Pubes or no pubes?

Megumi Osawa

Beautiful Japanese model Megumi Osawa, who we have featured once before, shows us her pretty face and great figure along with a massive amount of pubic hair.

The reason I post this photo is that every time we feauture a model with more hair then the ‘landing strip’ style, a discussion arises about the pubic hair. I think here in the West the ‘brazilian wax’ style (also known as the ‘lolita’ look) is very fashionable and I must say I prefer this clean style for various reasons. But it seems in Asia this style is not yet adopted.

I was hoping to finalize this discussion in this thead. So ppl, what is your preferred style?

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0 thoughts on “Pubes or no pubes?”

  1. oh my goodness, the words “brazilian wax” make me shudder. *crawls into fetal position and cries* this is the best part about not having a steady bf… not having to really worry about what’s goin’ on down there!

    otherwise, it’s two bouts of monthly pain by the babymaker.

    i prefer landing strip! i just don’t like messing with the pubes. seriously, it hurts and the hair is there to trap gross stuff that would otherwise enter our vaginas. i know it’s really not that pleasant for you dudes when you’re going down on us, but shaving the vulva’s easy, waxing everything else is probably, in any girl’s mind i’m sure, the metaphorical equivalent of ripping the hair off of a baby kitten.

    plus, doesn’t stubble suck more than brushing against some pubic hair when you’re making love missionary-style?

  2. Happy to see the first comment is from a lady! 🙂

    Christine, should NOT having a steady bf just be more reason to keep things in order down there? You never know who you are ending up with at the end of the evening! 😛 Unless you never do that sort of thing on the first date of course. In that case you can always take care of things before that moment will occur 😉

    Ohw, and to answer the question: stubble is no problem for me. Tiny little hairs in my throat are! 😉

  3. i have said this before people….i hate Bush and would never vote for Bush :))…and christine, from a male point of view, just because you have a steady bf is no excuse to let yourself go…up keeping is very important girlfriend….:)

  4. Here we go again.

    J-girls hold a special place in the world of pubic hair. You just can’t compare them with western women, or even other Asian girls, in this category.

    I’ve said again and again here, I love J-girls with giant bushes. The photo of Megumi Osawa makes me want to throw myself on the pavement.

    The deal here is that J-girls pubic hair, while plentiful, is often long, soft and silky beyond belief. You contrast that with a slim, feminine body, and you get a treat to savor for all your waking days as a [shallow] male in this shitty little lifetime.

    For me, the Brazilian is simply low-rent, in the league with ankle bracelets, custom painted fingernails and the over-stylized pubes you see in porn. It’s just kind of icky.

    Put me down for “all” or “nothing”.

  5. hey doc, if this is out of line you can delete it…just thought it is fitting to the topic at hand…:))

  6. You call that a massive bush? Ha… I get a kick out of the guys who profess to appreciate the beauty of asian woman, but than want to westernize everything about them that make them so sublimely lovely.
    Every Japanese woman I’ve known(in the biblical sense) have had long soft lovely pubs that always forms itself into a natural triangle, just like in this photo.
    I think of it this way, if I’m going to go though all the time and effort to get to a beautiful, mysterious place like a rain-forest… with all it’s exotic and enticing textures, smells and tastes.
    I don’t want to find all the trees have been cut down!
    If you want to look at a bald pussy than buy a Sphinx cat

  7. I think Japanese Girls with “massive bush” are pretty sexy. Don’t know why, but “hell yeah bring them on!!!!””””

  8. Clip link is just fine lawboy 😉

    So do all the pro-bush ppl also like the armpit bush then? That’s also a 100% natural style! 😉

    Funny how a lot of folks compare the shaved style to pedophilia. I find that a bit twist minded. We are talking about adult women who like to shave for hygienical or fashionable reasons.

  9. Alright, I’m going to say something that’s probably going to shock everyone, but here goes: am I the only heterosexual guy in the world who is not into pussies? I really don’t find them very attractive in general – indeed, the only time I’ve ever found them attractive at all is when they are completely clean shaven, and I’m not very willing to bring my mouth down there if there’s any hair in the way. And the ‘pink’ shots that every other guy in the world seems to go for are a huge turn off for me – I guess that’s why I’ve never taken these sorts of shots, and never will.

  10. Oh, I should point out that I love every other part of a woman’s body (especially the stomach and of course the breasts) – apart from the anus, which is the only part I dislike even more than the vagina (although I do like a women’s buttocks). As I said, a clean shaven pussy can be fairly attractive for me, but the anus never is! I guess I just can’t help associating it with… well, you know what. It is also why anal sex is totally out of the question for me – indeed, I really can’t understand why any heterosexual guy would want to engage in this.

  11. Your first comment sounded a bit gay, but the second sounds a bit prudish… Doc, I am confused now, what are you all about?! But hey, as long as you are happy, huh? Back to the pubes! 🙂

  12. I guess it is a little too ‘unclean’ for me down there (hence my preference for clean shaven). It usually doesn’t smell too good to me down there either. Still, I really don’t think vaginas are usually very attractive to look at, even on just a purely visual level.

