Lea Lotus


Lea Lotus has her own website. Though it is one of the lower budget websites, the quality of the photography seems to be pretty good. So I am impressed. Otherwise I have no idea how the AS community will take to her. Here you go.Stats:

Age: 22
Height: 4’11
Ethnicity: Thai
Located: ?



















Official Website

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0 thoughts on “Lea Lotus”

  1. Myspace face! LOL!

    I think she has potential. For my taste, her eyebrow job is awful, and the rest of her makeup is really bad as well. But if she fixes them up, she might look quite alright – her body’s perfectly fine anyway.

  2. The way Lea twists her lips, like a lotus stressed for water, makes it hard to feel any connection with her.

  3. yeah she looks like she was born with a sneer. Maybe I’m being overly judgemental but I’m just not that attracted to girls that look either angry or disdainful by default.

  4. I think she’s cute, although I agree with Dr. Lee that the eyebrow job is terrible. She does have a nice body though and I think the makeup job actually detracts from her face which isn’t bad either.

  5. I like her. I like that she poses nude. I’m just not a fan of those eyebrows though. It makes her looks constantly suspicious. I wish women would leave their eyebrows alone, but that’s not happening no time soon.

  6. Hi guys, first time poster. The reason why she looks weird is that she has a an underdeveloped maxilla (dental class III), that makes her upper lip look really flat and old. Because her lower jaw is so much more forward than her upper jaw, she’s forced to strain her lip to close her mouth at rest. Hence, the sneer look. Plus this one thinks she’s cuter pouting for some odd reason. Methinks she is tad too skinny, more meat please.

  7. Needs a boob job.She will get better looking as she ages.I could see her being a hotter cougar than she is as a youngster.

  8. Hah, I had the same initial reaction as most of you; those eyebrows are horrible and really take away from her look. As for the rest, I think she’s pretty attractive and at 4’11”, I prefer a petite body such as hers. I agree with Dr. Lee that she has potential and with a few changes, would be pretty fine.

  9. I like her just fine. I noticed the upper lip thing after Delirium mentioned it, but don’t mind so much. Don’t mind the eyebrows at all either. Love her sexy legs and little butt the best though.

  10. She is alright… nice bod, but her facial expressions are off somehow… I bet she’s better if she relaxes

  11. I reread the comments… what is this, unnecessary plastic surgery central? Come on… accept it as it was dealt. I might not agree every girl is hot, but I will never say she should spend money on elective surgery just to conform to some hepped-up ideal some guy says she ought.

  12. Only shots that work for me are the pink eye grabs. ANd thats because i haven’t had sex in three days.

  13. This girl just oozes sex. I can’t say she’s the most attractive girl I’ve seen (she’s actually fairly average in the looks dept), but I’m digging the “dirty” vibe she projects.

    Nice find!

  14. Some of the photography is really nice. I like her tight bod and that delectable shaved kitty. A tasteful boob job could take her to the next level of hottness.

    That exit pop-up on her site has to go! Those things are ultra-annoying. Her cooch gave me a hard on, but the pop-up gave me a hard OFF. 🙁

  15. Yet again; in a bar — for sure, and I wouldn’t even need to be drinking! On Asian Sirens, not so much.

  16. A nice body but the make-up action is an epic fail. Sad really since she has a somewhat exotic face and a rockin’ ass.

  17. She just needs to find make-up and facial expression that works for her. Don’t even try to pull off the cute schoolgirl thing. I think she has the perfect look for a dominatrix.

  18. maybe this is a bit harsh, but i don’t think that the she’ll look that much better with more artfully applied makeup and less plucking. the upper half of her face just strikes me as a bit off – i don’t like her eyes, and it’s just weird to me that her eyes and eyebrows are so far apart. to see what i mean, look at that photo where she’s wearing the black shirt, and imagine what it would look like without the black eyeshadow.

  19. I do believe christine is right…what was I thinking in liking this girl? 😉 I really do need some flawless girls to look at right now. My tummy hurts.

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