Lana Lee is a new solo model. Her website, Lana Lee’s World, has already garnered a lot of attention. She’s Singaporean and has a Master’s degree. I’m not certain what her height is, but one thing I do know for sure is that Lana Lee has excellent taste.Stats:
Age: 27
Height: ?
Ethnicity: Singaporean
Located: ?

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She looks more Thai rather than a Singaporean to me.
Excellent taste, indeed. Delicious.
Travis…you’re such a lucky duck. 🙂
She has something islander in her. I like her but it’s because of that. 😉
She rocks too, nice body and nice age!
She looks more Thai than Singaporean to me as well, but she definitely looks delicious though. Now I wish some hot, naked Asian babe would make me a sign. 🙁
I don’t think I’d let her sit like that in the back of my S-class.
wouldn’t want her ruining my leather.
Hey, she forgot about the Doc! 🙂
Very subtle approach.
Have fun, Travis!
did you just photoshop that sign in Travis??
@ nicholiservia why have an S-class if you won’t let naked ladies sit in it, she’s welcome to sit anywhere she wants at my place 🙂
Once again, be very wary of any claims made by nicholiservia. 🙂
cool babe!
I did not! She sent it to me. Apparently she is very willing to please. =).
Doc, as you would see if you read the post, I said she had GOOD taste. That explains the omission ;).
Sorry, my mistake. 🙂
1) Perkiness is a lovely thing!
2) She can sit in the back of my Sonata any day
3) I’m catching a whiff of an enlarged Adam’s Apple here — hope I’m wrong!
yeah sorry, she’s a bit rough this one.
Your Sonata…Funny Funny Wings. :)) Does it have stock pleather seats for her to enjoy.
The more I see Lana, the more I want her.
Wingsfan, you’re not trying to imply what I think you’re trying to imply on point #3, are you? 😛
If she’s going to self promote herself like that, at least bring the goods to the table. Thumbs down.
Today, singapoureans are not attractive to me… 🙁
oiled up pics on the bed are nice. decent tits. face….very average. chocolate nipples are singaporean are they? don’t think so. Every brothel in Singapore however is full of Thai/Philipina women. there is actually no such thing as a Singaporean prostitue. this one wouldve come from Thailand for sure.
this chick isn’t that pretty in the face and her body is underwhelming unless she’s got clothes on.
I’d be willing to bet a substantial amount of pennies that Lana is Thai.
Having said that, I’m going to have to echo some of the sentiments around here: very average.
Granted though, oiled up naked bodies always score major points… we need more pics of oiled up naked bodies in here. Mmm mm mmm…
Wingsfan’s third point could be why this one isn’t doing it for me.
….my wife …ex singaporean airlines air hostess (sorry had to brag) would smash this out of the ball park …and I was just in Singapore last weekend….sorry Lana, but you dont give smart, and stunning women of that wonderful country a good representation…..
Lana is a pretty girl in my book.
She’s sexy for a thai or filipina, that’s where she looks like she’s from. And from the pics she seems hot and a lot of fun.
Indeed…I’m not even worried where Lana was born and raised either. After seeing her oily shots, I too find her pretty sassy. Yum with the chocolate nipples also.
Arf, you can join her, but only for playing with oil. That’s all :)))
Oh niners…you know I’m gonna want a little more than that. ;P
well, thank you TS for KEEPING YOUR STANDARDS HIGH! and second) she says she’s born in singapore, she’s singaporean! she looks thai, so maybe she has thai ancestry BIG DEAL and finally, she probably getting into the London groove, so now she’s a Brit – HAHAHAHA. anyway, she’s class.
she seems cool
A “3” seems quite harsh; and I like the fact that she smiles so much.
Pleather would be an upgrade:-(
jdrevenge, you can’t be too careful. However, if Lana is a tranny, they did one hell of a convincing job on her body.
Stroup, I might have to say it was a mistake giving this girl the spotlight. some of the comments have really made me wonder the taste certain people have. even I have low standards and I would not want to pursue this woman
she looks like Tony Jaa’s twin sister
Wingsy, I doubt they would overlook something so obvious as the Adam’s Apple. In fact, I’ve read that is a very common procedure. I think we’re safe.
if she’s Tony Jaa’s sister she will kick your ass for those remarks (even if they are kinda valid).
jd, I’m sure we’re safe, but she does have “the look” that could make you think twice and maybe perform the “Crocodile Dundee” tranny check.
Some nice hardcore vids here:
There are nine more, just replace the 1 with two through 10.
Oh my…I love her legs. Thanks Wings for that one.
WoW! Just watched all 10 links and I must say I love Lana with all my heart. Man…I sure wish I could rub her down with oil now.
Oils well that ends well;-p
I would let Lana pose how ever she likes on my brand new 2012 Gas Gas! I’d even let her play with my GoPro HD Hero.
i discovered a bunch of lana lee’s videos on YP a few years ago under the series “petite asian milf”
unfortunately the cad fucking her didn’t really know what he was doing and she had no enthusiasm for it. however i was struck by her beautiful body and her unique face.
her pictures make her look like such a cutie pie, with a nice personality too. however, she doesn’t seem to have much of a passion for fucking. also i’ve never heard her speak.
this girl is an undercover hottie. alot of guys here are posting as if they wouldn’t touch this girl with a 10 foot pole. honestly she seems like the kind of girl you can take out to dinner, invite to play tennis with, yada yada. she’s not the girl that will make men’s eyes follow her around the room, though there is something nice about that.
but just imagine what how your friends’ jaws would drop when she shows up to halloween in a sexy getup.