As you can imagine, as the manager of Asian Sirens I get a lot of tips and requests in my mailbox (for those who have sent us tips or requests that haven’t been published, I am working on a more efficient system to handle them). It isn’t very often that one really excites me, but this photo set by Chris Thompson of Filpina model Christine Joy Moncada is one such case.As regular readers will know, I am not normally a big fan of Filipina girls, but I found Christine to be very sexy indeed, as she has a fabulous body, she really knows how to pose for the camera, and she appears to be quite classy as well. As it turns out, there’s a good reason she’s so hot – she’s a Brisie girl! (That’s Brisbane in Queensland, Australia – the city where I live.) As such, I may do a follow-up interview with her in the near future if she’s interested – we’ll see if she really is a sweetheart like her profile says. 🙂
Height: 5’1″
Weight: 95 lbs
Measurements: 31-21-29″
Ethnicity: Filipina
Location: Brisbane, Queensland (Australia)

(Visited 33 times, 1 visits today)
Let me be the first to day… oh my! Nice way to be greeted by my computer this morning. She is very foxy and an incredibly well shaped body. 5 stars.
She’s a hottie with lovely boobs but too bad she’s a bit short though.
Who cares if she’s short when she’s proportioned like that? Besides, if you ask me, short is good. 😉
wow exotic looking
She is almost like a cartoon, he shape, face, hot 80s style thong, everything. Dont get me wrong, I wouldnt kick her out of the bed for eating crackers.
I hate the boob job, though. I dont mind fake boobs at all, but it has to look at least semi natural. I dont know why this is, but I have felt plenty of boob jobs and why are some very natural and still soft and jiggely, but others (that look like this lady’s) are like hard rocks! I dont get that. Do you? I got the Mrs. a boob job in Thailand because I think Thai’s do it a bit more natural looking, at least from the doctors I compared, than the one in the US I spoke with. Not to mention cheaper.
I typically like athletic girls with some natural curves the best and definitely not thin women, with the exception of very petite ladies. For me, Christine’s figure is just about perfect for her type of body build and super sexy. Short? Petite + Short = Perfect! On top of that, she’s one of the best looking Filipinas I’ve seen on this site. Great find, Chris/Doc!
I love tiny women. My wife is 5’1″. I looked at Christine’s gallery, some very nice shots there, beautifully composed. Worth a look.
She most certainly is a Joy. Long delicious legs that go way up.
I can’t say I am nuts about her face although I’d like to have my nuts in her face. Her body is spectacular. Not a flaw anywhere and with that kind of body at 5’1″?!!? Wow. I do have to say that although I don’t agree with the Doc on about 99% of his social views I do have to say he does sure know how to pick em (besides Sachiko). I am really impressed Doctor.
really??? i find her face way too masculine. i also have a hard time believing the 21-29 part of her measurements since her waist-hip ratio doesn’t look that drastic in the photos. yeah, she’s got a 31″ bust, but the implants look soo unnatural, in a straight-out-of-a-comic-book way. i can’t be the only one who feels this way!
I’m not a real fan of her face either, but the rest of her is top notch.
I like comic books Christine.
Her body is pretty amazing. I’m not a big fan of her over-the-top boobs, and I can see why her strong jaw line is throwing some people, but I’ll give her two thumbs up.
5’1 95 pounds????
Only if I was 6’0 150 pounds.
Actually Christine, I agree with your perspective, as far as it goes. But in spite of that, her face is still quite sexy, and her body is awesome! Her breasts may look fake, but they’re perfectly so. I like the comic book look. 🙂
Sizzling and somethin’ somethin’ going-on…
Oh yes – I assume her boobs are Australian made, in which case they may be silicone gel, so they may not be as hard as they look (unlike the overfilled saline most commonly used in the US).
Doc I know you’re kinda busy lately over there. I volunteer to do the interview. I write my blog already so i’m sorta qualified. Just to help you out man. 😉
That’s a great body, she is a very sexy filipina. I know a few filipina girls making their way into australia, you guys are getting lucky there. IMO of course.
The implants are great. I wouldn’t let her kick me out of bed!
Hot filipina view
long legs…
Hmmm, she looks like a bad bad girl. Not complaining mind you, just a little different than expected from Doc. Other than not being a fan of the boob job, the rest of her is pretty hot, especially the last pic. Nice post.
