As I’ve mentioned in the past, learning a little bit of the various Asian languages can be very helpful in getting to first base with Asian sirens*. But if that isn’t enough to make you want to learn, perhaps this video will get you motivated! You can subscribe to their YouTube Channel, but I highly recommend you register on the Sexy Mandarin web site, so you can watch all the full length lessons – it’s absolutely free!*It helps a lot if you’re good at judging their ethnicity (so you know which language to speak!), and it is more important to learn to speak just a few words well, rather than many words not very well. Because they are tone languages, precise pronunciation and intonation is important – especially with Vietnamese, where minor errors can result in major embarrassment. 🙂
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Yes Dr. Lee, I am careful with my remedial Thai – always seems to be appreciated, although I think the fact that I am good-natured when I mess up is appreciated more! 😉
Thai is actually the one language I don’t know any of so far. I speak some Vietnamese, Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese and Korean in order of expertise, which I guess is a reflection of my interests. :-).
Oh yes, I forgot: I don’t know any of the Filipino languages either.
I’ve been married to a Filipina for over ten years and can’t speak a lick of what she speaks. She speaks two dialects and I’m just to lazy to learn.
i’d learn whatever they’re teaching
ooohohoh yeeah. That is motivation!
holy crap…. Suddenly i have renewed enthusiasm to study chinese again….
Hot for teacher.
lol long will that enthusiasm last?
but anyway, if they are the teachers..I’d certainly pay attention! Although if they knew what I was thinking I’d probably get detention.
Videos are produced well and the models aren’t bad for what is basically a marketing gimmick.
Very nice find.
If you are serious about learning mandarin though is likely the best online option.
Ahem Shuai – we have a policy of removing non-English comments. 🙂
I agree these videos are well produced (I love the voiceover guy!), and I think Demi at least is very hot indeed.
Yeah I agree shuai ge. I am still considering going past the home page as I am a bit reluctant right now to enter into what you describe as a maketing gimmick.
lol doc with Google Translate a click away it isn’t a problem for me that comments in a foreign language are posted.
I like as well for language learning.
haha..although the translation is a bit Chinglishy this is what Google came up with for shuai ge’s non-English comment.
“This is also similar,
Beautiful Chinese teacher
Truth to power!”
Maybe AS’s policy of not posting in other languages does have its upside.
I have learned about 200 words and phrases of Tagalog (main Filipino language) but knowing the words and following them speaking it are two completely different things. At least I know if somebody calls me pangit or a bobo (ugly and/or idiot). Now when my wife wants to call me those things she needs to speak Visayan or Ilicano dialect. Ha!
Hey luvasianwimin…Hows a bout Putang ina mo? I think that’s how you spell it? My wife helped me. That’s one of the Tagalog curse words I learned early on. It always seems to be frowned upon by all the girls when I say it jokingly.
Also…I wish I knew what Shuai Ge said back there. 🙂
Just watched the video again and WoW!…sexy mandarins are hot!
arf..I used Google Translate (see my comment above).
The question though, is what did he mean?
Oh and I’m sure you can say “I love you” in Tagalog?
I love you = Mahal Kita
Putang ina mo… hmmm… literally “your momma is a genitalia” or figuratively “you are a son of a ho or your momma is one”. Considering the position of mammas (nanays) in that culture I think it would be grievous indeed.
An interesting thing about Filipino culture is the girls align with the mothers, and the sons are kind of left out because the fathers are usually out of the house for extended days or times. So the sons become momma’s boys, just tagging along, and the girls have the inside track. Girls can’t imagine having a father or stepfather who was interested in their lives at all. That’s sad because father-daughter relationships here can be very rewarding for both. My own daughter works with me in my business… but my stepdaughter wants to know why I would even want to talk to her. She says “I talk to my mother. Go talk to my brother, he’s a boy.” So… when you say Putang ina mo to a girl, you are talking about her most cherished person, her momma.