team name), stand up and holler. For you non-dollar types, a “bit” is an old term for a quarter dollar coin.]

    I will annotate some of the most recent comments – I know of one cheerleading coach who was fired from her high school position due to the risque routines. Turns out that most of the attendees at the basketball games would leave after their half-time routine.

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