@darklighter1: Your first sentence is rather crude, and your second last sentence is potential flame bait as well – please ensure you comply with our posting guidelines.
nice to see an Aussie flying the flag, even if it is an adopted one! I love the opening pic, the fourth is not so flattering.
1) Well, her boobs are over the top, but overall a superbly proportioned body.
2) Spinner:noun; see Christine Moncada
3) christine just doesn’t want to see another Christine on here j/k
4) At least darklighter didn’t say anything about having her legs wrapped around him;-)
her tits are huge but for some reason “really big” works for this girl. they’re strangely in proportion with her body. go the aussies.
Very nice, last 4 pictures almost khmer
I’m with Christine on this one, not liking the face or the boob job.
lol @ wingsfan. yah, this town is only big enough for ONE christine. *growl growl*
Dr Lee…didnt realise you were an aussie….you should take a trip top melbourne…some beautiful aisn women reside there …more and more in the last few years….
@christine: don’t worry – I’m sure you’ll always be my favourite Christine. 🙂
@badnews: have you seen the Asian girls we have here in Brisie, particularly around Sunnybank?
Big enough but sometimes comic looks need to be realized in this world.
Christine, eventhough town is big enough but the world still needs more another Christine.
If you have article which according to you the girls are preety enough then better you put here. Sharing with all of us.
and i have! you probably don’t remember i used to blog for this site? 🙂
I wasn’t that impressed with her until I saw
her portfolio. She is very nice. The iStudio shot with the ripped t-shirt is great.
I haven’t been to Brissie since Expo ’88, I think that Qld is often unfortunately judged by people (me incl.) who visit the Gold Coast. That said there are many fine Asian women on the GC especially Japanese.
I have pencilled in Sunnybank for the next time I can get up there under your advisement Doc, now I just need Wings to start organising these road trips.
This girl is steamy hot, I can’t leave the page apparently.
Girls named Christine rule!! 🙂
Here’s a link to some Australian site with a video of Christine. I don’t care for the song, but she’s looking gorgeous in the video.
Good find Kabbala! Had to watch it with the mute on though. 🙂
sounds like a gay anthem. but they should change the lyrics to mine above.
I liked the video alot…not sure where it took place, I’m guessing somewhere in Australia? The kind of place I would give anything to homestead in. She appears to be wearing a native american headdress too. A little wacky maybe?…but she’s a beauty.
I’m gonna have to say this shot is my favorite of this morsel. It could just about send me through thy roof, if it weren’t for my hawkeye wife sitting here on the couch in the same room as me.
I think it’s a clip from Survivor Brisbane. The blonde dude should be voted OUT!
Location: Brisbane, Queensland (Australia)
@arf: the video was shot in Brisbane (it is a river city).
@Tom: your comment is an example of exactly why it is potential flame bait, and you posted your comment knowing you were in breach of our posting guidelines – one strike for you.
This isn’t about taste in women, it’s about keeping threads on topic. If you want to comment on a girl, do it in one of her threads, rather than posting “this girl is better than that girl” flame bait in threads on other girls. This applies to every girl on this site.
aw daznlover, that was nice lol 😛
@Dr. Lee: (it is a river city). I sure do love me some rivers…especially when they have gorgeous women along them. I’ve only ever been TDY to Darwin back in 02′ and again in 03′. And I must say, Brisbane certainly looks more to my liking.
….Doc…cant say I have been to Bris Vegas in a very long long time….but this could be an incentive…though every time I come home from China to Melbourne recently…the CBD starts to remind me more of Singapore…definitely more asian talent around
I’ve actually been told by a few people who’ve visited from overseas that we have the hottest Asian girls they’ve ever seen in Australia. Interestingly, most of the girls in Sunnybank are Taiwanese, yet I found them to be much hotter on average here than they are in Taiwan itself!
The music video was not that hot, I was expecting a lot more. But she’s hot enough.
christine 😛
… I actually made a similar comment to a mate last week. Having a beer, watching the world go by….I was like wow…the asian girls here are amazing….my theory is …that maybe over here i’m surrounded by asian women in many guises…and in melbourne the head counts lower…hence less mingers…just a thought…
Sexy and attractive woman, but the breast job is a shame. Comic book figures should stay on the page.