    Oh yes, I should point out that if a woman wants me to ‘pleasure’ her, I am very happy to do so, but I prefer to do it with my finger rather than my mouth. In my experience, women prefer this anyway.

    I should also point out that I am only making these sorts of comments because of the subject matter of this post – I normally would not allow them. 😉

  13. I have never, in my long and debauched life, met a woman who prefers a finger to a mouth and tongue.
    As for pit hair, Lenny Bruce had a very funny and insightful routine on pit hair and the erotism of the hidden.

  14. I have to say, in my experience men often impose what they think women want – or simply what they want themselves – on to their perceptions of what women want, instead of really responding to their woman’s true desires. I have been told by at least one woman about how much men like to go down on her – in the expectation that she will love it – when in fact she doesn’t really like it at all.

    Christine, your opinion?

  15. I don’t mind sexual intercourse with a woman with alot of pubic hair like in the pho, but I just can’t go down on them… like the hair causes a mental block in my mind that deactivates my tongue.

    I love freshly showered, shaved women.

    Pubic hair also traps dirt and bacteria.
    A freshly-shrewn MONS PUBIS that was just been cleaned is the greatest attraction in the world to me.

    Asian girls, I see in real life situations don’t shave the armpits or the bikini zone unless they’ve seen in done in Western media.
    And I’ve seen some scary armpits…

    I think the most petite Asian (and White/Black) girls get away with it because in the Western Male’s mind, she already appears YOUNG (pedomorphic) – and the hair is a subconscious sign that she is FERTILE and capable of Childbearing.

  16. I remember Details magazine sex columnist Anka Radovich writing that when it came right down to it, women really only wanted two things from men: compliments and cunnilingus.

  17. Given that what sex columnists write is almost always the opposite of reality for the vast majority of people, I rest my case – although I have to agree with her on the compliments bit! 😉

  18. I can’t go down on a girl if she has hair down there. Getting hairs in my mouth ALMOST kills it, but I forge on cause I’m a trooper. Brazilian or bare for me please. Also stubble doesn’t bother me.

  19. And one more very important point: let’s not forget the issue of STDs. Unless you use a dam, which I think misses the whole point.

  20. There’s no credible research that links hair with STDs. Lice don’t count. I’ve never encountered either.
    And my research shows no correlation between bad smell & hair.

    Ah yes, the fabled J-bush…I love em…so soft & silky. When first met my current j-GF she completely shaved and the stubble hurt me so bad. Now she just trims, and I’m in total bliss!

  21. I am not linking STDs with pubic hair; however, I am linking it with cunnilingus, which I think is indisuptible, as there is an exchange of bodily fluids.

  22. on finger vs. mouth, I would take mouth any day.

    guys who shove their fingers up a vagina, if that’s what you meant, are usually too coarse with their movements and have no idea what a g-spot is.

    it’s hard to mess up cunninglingus, if worse comes to worst, you could just practice writing the abcs with your tongue on some girl’s clitoris and i’m 100% sure you’ll get her to orgasm by the time you reach z.

    if you just meant finger with the clit, then i don’t think i’ve had a handjob before? it’s usually mouth or peen down there.

    and, yeah, robin, i’m not the have-sex-on-a-first-date kind of person so i don’t really have to worry about upkeep (christine’s a good girl! :D), but i actually think that having pubic hair is healthier than having no hair. it traps dirt and stuff, which would suck for anyone who has to come into contact with it, but the whole point is that dirt and bacteria don’t make their way to a girl’s vagina.

    i don’t think that the pubic lice is a huge issue if you’re showering regularly, and let’s hope that any girl you all are making love to showers regularly.

  23. i also see dr. lee’s point that vaginas aren’t really physically attractive. additionally it doesn’t help that sometimes the two lips at the opening of the vagina aren’t even. on asian girls i think that vaginas just look like shriveled up raisins, because it’s all darkly coloured and the lips are sometimes wrinkly.

    but i don’t know, that shouldn’t bar any guy from freely giving a girl some cunninglingus! girls giving fellatio and swallowing is almost a given nowadays, so guys should reciprocate, right?

  24. Your last point is a fair one Christine, and if that is what my partner really wants I will oblige (as long as I can be sure I won’t catch any STDs in the process). However, I am very gentle and precise with my finger, so in my case at least that seems to work pretty well anyway. 🙂

  25. Regarding the possible health issues of pubic hair, I think it is more an issue of trapping what comes out, rather than what goes in. We obvioulsy have it for a reason – so in our wild state it must be an advantage – but I suspect that if you wash regularly, being clean shaven will be more sanitary (as it allows a more thorough wash).

    On balance though, I don’t think this is a much of an issue in practice; but a clean shaven vagina really does look cleaner and nicer to me.

  26. Pubic hair on White or Black girls needs to be shaved/waxed.Pubic hair on Asian girls I kinda’ like it.Pit hair on ANY woman is grounds for a sudden shaving fetish.The first time this Romanian babe and I got naked…she had pit and massive bush.Hot as she was-I did’nt skip a beat.I got a fresh twin blade and cleared the forest.She said it made her feel like a child.Then I went down on her and she mysteriously lost all self consciousness.Called me daddy in between catching her breath.Asian bush just looks and feels different.If they wanna go Western fine.If not…that’s fine too.


