One of our readers asked if we’ve done any posts on L. Shima Darby before. Since we have yet to feature her, I’ve written this post for her.
At first I didn’t think that I was going to like L. Shima, but now I am a fan after doing the research for this article and viewing more of the photos that she’s modeled in. I really like the fact that she is an all natural beautiful with a unique look and luscious curves, not to mention that she also poses nude which are huge pluses in my book.
She also appears in some of the most interesting and creative work that I’ve seen in a while which you can also see for yourself after the break.Stats:
Age: 20
Birthdate: July 22, 1992
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 126 lbs
Measurements: 34-26-38
Ethnicity: African American, Irish, German, Japanese
Location: Austin, Texas, USA

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmm……………nice natural boobs. Got curves. Ok face on some pics. Cute on others. Lets just say too thick for my taste.
I pretty much completely agree with Quyen’s assessment, except to say that those tits are so sensational that I can just about forgive any other shortcomings, and I appreciate the diversity and creativity of her photos.
Oh wow.She’s just strong.Perfectly curvy without being overly so.You can see all of ethnic / racial ancestries…and how they came together juuust right.People pay big money to get the jawline & cheekbones she was born with.Just ask Victoria Beckham…whom Ms. Darby here resembles (pic #1)…only healthier. If I was ballin’ outta’ control-she’d definitely be in line for a “sponsorship” opportunity. My only caveat for her is to keep the German & the Black in check by staying in the gym. Avoid tragedy by not eating like either of those as well.The “Nymph In The Forest” pic #9 is saying it all.Hope I see her at SXSW this spring.
In the face department she shows that mixing a bunch of races doesn’t always come out nice, but in the body, yummy..
Ooooh, no, no, no. Those boobs are all kinds of nasty. Give those back to your mom.
She looks just fine to me, minus the nose ring anyway. STRIPES is right on the money — too much sauerbraten and chitlins and not enough gym time could lead to problems down the road. (For me, it was beer, ice cream and potato chips).
I think her boobs-and the rest of her are “at peak” just now. But yeah…I foresee a time (about age 25) when she’s gonna have to see the doc about a lift job.I think having babies would be a “gravitational disaster” for her too. Surrogacy would be a better route for her in that regard Then again-American women have a habit of not caring about physique after they’ve found “the wallet”.
I think she’s sexy. Voluptuous.
All woman. All boxes ticked. Good work L. Shima Darby.
A second look at the galleries are well worth the visit. She is a great model and their are some really amazing pictures there.
@buttdart: could you please state your opinion in a more respectful manner?
from one of her interviews, she has a weakness for pizza, ice cream, and coca-cola 🙁
I enjoyed her interviews….smart person. STRIPES’ “Nymph in the Forest” pic is hot!
IS THAT A BOBA FETT helmet?!?!?
@ French I think it is a storm trooper from Hoth (Empire Strikes Back).
She looks like she would be taller in the photo’s to me. I love the first pic but am a bit undecided overall. I will need to go to the galleries.
Nice. Love the first pic.
Oh my goodness yes!…those boobs are fantastic. Love her nipples. I also see the resemblance to Victoria B.
She reminds me a bit of Sofia Legend facially…
But I prefer Sofia.
Shima has some nice photos, her tits are best when her arms are above her head, but overall a bit big for my taste.
The Force is definitely with her:-)
WoW!!!…the time has spead up like scary crazy! I rememeber Sofia’s page like it was last year. WoW!
@Wingsfan: ha ha ha, good one.
And Luke, yeah, the helmet does look like from Empire Strikes Back.
weird. sometimes good sometimes bad…
yeah, not doing it for me at all. In a few years those breasts will remind me of Hustler cartoons showing grandmas saggy breasts hitting the floor. Though when she raises her arms, they look just right.
Interesting mix, great breasts! They’re so full. She’s very pretty in some pics and not so much in others. I think her body is admirable. Curvy is fine with me.
Hi all 🙂 Thanks for the post Asian Sirens, and for all the nice words!
I have so many more shots here: http://lshima.tumblr.com/ It’s hard for me to look at some of the older shots posted here haha. Some of these are from my early days.
I hope you all will continue to follow my work 😉
Welcome to Asian Sirens, L. (If as a lowly poster I’m entitled to welcome you here.) I think the best things about your photos are the risks you take as a model (which I admire) and the class you exude.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Happy New Year to you. And thanks for stopping by.
Hi L.Shima – a very warm official welcome to Asian Sirens. 🙂 Love the topographic map shots on your Tumblr – you certainly have some very mountainous geography. 😉
All kinds of luscious. Wow!