I don’t know much about art, but I know what I like: it is craftmanship like that in the picture above by Chinese photographer Yang, Huiguang and others featured at China’s cphoto.net. It is a premier site for established and respected shutter junkies in the Middle Kingdom. I will be mining this site for you because there is something there for every taste by hundreds of photographic chefs.
The Chinese Dragon is often thought of as a symbol of the Chinese race itself. Chinese around the world, often speak of themselves as “Descendents of the Dragon”. Dragons aren’t slain by white knights in China because they are considered divine, mythical creatures that bring prosperity and good luck.
It seems to me that the dragon in the pic’ has all the luck–and the damsel doesn’t look too distressed.The site is rich with tradition as well as modern experimental work. It is one of my favorite places to invest a few hours of cruise time.

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Another great post Santini47 – thanks for sharing!
Nice pictures. By the way, this location in China but where the exactly.
My guess, because it is Huiguang, it is Shanghai…
But, these and huge turtles (another national symbol) are found in a few places..without the naked ladies of course…
China is getting into sex FREEDOM !
It is a wonderful thing!
My guess is that Asian-sirens will be one of the last sites ever blocked….Even the censors know a great thing when they see it….
Just a point, ‘Decendants of the Dragon’ is often is often used as a moniker to denote membership in the Chinese Triads.
(See: ‘Dragon Syndicates – The Global Triad Phenominom’)
The triads, still very active in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, consider themselves the ultra-patriots of China, so taking on the dragon tag, one of many for them, makes great sense.
In general the average Chinese citizen will proudly say they are descendants without even an awareness of the crime syndicates.
Booth’s book on triads is a good one and is fascinating reading for anyone wanting a glimpse into a secret Asian organization that makes the Japanese Yakuza look tame in camparison.
It is a shame Booth died in 2002. I would have loved to see his current take on the triad’s involvement in the Hong Kong film industry and its oblique control over some of the beauties, many featured here, that we have come to adore.
Thanks William.
I wish I were a dragon…
Hey Santini,
What does it mean to be an “ultra-patriot” in China?
I think of myself as an American patriot because I support the Bill of Rights & the Constitution. However, these days being a patriot in America really means kissing the jackboot crushing your windpipe.
The Triads have traditionally supported the Independence movement (Taiwan) and the US….
You know how I feel about the other issue as you visit my blog…
Added you to my blogroll today Blue…
Thanks! Peace!
The woman in the 1st pic… Science, help me… That is an incredible pose. The way her body is stretched is amazing. I’m not particularly fond of the ribs showing but OMS! (oh my Science… lol)
Wow! How did i miss this post?