    Stripes: while I am allowing objective commentary on the sexual issues related to vaginas in this post, that still does not give you the right to make an out and out crude comment (your comment above is borderlinne as well). I will not warn you about this again. – The Doc

  28. Megumi’s got me all hungry and stuff in that shot above. She is hot, hot, hot. I wouldn’t think twice about it. In fact I would almost have to go down town. I think pubes may trap dirt and bacteria maybe if a girl showers once a week. The whole world knows that every woman loves the fillet show. It’s a very popular program at my house and gets huge ratings from us.

  29. That’s nice, arf. But what about this fluffy muffin? I’d love to explore that jungle.

    Dr. Lee and Christine… Alleged comedian Eddie Griffin once said something to the effect of “pussies are pretty motherfuckers”. That being said, I must agree w/ Lee that I don’t need to see all the way up inside of them things.

  30. compare pubic hair to other body hair such as the hairs in the NOSE or the hairs on the eyelid.

    If you notice, whenever there is a MUCUS MEMBRANE – be it eye, nasal, vaginal, etc, there is hair to protect it from the elements.

    The hairs block dirt from GETTING IN.

    I don’t believe the hair is important to stop things from getting out Doctor Lee… have you ever had to stop snot from running out the nose? Hair doesn’t stop blood from exiting the vagina!
    Hair doesn’t stop ANYTHING from leaving the eye.

    Now the way I see it, the HAIR vs NO HAIR issue in regard to health is similar to the CIRCUMCISION vs NO CIRCUMCISION issue. People who want to argue in favor of circumcision- yet try to avoid Religious dispute – have claimed that the foreskin contributes to diseases in the male penis.

    HOWEVER, that makes no sense as Nature would have naturaly selected against it if it did throughout Kingdom Animalia.

    Medical science has shown that the foreskin actualy allows for easier Penile Penetration (the glans moves independentaly of the sheath in and out of the vagina) and doesn’t require as much ARTIFICIAL LUBRICATION… Nature put it there for a reason.

    I would believe that pubic hair on females is neccesary to trap dirt from entering but, now that we have advanced cleansing techniques is it really still neccesary?

    this isn’t the 17th century.

  31. Zoiks! My lord BlueSkies, that’s taking it to the extremes. With such a perfect ass like that, I would still do it of course.

  32. I can’t seem to stop looking at that picture, BlueSkies. I think I’m falling in love with that butt. Almost want it as my screensaver. Thank you.

  33. i like it clean but a little hair won’t hurt maybe a landing strip or something like that

  34. ppl, here we’re talking about shaving on gals. but i think christine’s got a great point, how about guys reciprocating? if western guys don’t like all that hair during cunnilingus, do you think gals like all that hair during fellatio?

  35. Blue Skies


    the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that was images of a nuclear holocaust.

  36. Also, for xiphus101, I found a fairly new product a while back in the commissary on base here called Nair for Men. Works pretty darn good along with my wifes bikini trimmer by remington.

  37. On Asian women, definitely unshaven pubes. I don’t even like shaven patches, and definitely don’t like Brazilian/landing strips (a la Sung Hi Lee).

    Diana Lee(-Hsu), in the May 1988 issue of Playboy, was the first nude Asian woman I ever saw and from that point on, Asian women have been my preference. At first, I thought Diane was partially shaved, but I later learned that the smaller patch was natural and I’ve been fascinated with Asian women ever since.

    I half-way agree with Doc — I don’t think the “pink” is at all attractive. A girl with just her pubes and nothing else below showing is more stimulating than a girl with nothing to hide.

    Where I disagree with Doc, however, is that I prefer the pubes to be there, especially with Asian women. Asians have such a special uniqueness about their pubes that to me, it’s very sad when they want to be so western that they shave it off. Their hair is so soft and silky smooth, it’s a real shame when it’s not there. I also love how it’s straight compared to other races.

    In comparison, western women’s pubes feels coarse (although there are times/ways that it can feel soft, but no where near as soft as Asian pubes). I don’t mind going down on the silky black Asian hair at all, and in fact, think of it as a privilege.

    A bare pubic area is almost as much of a turn-off for me as is showing everything.

    I think many Asian women can get away with not shaving (pubes, pits or even legs) because their hair is so fine that it barely shows, even though it’s black. Because of that, I don’t mind Asian girls who don’t shave — however, I don’t like western women who don’t shave.

    (Off topic, but thinking back, my interest in Asian women may go back even farther than Diana Lee’s Playboy spread: in the first grade, I had a Chinese “girlfriend” [as much of a “girlfriend” as an “Eww! Girls!” first grade boy can have]. I had encounters with her several times throughout my life even after changing classes and schools. I’ve always remembered her and I may have her to thank for my love of Asian women [“Sirens” ;)].)

  38. I think men reach a certain age in life—typically, well past 30—where they transcend seeking to wantonly please themselves sexually, into the realm of pleasing women, and the rewards inherent in that.

