Liu Yu Qi


Liu Yu Qi is a model for some agency that is apparently famous. I don’t remember how I found her, and it appears info on her is slim. The only sites I found called her an “Internet model” which is of course meaningless. I do know she was arrested for not paying some money to her old agency. She’s also had a lot of plastic surgery according to some website. But you guys will like her. Onto the photos!Stats:

Age: 22
Height: 5;7
Ethnicity: Chinese
Located: China























Mainland Hotties Article

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0 thoughts on “Liu Yu Qi”

  1. perhaps she might have cosmetic surgery to build up the bridge on her nose. either way. if shes plastic. they’ve done a great job.

  2. Oh yes: your opinion is just an opinion thebeak – that is the FACT. And please don’t flamebait with “this girl is better than that girl” comments.

  3. I love the photography and the artful poses. She smiles!

    I will fight arf for the right to be shot by that arrow. Loser gets a $5 gift card to Starbucks. Winner gets one damn fine looking woman.

  4. BTW, I gotta say it’s interesting that some men here just HATE HATE HATE boob jobs, yet the reaction to facial plastic surgery is much more mild.

  5. AsianD, that is why I am a bit ambivalent towards this one. Yes, I’m sure many a model or the like has had something done.

    But when it’s done extensively, as is reported for Liu here, it does make me hesitant to admire her looks. I can’t in all honesty praise or worship a woman that has had extensive surgery to change her eyes, her nose, or any combination of the sort, to make her look sexy.

  6. @AsianD: yes, I think she does have a chin job.

    Personally I have nothing against facial surgery in principle, as long as the result is good, as in the case of most Korean models and performers for example. But when it looks like you’ve got bits and pieces stuck to your face, I find it very off-putting.

  7. I was like “OK … OK … OK”, then pics 7-9 hit. HOLY CRAP she is amazing! Is this the same woman that was in the “Forbidden Kingdom” movie (Sparrow)? Pic 12 makes me think so. She is stunning.

  8. Myself I’m not a fan of plastic surgery either. No matter what part of the body, unless it is done right. On this girl I believe it is done right or at least very close. I would not turn her away.

  9. Internet model? That could stand for webcam model. But I don’t remember seeing her on webcams sites and I go around a lot.

    If she did something to her nose, it didn’t go well. I like her body a lot but the nose is too distracting.

  10. That’s so funny, I totally almost had the exact same experience as metelrider when I first saw her. I was like Ok…Ok…Ok and then Zoiks!!!…can I have some more please.

  11. I like the bow and arrow shot.

    Makes me think I could cut down on my groceries bills if she moved in (and all the small neighborhood animals started to disappear).

    I would probably think she was Korean if I saw her walking down the street.

    How come the women at my gym never work out in bikinis? I’d pay extra?!!

  12. I think it was her flat tummy that really caught my eye when I first saw her. Nice trim and smooth…and sexy.

  13. @metelrider: That was Liu Yifei (a.k.a. Crystal Liu) in Forbidden Kingdom. But you can’t have her, I’ve already claimed her. 😉

    @TheCollector: Better keep saving for groceries. The way she’s holding that bow and arrow, you’re going to go hungry if you’re depending on her hunting skills. (The bow is at half-pull at most, and her thumb is holding the arrow. If the arrow somehow got past her thumb, it would only fly about 4 feet.) I think her hunting skills would probably be better utilized in a social environment, such as bars and clubs. 😉

    She *is* very pretty, but one has to wonder what she looked like before the plastic surgery.

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