Here’s an Asian siren calling from the underground. I saw her first on Flickr talking about how she gets ‘aroused’ when she does her walks in forbidden places. And then she turned up again a few days later on another site. According to her own website, Miru gets around and has posed her artfully naked self in ruined parts of Honduras, NYC, Paris, Berlin and London, to name a few.

Miru Kim Website
Miru Kim Naked City Spleen
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Good find!
Thank you Harry. As I fancy myself to be an artist, I have respect and admiration for people who express themselves creatively!
What a cool woman.
wow, that’s hot
Very interesting stuff!
Now that’s cool. Something sexy about a girl not afraid to be naked in public…especially if she looks good like Miru.
Like the gritty industrial/nude juxtaposition.Good stuff.
Here’s a video of her talking about her work
Ok now, what her mission is. Is she on mission impossible or something else?
sounds very intelligent…but seems to be reading off of something because she keeps look down…
oh by the way…her work is really cool and interesting…but I find her eehhhh…average….
Very cool stuff, reminds me of some of my “urban explorations”.
I agree. Her looks are average at best. What makes her sexy is her work, as I always find smart artistic chicks to be hot, even if they are somewhat plain with unremarkable bodies (doesn’t look as if she works out). If I saw her on the street without knowing a thing about her as an artist I wouldn’t give her a second glance.
Checked out her site and I liked these 3 pieces in particular:
Great lighting in this shot. Bright enough to see details but the positioning creates some nice shadows to add to the vibe.
This one is just cool because it’s a silhouette
This one captures alot in one picture. The incomming train in the back, grafitti on walls, light shining in from the top, and of course the model herself.
This gal’s definitely thinking outside of the box and I like that…reminds me of the Japanese Underground series…but with some cool naughty bits.
She really needs to be careful where she wets her feet. Aside from that, good theme idea.
I did a search on a Korean web portal and found out her father’s a very well-known scholar and philosopher who regularly lectures on Korean TV.