    For me, not going down on a women or bitching about how you don’t like it is simply, in a sense, to abdicate being a man. (Er, a straight man.)

    As men, once we stop admiring our own cocks so much, and start truly paying attention to women sexually, we begin to experience go time in ways we never imagined while trying to thrust some half-drunken coed unconscious.

    After you take the time to learn about and reflect on women’s anatomy, including some study of the G-spot, you’ll find that when you really start paying attention, you’ll learn to hit all the right points, and discover that when you give good, you get good. The formula is pretty simple.

    Of course, it’s not an exact science, there’s lot of exploration to be had. Learn to enjoy it. Once you begin to understand women’s sexual needs (for the record, you’ll never understand their mental needs), you will be the ruler of all you survey…between the sheets.

    Soldier up, Doc.

  39. I’ve heard in many Asian countries, women don’t neccesarily want oral sex from a man (considering it unclean) while the prostitution culture and pornography have socialized women to be willing to give felatio to men

  40. As I say above InactionHero, in my experience women have been VERY happy with my finger, such that they’ve never asked me to go down on them. As I also say above, if that is what they really want, I will do it, but I have the right to say what I like and what I don’t like here, don’t I?

    I also have to say that I don’t find Lily Koh’s pussy attractive – I dislike that dark discolouration many women have around their vaginas. If she has this, then it might be better for her to keep her pubes.

  41. Goodness, I managed to read all these posts so far. Had to take notes. 🙂

    Waxing is extremely cruel, for women and men. And, yes, I’ve heard of men doing it also. I would never do it!
    Nair, like arf says, seems to be a good product, heard about it and I still have to try it.

    Lawboy, that video was really terrible to watch, lol. White women have a lot of hair all over, they wax a lot. Luckily, asian women almost don’t have to shave, except their pussy (for me).

    I prefer a woman shaved or trimmed. Long hair is cute but I love going down and with long hair I just have a hard time doing it well… 🙂

    Like christine, I also relax my shaving routine when I don’t have a steady partner, but when I do, I enjoy shaving too. If I don’t like her hairs down my throat, I also want to make it easy for her to work on me. 😉 Plus, I really like the shaven look, makes me feel more virile.

    Yeah, Doc, I was shocked. You are not into pussies? You never admired a beautiful shaped pussy?
    Take a look at this, for example:
    What do you think? 🙂
    I just love admiring the uniqueness of a vagina, they are just so different, all of them. Waiting to be discovered and worked in their own special way too.

    But I agree on you that every woman has a different taste, just like every man. I’ve met women that didn’t like cunnilingus, they just couldn’t get aroused with it (and no, I wasn’t the problem, lol). Go figure…

    Regarding fingers, christine, you will sooner or later experience a handjob, same time as penetration, and then you can see how much you enjoy it… 😉
    I liked your abc routine, i’ll use that next time to see if I reach Z! 🙂

  42. I don’t believe the hair is important to stop things from getting out Doctor Lee… have you ever had to stop snot from running out the nose? Hair doesn’t stop blood from exiting the vagina! Hair doesn’t stop ANYTHING from leaving the eye.

    You are missing my point ArgonBuddha – I was just trying to explain why some people think having pubes is less clean (from their point of view) than not having them. Pubes will inevitably trap some of what comes out. As I also say though, they are obviously there for a reason, but I suspect that reaosn is now obselete if we wash ourselves regulary (and the absence of hair will theoretically allow a more thorough wash).

    I absolutely agree that many women from Asia these days do NOT want cunnilingus – that has been my experience.

  43. Actually, I should point out that I find uncurcumcised penises to be pretty gross as well. I guess there’s something about those flaps of skin that I really find distasteful.

  44. Arf, thanks. I’ve posted Reika on my blog a few times. That’s where I got the original photo. She’s super cute and that massive bush is actually a turn on for me. And yeah, she’s got one great rear-end and a killer set of little legs.

  45. I am speechless, daznlover, after seeing that shot. I love it with all my heart along with a few of Lily Koh’s pictures, thanks to kohme above. For me I think the southern asian women such as the philippinas and thai woman, can’t pull off having thick bushes as well as japanese or chinese woman. Here are a couple of my favorites from kohme’s collection above. Thanks kohme,you made my day.

  46. You said it BlueSkies. I think after reading the 40 or so posts and looking at all the amazing pictures, I’ve come to realize, I just love all the different styles of pubes and muffins the world has to offer.

  47. Mark me as liking them well-groomed. A landing strip looks great to me. Bare, or a smoothie as I call it, is OK, but I do like a little hair up on top to work with. For me, a full bush is just not attractive on any girl.

    I like girls to be well groomed, and that includes that area of the body. Its not a double standard, because I expect the same from myself. Looking like you take care of yourself is always a good thing.

  48. Wow you guys are getting a little into the TMI zone! That’s cool though, I love reading what you guys all have to say. Its all certainly very educational! Well for me, the “J” bush is way too extreme. I know they do that since an overexposed kitty is illegal (or something) in Japan, but I think its overkill. Give me a landing strip or give me death! For me, it looks better and it certainly feels better for both sides.

