Kana Mayhem


Kana Mayhem is a new model that has posed for a few magazines and at import car shows. While she doesn’t do nude photography (sorry boys) she did star in Playboy TV’s Badass, where women perform stunts and tricks naked. Hopefully the video below is properly embedded. It’s the entire PlayboyTV Badass episode, but Kana’s parts are not until about 1/3rd of the way in. She was also in a video called Camp Playboy


Age: 26
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: ?
Located: LA










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0 thoughts on “Kana Mayhem”

  1. Normally I don’t like her type, but she’s got something about her that I find very attractive. Her and I could have some fun on the remedial snowboarding slope.

  2. I like the shot of her on her knees; something about her eyes, the lips and the small beauty spot, there.Oh and the blonde hair which suits her.
    But I do feel she looks like a plastic doll in the hammock shot.
    Tacky tats too.

  3. Looks pretty nude to me in that hammock unless she’s wearing the world’s tiniest thong/g-string. She does look better than with blonde hair than most Asian ladies I’ve seen.

  4. Too bad about the nasty tats. The body is very nice – perfect implant size for her frame. Great eyes.

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