Michelle Bella

Stripper Exotic Dancer Michelle Bella met Michael Jackson’s doctor, Conrad Murray at her place of employment, the “social-type club” Speament Rhino in Las Vegas. Michelle was called to testify during Dr. Murray’s trial because she was one of the ladies in his harem whom he texted the day he left a drugged-up Jackson alone to die in bed.

As I implied in yesterday’s entry, I find nothing humorous about the case of a doctor so derelict in his duties, that it resulted in his patient’s death, so I’m not making light of the trial. However, it has turned into quite a media spectacle with an intriguing cast of characters, Miss Bella being one of them, so I am going to place this one under “humor.” Oh, yesss.

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0 thoughts on “Michelle Bella”

  1. The poor girl looks terrified. I certainly hope it wasn’t a secret to those who know her what she was doing for a living.

  2. Doc, of course you are right about answering only the question in the simplest/most direct manner. But I have a feeling they REALLY don’t want this woman saying anything substantial (if she is even capable). They almost slipped-up when they asked her to explain the content of the conversations. Fortunately for them, there was a sustained objection and she could return to saying “Yesss”.

  3. When will you guys be putting up the latest and greatest Japanese porn star or idol? I think it’s been over a month or more since we last saw one on here.

  4. I’m with Strout. The video here doesn’t play, and no pics are displayed of this woman.
    Just a glimpse, cos I really don’t have the time to get caught up/distracted by this (trivial, really) media circus?

  5. #1. She couldn’t be a less compelling witness if she was a life sized blowup doll with a big button on her chest labeled “yes” that the prosecutor pushed after every question.

    #2. Michelle my Belle? Got to be a stage name based on the Beatles song.

    #3. I am trying to envision her unclothed singing “yesss, yesss, yesssssssss!”

  6. wow it appears she has a one word vocabulary. No wonder she dances for a living. Sorry for being so harsh, but “yes” she is hot.

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