Gaining her first exposure to Western audiences in Edward Zwick’s 2003 film The Last Samurai (2003), Koyuki was well-known in Japan for years before that for her commercial work on Japanese television. She first caught the attention of the public in 1997 by winning an exclusive modelling contract with the magazine Non-no, but quickly grew beyond modelling and has earned acclaim as an actress through her many roles on Japanese tv and in several Japanese films.

Some facts:
Name: Koyuki Katou
Date of Birth: 18 December 1976
Place of birth: Zama, Kanagawa, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height: 5′ 7″ (1.70 m)
Measurements: B83/W58/H85
Koyuki Katou @ imdb.com
Koyuki Katou @ asiafinest.com
Koyuki Katou @ flamme.co.jp
Koyuki Katou @ asianemax.com
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She’s a very pretty girl with a soft face that I’d love to wake up to. In the Last Samurai, I thought she was kinda plain. Very slim – very little curvature.
She has great elagance… that’s all i can say. I agree with ArgonBuddha, she is the girl i would love to wake up to
I like waking up to all of them. I check asian-sirens first thing just so I can see all of their pretty faces in the morning.
im with arf on that one i always check first thing its nice to see a pretty face in the morning and with the variety on here its hard to go wrong
Thanks for the kind words. We do our best to keep you happy 🙂
Elegant, classic beauty. Not spectacular, but she can get very charming, I’d bet.
She’s very sweet looking. I’m a true j-dream believer.
If your into this kind of Japanese girl next door, check out Tominari Tetsu’s photo page.
Her face very represents typical Asian face.
I like her. She has beautiful smile but I think she is too slim, maybe better take a gym exercise to make it has more shape.
By the way, she is beautiful.
I guess I’m the only guy here who doesn’t like her then. Her presumed good-looks just don’t do it for me. Maybe it’s because I’ve been living in Japan for 3 years? It’s been told she’s a bit of a snob (like most Japanese “beautiful women”, or bijin).
aw, i agree with everyone, she is very classically beautiful.
but the first photo kind of confuses me. why would you leave your hair natural black but dye your eyebrows light brown?!?
I don’t know but the longer I stared at those brows the more Groucho Marx-ish she started looking!
oooh, sorry i spoiled the experience for you, bubalabobo
i think i have to agree with buba on this one….the brows look kinda short too
This woman is the epitome of Japanese beauty. I’d marry her in a heartbeat. Then I’d get bored and she’d cheat on me while lying into her K-tai denwa; or she’d simply dump me. Then my wife would think I’m wierd for being so nice to her all of the sudden.
I just now noticed the brows. Thanks christine. I think I’m done with her now. Like I said, this is perfect to me.
I think white supremacy is to blame for this poor girls eyebrows. That’s it, whitey must go.
arf, I presume you are joking, but the doc may consider ur comment discriminatory! 😉
I was totally joking of course. I was making fun of ArgonBuddha’s comment in the other post about the fashion industry in asia and hair color. Sorry if it was offensive. Please delete it if you want to.
Oh yeah, I’m 100% white. Just joking once again. Feels like walking on eggshells sometimes. I’ll be more careful.
Not sure about the jawline, but otherwise, not too bad.
Just read arf’s comment above, LOL!
Once again, I was only joking. Ha Ha Ha, right?
You were joking, but others don’t seem to be. Us honkies won’t rest until every Asian woman has dyed her eyebrows! Mwahahaha, our glorious plan of facial hair domination can never be stopped!
And their too moustaches sometimes. I have seen a real faint one on a few pilipinas when I get up close to them. I never complain though, as long they wax the beard/chin hairs.
Ooops, typo above. I meant And their moustaches too sometimes.
Thanks a lot for pointing out the Groucho Marxist eyebrows! You’ve ruined her for me.
Had a Taiwanese GF who had a faint mustache…didn’t bother me, as her body (didn’t shave/didn’t need to) was delectable.
Ever see a girl with the classic handle bar stache. Icky!
Same with a lot of lovely Latina ladies. Some have traces of hair on their upper lips as well as arm hair. Can’t say it bothers me one bit.
I knew an okinawan girl a few years ago, that had a real light fuzz on her face. I couldn’t see it at all, only felt it with my tongue when we kissed. I didn’t think twice about it. She was still hot.
i dont understand. english please….or swahili 🙂
or chinese maybe?
Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page jappo – non English comments are not allowed.
Man she has the face and grace of an angel… the kind of woman i would love to wake up to every morning.
Unblemished and kept all natural “hair nude” hopefully one of these days for art and beauty sake and I mean that respectfully. Hopefully someone can convince her. Maybe someone reading this can get to someone somehow. She’s too beautiful.