Mai Ly Mao


Mai is a nude glamour model. Her website, is appropriately named because she is a busty cutie with a body that I would love to touch.Stats:
Age: 21
Height: 5’4″
Weight: 116 lbs
Measurements: 34D-26-36
Location: San Juan Capistrano, CA












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0 thoughts on “Mai Ly Mao”

  1. WOW! She won’t be confused with any other model here.

    Natural – nice.

    Also, very nice eyes/eyebrows…

    2nd to last pic is hot.

  2. Window with black stockings pick.

    Not my cup of tea as I like them anorexic with implants, but I certainly see her appeal, and, uh, assets.

  3. yeah, i wasn’t going to say anything but there is no way she’s 116. i think models seem to overstate their heights and understate their weights as a rule. i would say she’s more like 120 – 125.

  4. I’m with TheCollector on this. She really isn’t my type, but she is fairly sexy. I can understand why she would appeal to some.

  5. I don’t see the appeal at all. In all aspects, she is average, and rather hum drum fair. I don’t note anything special or something to catch my eye and hold it.

  6. I think that’s going too far. While I certainly do prefer them slimmer and trimmer myself, that’s just my personal taste – I think this girl’s weight and body fat percentage is perfectly healthy.

  7. She’s cute. Her website says 105 which is laughable; she’s more like 123! In Japan she would be considered chubby for sure, but by US standards she is just right. I prefer more slender & toned, but I find her sexy.

  8. Overweight? Nooo.
    Her overall shape is just fine.
    Look at that 2nd to last pic. Those are some mighty nice curves. Gentle, smooth, soft slopes and curves. Nice to the touch no doubt.

  9. I wouldn’t exactly call her thick, I think some have been ‘spoiled’ by the ‘norm’ of asian models being on the slim side. She has in my opinion great curves, not thick or fat at all, very healthy and nice.

  10. What mix is she? She certainly has a unique look.

    The first picture is very enticing, but for me it sort of goes downhill when she lets those boobs out, just not … perfect, if you know what I mean.

  11. More like the norm of East Asian models being on the anorexic side.

    She could be 116, depending on her bone density. 120+ is more likely.

  12. eh……looks better all glamored up in pictures but not too good in the hardcore videos I saw. Not much personality.

  13. I was quite put off by the second and third photo, but she looks quite good in some of the others. I prefer rounder perkier boobs though.

  14. Anorexic with implants, that’s a good one:-) I really like her in some of the photos, but not so much in others. In none of them would I consider her fat, though.

  15. Very cute, very girl next door and for me almost perfect in every way!!!

    Only thing I dislike is that she’s not in the UK!

  16. I’ve seen thousands of pics of her and often they’re just alright, but I really liked most of the ones you chose. She looks really pretty here, and lots of cushion for the pushin’. Nice post Candyman. Thanks

  17. Now this IS my cup of tea! I’m digging the more natural figure here on Mai than many of the other models featured on this site. She looks like she has a bit more “meat on the bones”. I say that with tongue in cheek because in the grand scheme of things she is most definitely NOT thick or heavy compared to the average lady.

    It’s hard (no pun intended) to judge her personality in the hardcore video posted above, but she doesn’t seem full of herself and has a nice smile.

    I’m definitely thinking she’s an Asian/white mix as well and I’m surprised at the lack of discussion surmising about her ethnicity. I guess she really didn’t hit the spot for most readers here to garner any speculation?!

  18. Alright Combover: you’ve been pushing it for some time now, and that’s just one disrespectful comment too many I’m afraid. Goodbye.

    And knifepoint: your comment is quite crude as well – please be a little more subtle.

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