Happy New Year From Asian Sirens


Well it seems we survived the end of the world (again), although the fact that so many people continue to believe in these predictions (especially from a race that failed to predict its own demise) never ceases to amaze me. Anyway, as we are still here at the start of 2013 (it’s already the 1st here in oz as I’m writing this), I would like to wish all of our readers a very happy new year. We have some very exciting (and frankly long overdue) changes coming this year, so make sure you stay with us through 2013!

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0 thoughts on “Happy New Year From Asian Sirens”

  1. Happy New Year to All!

    Thank you Asian-Sirens Blog team for the wonderful work that you do to provide us all with entertainment and education of Asian women. You do a stellar job! I have been a fan for years and will continue to be!

  2. Changes???? Please for the love of god, don’t let the models have penises…. Tatts are bad enough….

  3. Happy New Year. I saw something similar for the Mayan Apocalypse with a really neat practical joke. Everyone on the other side of the date line was to stop tweeting to mess with those of us getting up later in the day.


    May we “connoisseurs” of Asian Sirens know good health & prosperity…and the passionate company of that which we admire & critique here.

    P.S. One of my NYR’s is to take lunch with the only kiwi I have any regular contact with.That would be you…Doc Lee.Oh yeah…and tour Oz like a bored trust fund baby. Keep the calendar open dude.

  5. We’ve now come to the end of the year
    Now that it’s gone I shed not a tear
    We’ve seen the last of the twenty and twelve
    It’s now into thirteen that we hasten to delve.

    It’s been a year of extreme ups and downs
    Good news for some; others just clowns.
    I’ll take some time to review just a few
    And know that ’13 will provide more that is new.

    The new President is simply the old one
    Whatever he started will not now be undone.
    A big hurricane hit hard the East Coast
    Much damage was done; many houses were toast.

    Two states legalized the possession of pot
    So smoke away, heads, you really won’t get shot.
    Last summer, no rain even if not very hot
    Still, it put farmers in a heck of a spot.

    Sadly, some nuts went berserk with their guns
    And now, on assault rifles there appear to be runs
    In the event of a possible nationwide gun ban
    But nothing ever happens, that’s always the plan.

    And now we’re facing the coming “fiscal cliff”
    Congress is talking; all we get is a whiff
    Tax increase? That will cause quite a tiff
    No one knows, it’s all a big IF.

    As for tonight, I have a definite desire
    A single goal to do before the night I retire
    To fawn and gape at some Siren’s fine pix
    You know the kind – those that swell up the dicks.

    I’ll look through the sites for my favorite beauties
    Asians with nice jugs and small rounded booties.
    Since there’s no one around to get a good poke
    With an audible sigh I’ll enjoy the midnight stroke.

  6. I’m with kroos! :#)

    And dbldipper, an outstanding job as usua.l A classic, really.

    Doc, Travis, Candy, CEC, Xavier and all the others who keep this place humming, a huge Bigfoot stomp of appreciation for all you do.

    Since over the past few years, the changes here seem to be only for the best, I will simply anticipate the continuation of that trend. My usual trepidation (based on many of the changes that have destroyed many of my favorites sites over the years) remains at bay.

    Looking forward to the new year.

    Happy New Year to all of you here,

    -The Dean (known here as Bigfoot Dean)

  7. Happy New Year to all!

    dbldipper, I’m not EVEN going to add my own contribution after reading yours. I’m not worthy.

    Ditto, kroos:-)

    Home alone as my Asian Siren is working:-(

  8. Happy New Year!
    I look forward to seeing the changes.
    Doc a Kiwi!?! Kia ora Bro.
    @Kroos surely a small penis in a discreet position…nah sorry!

  9. …and to all a G’Day. (I hope I spelled that properly).

    dbldipper: Nice job!

    Wingsfan19: Hang in there buddy.

    As Bigfoot Dean mentioned: Thanks to all who keep the place running. It is unique and brings us happiness.

  10. @Stripes: you’d be well advised to learn the difference between an ozzie and a kiwi before you come here – calling an ozzie a kiwi could result in a serious threat to your personal safety. 🙂

    Oh, and yet another brilliant effort dbldipper.

  11. Happy New Year to everyone associated with AS.
    Did you know it’s the Year of the Snake?So, lots of snake paraphernalia in the stores here already. Great marketing ploy I’d say:
    12 year cycles of different ‘must have’ merchandise.
    How about an oz version of a 2012 overview – in verse, of course. Or even of the best Sirens.

  12. @DR.LEE:

    Ooops! Typing late last night. Yeah…my geographical nicknames get fuzzy about that part of the world.All the more reason to travel…I guess.

  13. To my good friend Longtack
    Who suffers in China
    Good internet he doth lack.

    So I’ll turn to the land of Oz
    News in review for ‘12
    No good reason; just because.

    A Prime Minister was elected
    Same as the old, once again
    Hope the gang down there wasn’t dejected.

    Poor lady though, was quite scared
    Something about angry Aborginies
    Their anger had suddenly flared

    Land down under got a lot of rain
    When the water’s a’risin, not much to do
    For those affected, a real pain.

    A court finally decided that a dingo
    Took baby Chmberlain from a camp
    Dingo’s a dog; I think that’s the lingo.

    So to the blokes who call Oz home
    Happy New Year – to be sure –
    Far from Asian Sirens I will not roam.

  14. It is rare in the life of a man
    For a love life to go per the plan
    To find that one lovely who’ll make
    It all worth living, for heaven’s sake.

    I spent the most of New Year’s eve
    Highest ecstasy trying to achieve.
    Her face – the angels above cannot compete
    Every expression she makes is just so sweet.

    Never seen a woman so profound
    Energy and sexuality in abound.
    I know that I’d have won her with my charms
    If only she’d been in my arms.

    What I’d give to have her in my bed
    Instead of just bouncing inside my head.
    For though this Siren is most certainly real
    She’s one I cannot reach out and feel.

    She’s on a site known as The Black Alley
    Where they show most if not all of their valley.
    Yet, that brief career I’d completely forgive
    If only with me she would happily live.

    Happy New Year to all including the AS gang.

  15. The new year’s come
    and so have I
    (I used both hands-
    I’m a lonely guy)

    In the trials of life
    There’s just one light
    It’s Asian Sirens
    My favourite site

    Those Eastern angels
    they make me strong
    They give me strength
    nine inches long

    Happy New Year!!!

  16. kroos –

    If your junk
    were 9 inches long
    For you to be alone
    Would just be wrong.

    I think, my bloke
    Had you that size
    A Siren to poke
    Would not be wise.

    In spite of the pix
    they’re really quite small
    Just a couple licks
    And that’d be all.

    So a point of advice
    To the honorable Aussie
    All that can take you
    Is a sheep named Flossie.

  17. Hey Dipper, Doc’s the kiwi, not me!!!! 🙂

    But you’re probably right about Siren’s being too small. My ears are still ringing from a certain lovely chinese lady who exploded mid-stroke one cold winter’s night.

    Yep, best I stick to the Rocky females. Getting them in through the doorway is always a challenge however….

  18. OK, enough with the Happy New Year. Time to post another beautiful Asian Siren, Don’t ya think?


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