Jocelyn Caballero (May 13, 1979) is a cute little Canadian who was featured in several special editions of Playboy as well as on the cover of “Flesh” magazine. She also holds many bikini titles in Winnipeg, Canada. There is not much info on Jocelyn but you can find some tidbits and pictures at venusmodelsearch.com, ujena.com and sportcompact.ca. One of her Playboy pictorials can be found at sinfulcurves.com.
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I don’t like the red highlights, but apart from that a fabulous and very exotic looking girl (Filipina/Spanish/Chinese, what a combination!). She has a sensational stomach too (says Asian Sirens’ resident stomach fetishist!).
And good to see you posting regularly again Marco – hopefully you can keep ’em coming until I have time to post again next month. 😉
such highlights were popular a few years ago, so probably those aren’t recent pix.
Would this girl pass Doc’s test? (that tat has to be scratched off, by the way. whatever it takes), Filipina/Hawaiian/polynesian? her website is still incomplete…
Not really my taste I’m afraid. I don’t want to offend anyone by using that ‘p’ word, but you know what I mean (I’m still looking for an alternative word that won’t offend anyone).
This is a great site. Have you heard of ImaginAsian TV? http://www.iatv.tv
Thank you for sharing.
I don’t know how to send a message to the site owner, but you should check out Amazin Lethi from US/UK http://www.amazinlethi.com HOT! Viet/Chinese
Will check it out Saigon, thanks!
Amazin is the first Vietnamese female body builder I’ve ever seen – very interesting!
Yeah Marco, nice to see you posting during weekdays now also. I feel like I have vacation! 😉
Don’t count on me too much, I’m still too busy and actually shouldn’t be here 😉
Very Nice body……
Btw, can someone tell me who did the photoshoot of Jocelyn Caballero for Playboy? Could be Kim Mizuno but I haven’t heard from him in months…
I think the Playboy shots are actually the worst ones here – I would expect better from Kim.
PB Daily Double 10-30-06

So that’s who this babe is! I’ve been wondering ever since I saw her so long ago.
Obvious fakers but a nice tight package overall (very Kobe-ish!). She would be amazing in harcore 😛 And she’s Canadian! Score another one for the red, white and…well, just red and white.
doc…what is the P word? 🙂
Primitive. At least one of our readers was offended by me describing models’ appearance in this way, but I still don’t know of a non-offensive synonym. Do you?
primitive? maybe too ethnic? i think of primitive like a cavewoman or something. i prefer a look that is somewhat a little less ethnic…no offense to anyone here but you guys know the bar girl look either thailand or phillipine?..too ethnicky for me. exotic is different but i can see how doc could see this girl as being too ethnic 🙂
yikes, i just saw the vietnamese body builder…not my taste at all…looks like she can kick my ass and make me beg for more:)
I think calling some one ‘too ethnic’ carries racist conotations, although obviously many people view ‘primitive’ that way too. Still looking for a good synonym…
Doc — it’s still vague. What do you find “P-word” about this model? Skin? Face? Cookie-cutter-ness? Perhaps that would help us define the word you seek.
Is there a perfect female to you Dr.? If so, please post her!
Maybe by the P word you mean something like having some Native looks? Pure filipina?
Well there are all sorts of tastes. Some like mixed, some don’t. She’s mixed but she still have strong philippines traits, that’s for sure.
hard to explain huh doc?…how about she just doesnt look as good to put it bluntly….:)
I know what my P-word is….and it ends with ‘ussy’! 🙂 Jocelyn’s p-word is definitely to my lickin…um…liking! 😛
K4K..i knew you were going to say that:)…i think that’s everyone here on this board P word:)
An extreme example of what I mean by ‘primitive’ (too much for my taste) is Aluna – Adam used the word ‘tribal’, which I don’t think is any better! Basically, it means exactly what it says: the sort of features we associate with this word (dark skin, edgy and prominent features etc.). It isn’t necessarily a bad thing (and can be very sexy on the right girl), but it is quite distinct from the soft, delicate features and white skin of true orientals.
if we are going to talk about “tribal” or primitive or for me ethnic…i think the best example of what i would consider acceptable is Tiara…she has both the ethnic look…dark skin, large eyes, and full lips…very tribal like Adam says…reminds me of girls from an exotic island somewhere. but some are a tad too much, but given Adam’s talent he can bring out the best of the their features…..love Tiara:)
Yes, I agree: Tiara is a very attractive and sexy example of this type.
Jocelyn Caballero
new pbcc set
sex-081 15 pics
pbcc daily double 9/26/07
Jocelyn Caballero & Janis Terrell
Maybe this girl here is one of my all time faves…along with a few others of course. Here’s a set I just found and now love.
Don’t you mean “along with a few hundred others”?
🙂 Yeah Doc…that sounds about right. I’m not too picky.
Isn’t there a video that went along with this set?