    Btw, how’s my “J” azz?

    JK! You don’t need to answer that! 😉

  49. Wow! So many comments!
    I’ve learned so much.

    On the Dr. Lee/Christina conversation:
    I find that the tongue is always most likely to produce undisguised and unmistakable ecstasy, but since true sexual pleasure is always mutual, there is no need for Doc to be disgusted because (as he knows) a finger can be a great source of pleasure. Christina has a lot to look forward to!

    Speaking to the original question (which was about beauty and style, not sexual pleasure), I vote (again) for what’s natural. Not only is silky smooth a wonderful feel, but the ornamentation is just right.


  50. oh my god, i reached the end of the comments!!! after a bloody half hour of reading and clicking links. anywho, i forget who said it 64 or so posts ago, but ALL OR NOTHING. I dont like those coarse little hairs, and the landing strip//other styles isnt attractive looking at all.
    Dr. Lee, I agree with you about the pink. I think pictures such as this (in the case of shaved):
    or the one above are far more attractive than those that arf posted.
    And Christine, you have sure divulged a lot of info here, and I will definitely remember that abcs trick.

  51. make sure the girl that you’re going down on is a little vocal, or at least encourage her to be vocal, so that way you can remember which letters she likes drawn on her clit the most. then you can just do those ones over and over and probably faster. guaranteed o.

  52. …HAHA maybe this trick got translated somehow for all of the men over in china, so you’ve got all of these chinese dudes doing all 1,000+ characters on a girl’s clitoris…uhh, no wonder that country’s been popping babies out like rabbits

  53. The pic jdrevenge links to is far more to my taste than anything else in this post – clean shaven, and not too close-up. This is the way I like to see them in photos – and about as much information as I need in real life. 😉

  54. this is like a step-by-step of what i think feels good put into a photoshop image, so maybe you guys can try it out on your girls, maybe explore and figure out the areas i’m talking about, and revise accordingly:

    oral guide

    i want to hear kim nguyen’s opinion! how does she like it done? more girls ought to speak up about this. i know you all are out there!!!

  55. So much material here, I’ve lost track. As to the specified topic, nothing geometric, angles are too porn looking.

    On thing that has one received indirect discussion but deserves greater emphasis, is that what many Asian women have going for them (at least Japanese/Korean/Chinese) is sometimes a wild bush that is at the same time also under control, no trimming required. Just about all the hair you might be able to find is on her coochie, wonderfully soft and straight, and not too much of it at all. So trimming is almost unnecessary.

    BlueSkies fluffy muffin is amazing. But that is an extreme, although fine, example of what I’m sayin.

  56. … it’s that there’s so little hair at all. I dated a Chinese girl who didn’t shave her smooth legs, she only had to pluck a few strays here and there with tweezers as needed!

    As the previous post and this show, Asian beauty has a lot to do with hair, public and private.

  57. wow..all this over pubes :)) i lost counts on the votes me out dazn :))…

    i think the purpose of pubic hair is that it acts as a dry lubricant not so much as for trapping nasties coming in and out….:))

    doc you need to get over your phobia of cunnilinus (sic) 🙂 and what is wrong with uncircumcised eh?…lets take a vote for the skin brothers…:))

  58. “dazn, for me that photo is quite honestly gross! :-)”
    doc you shocked me…that is very purdy :)) you have to get over your phobia brother:)) i guess i have my upper arms hang ups and doc has his pussy hang ups…:)

  59. Read most of these comments, and I must say: I am glad with the massive response!

    And agreed with Christine: we want to hear more of the girls! Hey, it’s your pubes we are discussing! 🙂

  60. I’m sorry, i”m stil recovering from that hot photo…

    I dated an Korean girl who had the full bush and dated a Japanese with the landing strip. I’ve also dated women with the laser treatment (hair free).

    All were fine by me. My Filipino wife asked me how I liked it best and she obliged. 🙂

  61. This is a great post, we even have step-by-step instructions to oral. 🙂
    Doc, no need to see that link from christine, I know you won’t appreciate it.
    And yes, I love them vocal, so I can press the same buttons later on so as to… oh you know.

    mshollyweird, another new girl here?

    LawBoy, I guess it’s even so far, for pubes and no-pubes.

  62. ‘And agreed with Christine: we want to hear more of the girls! Hey, it’s your pubes we are discussing! :-)’

    This last sentence is very misleading. :))

  63. my girl (Cambodian) just got it trimmed, which is fine for me!! she dont have that much anyways:P

  64. if it is long enough to comb, then its too long. yeah, this has to be a japanese thing with the jungle bush. maybe the japanese men are just into it, i dont know.

    for me, natural is fine and as long as its tamed then there is not a problem. i am two-sided on the clean shaven bit. for one thing, it can seem a little pervy. on the otherside it is nice to feel smooth skin, but then there is the stubble! like licking a cactus

    i dont like landing strips or otherwise bonzai-tree type stylings. and that goes for guys too. i mean, if you want your woman bare down there, then shouldn’t she have the right to expect the same? plus no hair on the nutsack adds to the sensitivity of it. but the grow back is fierce! for both men and women, once you start you really cannot stop and it is not a fun addiction to feed.

