Lisa Min


Lisa Min is a Thai model from 88Square. I couldn’t decide if I liked her, and then I realized it doesn’t matter, so here she is for you guys to judge.Stats:

Age: ?
Height: ?
Ethnicity: Thai
Located: Thailand




Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4
Gallery 5
Gallery 6

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0 thoughts on “Lisa Min”

  1. Nice but not reaaly mine thing, Insecure? She want too much… Give a “6” (Less is more!)

  2. No ‘crikey’ from me, more of a mmmm – especially the 3rd pic. Loving the nice upstanding nipple profile.

  3. Grrrr!
    Access Denied to each and every Gallery.
    (looks out window – yep. I’m in China!)

  4. Hey Longtack, have you checked out Skydur? It’s a proxy so far not banned…

    Costs $12 for 3 months (i think thats what i paid), but definitely worth it.. No. I don’t work for them…. 🙂

    As for Lisa Min… I’m not sure how i feel about her either. Any woman who wears boots in a wading pool can’t be too smart…. Then again, thats not necessarily a bad thing…..

  5. Decent enough figure – she’s one of the minority who is better off not smiling. Her smile is somewhere between a smirk and a sneer. Harrison Ford can pull it off, but Ms. Min doesn’t quite have the same effect.

    @Longtack – thanks for the ‘crikey.’ As we might say in the Land of the Free and Home of the Gun, ‘you da man’ (man in this case is sort of gender neutral.)

  6. I usually love the Thai girls, but for some reason this one’s not doing it for me though I can’t explain why.

  7. Thanks badnews. And you too kroos.
    MySneakyProxy works intermittently. But I need all the proxies I can get.
    Seems the authorities’ aim is to block pics of the Chinese girls while other nationalities are let through.
    For me, it’s the Chinese girls I want to see most, followed by Japanese, then Korean.
    I’ve been very fortunate so far.
    By the way, I was going to mention Lisa Min’s sneer, but wondered if it was the way the light was falling on her lip. But pic 5 has it as well. lol@dbldippers comments.

  8. I’m sure if I saw her naked in person, I too would have that very same sneer looking smile on my face. We’d be so perfect together. :]

  9. As I was checking out each picture, i kept thinking “What’s not to like?” After the last picture, now I know.

  10. This girl has a bangin’ little body, but I can’t help but think that her face – especially in the last image – reminds me of the kid playing banjo in Deliverance and that gives me the creeps.

    As a result of this, I would have to pass…but I love her little breasts and Hershey-kiss nipples!

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