  65. First off, E.J. Masuda, from what I can see you have a very fine Japanese ass although I could only fully judge it without a thong! 😉

    Secondly, it is good to hear from the female perspective so thanks to Christine for jumping in right away and paving the way.

    Thirdly, I have come around to the belief that as far as “hair or bare” that some women look better with it one way while others look better “naturel”. It is more a matter of style just like some women look better with short hair while others look better with long hair.

    Fourth, I have heard reports that Japanese women tend to not shave down there so it is not just because of censors. I think the fact that it hides the vagina from direct view makes Japanese women feel more comfortable being nude at public baths. I grew up with Playboy before shaving came into vogue so I guess I don’t mind the mystery.

    Fifth, I think if you try to view the vagina in the same way that Georgia O’Keefe did that they are beautiful just like her paintings of flowers with certain femine characteristics. What I don’t find particularly appealing is the wide open gynecological views.

    Lastly, as far as the vagina being unclean, it is probably cleaner than the mouth so anyone who thinks that should consider refraining from kissing!

  66. wow…from all the comments, i so glad doc is so liberal about the participations :))….cool 🙂

  67. Bush, Strip, No Bush.. Its all good to me. As long as the area is well cleaned and taken care of I have no problems.

  68. I’m being relatively liberal with this post because of the subject matter – I wouldn’t normally allow a lot of the comments here anywhere else.

    badboy – I think you have a very good point. I think it does depend on the individual women as to which style looks better for her.

    And dazn – I did very much enjoy that link from Christine. Not because of the pic, but because of the captions. Damn that girl is funny! 🙂

  69. arf, growing up about 1/4 of my classmates were from Vietnam, Camobodia, and Laos. Then I moved to the ‘burbs when I was 16 where everyone was whiter than white and looked like they stepped off the set of 90210. The good news is this area has since become much more culturally diverse.

  70. I had to steal this picture up top – This girl is so damn beautiful.

    Her hair is perfect. Those breasts are perfect. That body is perfect… and that pubic hair…looks like SNARF.

    I can’t stop thinking of her face.

  71. What in the world is SNARF? Sounds like a stuffed animal from someones childhood. Just not a good name for some hot girls pubes.

  72. daznlover: Hey I was on here a while ago thanks to good ol’ Badboy! 🙂

    Badboy: Awww thank you, you are too sweet! 😉

    xiphus101: Thank you! 🙂 I’m Japanese w/a teeny tiny bit of Russian.

  73. Damn I can’t believe that this topic has brought about so much discussion; 100 posts in about 2 days. I’ll have to go back and read all of these posts.

    I hate the shaved look. I hate the excessive hairy bush that most Japanese women have where it looks like Snarf is living in their vage. (Snarf was a furry creature on the cartoon Thundercats). All I ask is to keep it trim and don’t make any crazy shapes out of the pubic hair because it looks ridiculous.

  74. mshollyweird, you should change your URL, because your name shows the ‘members’ URL and then we need to click another link to get to your real page. Or maybe you just want the persistent guys to reach your page… 🙂

    You look great, with almost perfect measures too, AS should feature you someday. Nice exotic mix.

    Btw, how did you appear in Grey’s Anatomy? I’m curious.

  75. I almost lost my breakfast going through the posts and looking at some of the pics that were posted.

    The vagina is the bomb, but not one of my favorite items to see close up. I hate it in explicit photography where the photographer feels the need to get all close up and show the birth canal of the woman that they are photographing. I don’t need to see all of that.

    When it comes to Asian women, my attention is focused on other areas, especially the eyes. The vagina would be like 6th or 7th on things to look at.

    What I do want to see is some hair because women are supposed to have some pubic hair. Sung Hi Lee is my perfect example of what I like to see. The shaved look looks juvenile and the massive bush is scary son.

    I wouldn’t force my personal preference on a woman in most cases because it’s her body so she can do whatever she wants with it. Just don’t expect me to go downtown if it doesn’t look presentable.

  76. Well, I’m very glad to see that there are some other heterosexual men who don’t like explicit pussy close-ups!

    And dazn, we have fetured E.J. – twice. Please do a search on “E.J. Masuda” on the left. I must say I am becoming trired of people telling us we should feature so and so when they can’t even be bothered to do a simple site search!

  77. Ok, Doc, search done and I’ll keep that in mind. Don’t get mad, it’s my first ‘search’ strike. 🙂
    Gonna absorb those E.J. threads now…

  78. We had a bit of a typhoon here in Tokyo so I haven’t had time to keep up with this very interesting, to everyone obviously, topic.
    Again I must say that the loveliness of a natural Japanese bush is unsurpassed! I would never call any pubes on view here as massive, none of them are unruly or growing up the belly or out onto the thighs. Although I know some men love shaggy, hirsute women, it’s not my cup of tea, but I don’t think a natural Japanese bush is anything like that. The beauty is in the long black hair in a prefect natural triangle against their milky white skin.
    I agree with Inaction Hero about pleasing a woman, doing whatever it takes, and enjoying it yourself I might add, is the sign of a mature man. If your worried about getting hair down your throat you’re doing something wrong. You’re not supposed to be chewing on their pubs. Study Christina’s post boys! That being said Larry David does have a hysterical episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” dealing with his wife’s pubic hair being caught in his throat.
    I can’t agree with this talk about asian women not liking to get oral sex, if any woman you’re sexually active with is shy, reluctant or thinks it’s unclean it’s because they’ve bought into the male bullshit about it being “dirty”, “smelly” or “ugly” down there. Enlighten them… and yourself at the same time because you’re missing out on one of the joys and wonders life has to offer us.
    If, “pornography have socialized women to be willing to give felatio to men”, as ArgonBuddha says, than it behooves men to be socialized by pornography too!
    I like the, ” …hair is a subconscious sign that she is FERTILE and capable of Childbearing.” insight too ArgonBuddha. I think that’s a major aspect of it’s sexiness for me.
    I do blame pornography for all these ridiculous pubic hairstyles!!!

  79. Doc, no offense, but I find your early remarks on this, “I guess it is a little too ‘unclean’ for me down there (hence my preference for clean shaven). It usually doesn’t smell too good to me down there either. Still, I really don’t think vaginas are usually very attractive to look at, even on just a purely visual level.” ,very telling about what you find attractive in an asian woman.
    Your preference for what you see as perfection, even if it surgically created, seems to me related to the above statement. Again I don’t mean this in an attacking or negative way at all, it’s just my observation that you seem, like many men, uncomfortable with the “nuts and bolts” of sexuality and prefer the externally “perfect” form instead. Early childhood experiences, psychologists tell us, profoundly influence and help to form a person’s basic personality, especially as it relates to our sexual preferences and peccadilloes. What we find as sexy or disgusting, dirty or Dirty. Sounds like another great topic to me.
    In any case bless you for what you’ve created with this site, where else on the web would one hear such insightful and humorous, not to mention hot, discourse on pubic hair?

    Off topic but… Quantum Force is onto another great topic when he is looking back in his post on when and why he was first attracted to Asian women. Has Asian Sirens ever done a topic like that? I wonder if it would more posts than “Pubes”?

    Again, for the record, the only bald pussy I want to see is,

  80. Actually, in this case I think I much prefer the vaginal variety of shaved pussy myself. 😉

    And I am not offended by what you say, as I think there is some truth in it. I’ve found that I am not as obsessed with the physical act of sex as most men, and I am often happy just to admire a woman’s beauty. I guess that’s why I work on a site like AS!

  81. Spoken like a true Gentlemen Doc!

    Thanks Robin, I thought I’ve seen it talked about here somewhere.

  82. Wow, hot topic. First of all, I wouldn’t say Megumi has a massive amount of pubic hair….it’s just that she doesn’t trim what she does have.
    Most Asian girls’ pubic hair will grow pretty long if not trimmed, creating the illusion of a thick bush.
    Oh, my personal preference is shaved smooth. It’s more practical for my purposes.

  83. Part of the illusion of volume is because of the hair’s straightness.

    My Spooky: agreed with all you said!

    I’ve been with many Asian women of a number of nationalities and they all adored receiving oral. With some, that was what they liked about me best, but that’s another story.

    Yes! The Curb Your Enthusiasm Xmas show. Larry has his wife’s hair stuck in the back of his throat for days. He keeps making these awful sounds in attempts to dislodge it. He alienates his wife’s family by eating their cookie shaped like the baby Jesus (“I thought it was a monkey!”). To make it up to them he hires a live nativity scene from a church to the house. He keeps making the noise in front of them, explaining the source, & makes an off-color remark to Joseph re the hotness of Mary & her alleged virginity. This offends & angers Joseph, they set to fighting, & then his wife & her family appear. Priceless!

  84. This is why I like Thai women – they like to shave or keep it very closely trimmed.

    Don’t get me wrong – I love J-girls too, I just like a clear path to where I am going. 🙂

  85. I dont mind it either way as long as it is naturally confined to a small area and isnt spreading like kudzu down the inside of the thighs or up towards the belly button.

  86. “Don’t get me wrong – I love J-girls too, I just like a clear path to where I am going. :)”

    get lost in the forest often Bill? 🙂

  87. LawBoy… Cute… 🙂

    It is not getting lost in the forest that worries me (in fact I love getting lost down there), but it is choking on the underbrush that gets annoying. As others have mentioned.

  88. I sometimes take the hairs and stick them in my front teeth like floss to show off to my friends like my trophies. How about you guys.

  89. Ooops! I forgot I said that earlier. I was just joking of course. I hope that didn’t push the limit on the asian-sirens policy down below…:) (Hey look, notice my smiley face back there) Also, I’m still amazed at the number of comments on this topic. It certainly is one of my all time favorites for sure. Cause I love pubes or the lack thereof.

  90. i am a 52 year old man and grew up never seeing a clean shaven area until the last few years. I really enjoy the look and texture of the hair and the way it tickles my nose

  91. Hello everybody, I had to backtrack and take gander at Megumi Osawa’s glorious pubes in that top picture. What a fantastic Japanese bush she has, makin me wish I was somewhere else right now instead of home. I do believe I’m going to hell when I die. But I just can’t resist the Japanese bush.

  92. I hadn’t noticed that this thread had continued so much.

    Anyway, I asked my girlfriend how she felt about oral sex and her response was “not receiving it, is a deal-breaker in a relationship.” LOL

    Fortunately, it’s not a problem. 😉

  93. The thing that’s great about women is their infinite variety.
    There are subtle differences among white, black, Asian, Native American women but all are hot in their own right.
    Thus it is with pussies. Some are nice because they’re hairy. Some are nice because they’re trimmed, others because they’re bald. Even the same woman can be like two women if she lets it grow for a while, then shaves it off at times.
    As for the physical attraction of a vagina, again the variety makes them all hot in their own way. Some are small and tight (the best, I must say), others have protruding lips, dark outsides, bright pink insides. Fantastic!
    It also can be very hot for a girl to have armpit hair. It shows that she’s confident in herself without having to conform to society’s “ideal.”
    In all cases, it’s important for both women and men to clean up for sex — so they can get dirty and shower themselves clean again.
    Finally, I love the photos of Megumi. Would love to bury my face in that and see how wet she could get.

  94. they are all great from hairy to bald and everything in between…

    It should be ladies choice, and we should enjoy the variety…..

    Just make sure the little man in the boat stays happy

  95. Too many people brainwashed by American porn. Real women have hair down there. 2nd Graders don’t.

    Pubic hair never used to be a problem. It was actually appreciated and seen as sexy and beautiful. Men knew that they were with a woman she removes her panties and he could see a nice fluff on her crotch.

    Unfortunately the day came when Male Porn Directors and Male photographers wanted to change the styles so they (male directors) decided to have women shave it. Since PORN is so main stream, it sets the TREND. And of course this trend came from Men’s “visual” fantasy first.
    I’m a man, and I like REAL women with Hair down below. I don’t want a 2nd grader look-a-like.
    Men need to stop being mind controled by the “SUPERFICIAL” world of porn. It’s superficial just like make up.
    And I’m surprised at the “strong, confident women” out there. Because I would think that, since they don’t care about what men think, that they would leave it as it is.

    Long live pubic hair. Fuck the Superficial porn industry that has tainted so many men’s minds.

    Asian women, and any other women….keep your body womanly and don’t shave your pubic hair. It is there for a reason.

  96. Ditto. Another reason why I vastly prefer porn from Taiwan & Japan. Another reason for my preference is that spitting does not seem to have invaded Asian porn as an “erotic” (wtf?!) element.
    Slight correction: the actual origin of shaving was GAY porn. Then it spread to straight porn, then to the mainstream masses.

    MrSukebe (Japanese for pervert): best…A/S handle…ever!

  97. I have never seen an Asian girl as hairy as the one linked to above. I think she would be fun though.

  98. @Link: Oh sorry, i should have given a warning here. 😛

    Well, since i see these girls much from a romantic point of view rather than sexual, i would need to have these close-ups here. I might sound strange but the combination of their hair in contrast to their smooth skin is somehow amazing. Also the straight style of the hair – no matter where it grows is cute. I personally would never ask such a girl to shave.

    But besides that, i would fall in love not because of such things but her charm and exotic face anyway. Of course, everything’s a matter of each own’s taste. 🙂

  99. First of all, I definitely prefer a nice, thick bush. Now, when I say that, I mean neatly trimmed around the edges – but I do love it hairy. Basically, the way redlaw put it.

    “I dont mind it either way as long as it is naturally confined to a small area and isnt spreading like kudzu down the inside of the thighs or up towards the belly button.”

    However, I also agree with what SherBo said. Whatever the lady’s preference is, I won’t complain.

    Also, I definitely agree with all who said close ups and pink shots are distasteful. It’s a major turn-off for me to see a woman prying her lips open and showing me the inside of her birth canal. That’s just gross.

    I also COMPLETELY agree with what MrSukebe said about shaved pussy being brainwashed into men as a standard expectation of women and the mark of a true woman is her hairy muff.

    As for me… thank God for natural, thick, beautiful hairy pussy.

  100. I *assume* that less hair is more sanitary, and easier to manage during menstruation. As a guy, I don’t mind pubic hair so long as it’s trimmed for convenience as I like to have my face there. Shaving is unnecessary, it causes razor burn and sometimes boils and scars. Waxing becomes painful if not done regularly. My suggestion to men who have a problem with pubic hair is stop complaining about it and find a girl who hates it as much as you do.

    My suggestion to women is, if it bothers you try trimming instead of shaving/waxing, you’ll regret it when it itches/burns. If you’re not sexually active then don’t maintain unless for sanitary reasons. I know a girl who doesn’t and people can smell her time of the month. If you are sexually active, please trim if you want someone to go down on you. Getting poked in the eye/nostril and picking coarse hair off the tongue though manageable is not sexy.

  101. I like a pretty or good looking girl’s pubic hair up against my face. I don’t mind having a girl with a forest. NICE BUSH!!!

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