Jessica R. – Hapa Time


One of our readers contacted us about Jessica, who is a graphic designer and web editor from the Bay Area. She also her own personal blog called Hapa Time which is devoted to fashion, beauty, art, and photography. Jessica is also half Japanese/Caucasian, and is one the most beautiful half-Asians that I have seen in a while, so make sure that you check out her blog, especially if you are into fashion.









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0 thoughts on “Jessica R. – Hapa Time”

  1. LOLLLL! Thanks for this feature, though I never expected to be on a site where girls show off their boobs… But hey also thanks to the 2 commenters above. To the anon, my boyfriend is no tool, he is a damn awesome, smart, funny, buff, sexy RUSSIAN gamer and you’re just jelly!

  2. Well, Jess, your boyfriend is one lucky dude (tool? – what, hammer, saw, screwdriver – I don’t get that one.) Besides being gorgeous, you seem to have a nice sense of humor about the posting here. Good luck in your career.

  3. Thanks guys! dbldipper – just check out for all your street talk lingo Q’s πŸ™‚

  4. Cute girl, long legs, great lips. Her best photos are where her face looks triangular vs oval.

    She should take the Kris Allen of American Idol school of winning and kill any mention of relationships or marital status on her blog.. her hits will double within 60 days. If not, she can always add them back in.

    She has a unique look. If I was her I’d kill the belt on the olive mickey mouse buttoned shorts and make her boyfriend throw away those plaid pants.

  5. Welcome to Asian Sirens Jess! To be honest I was a little concerned you may not like being featured here, so I’m glad you like it!

    Also, I’m not just being nice when I say this: I think you are one of the most gorgeous women we’ve ever featured. Your face is the perfect blend of east and west, and your body appears flawless – although I’d like to see more just to be sure. πŸ˜‰

  6. BTW Jess, how did you find out about this article so quickly? I guess there was a massive spike in your traffic stats?

    Anyway, perhaps you can consider modelling swimwear on your blog. πŸ™‚

  7. I really don’t think I can add anything to what the Doc or longtack said. However, as the father of a half-Asian daughter, I’m not going to be making my usual plea for more skin:-(

  8. Thank you all!

    Dr. Lee – Thank you so much! And yes a huge spike in traffic!

    Can’t say I am going to show more skin, at least til summer. I think you can tell my target audience isn’t really guys anyways. And just a thought: if you do like my blog, I’d really appreciate if you Google Friend Connect on the right sidebar, rather than bookmarking it! πŸ™‚

  9. You are most welcome Jess. And if you do decide to show more skin, we’ll do a follow-up article – as you’ve already seen, there’s nothing like an Asian Sirens feature to give your traffic a boost. πŸ™‚

    Oh, and we have a lot of female readers too BTW – it isn’t just men who appreciate a beautiful woman! Plus I try to keep AS female friendly, by making sure the boys behave themselves. πŸ˜‰

  10. What a beautiful girl, captivating smile. And kudos for having the confidence and humor to be on AS.

  11. wow, it’s not normal a person is this perfect. Probably the best find on Asian Sirens to date. Kudos Candyman.

    hey Jess what’s your height?

  12. Well, 22 comments, now 23, is quite an indication of Jessica’s appeal. About 10% of the Sirens get one look from me, about 85% get two or more looks, and then there is Jessica…up to 37 looks and counting…

  13. Really beautiful with an amazing sense of style; something I can really appreciate. The variety of looks you put together just on this page alone is really great; sophisticated, modern, and sexy!

    I’m sure with your professional background, your fashion sense and natural good looks, you could be huge in the media or fashion world!

  14. Lovely Jessie’s got a boat load of class
    She doesn’t show tits; doesn’t show ass.
    Being here she’s OK
    Our fears did allay
    She’s shown that she’s got lots of brass.

    She’s got a Russian boyfriend named Vlad*
    Who favors shorts colored in plaid
    If I’m not mistaken
    I’m sure that she’s taken
    Really great for her; for us just so sad.

    In truth, this is a very tough crowd
    Very few girls leave us totally wowed.
    Not a dissenting voice
    She’s everyone’s choice
    Even Doc is left all unbowed.

    For her beauty there has been no par
    Maybe AS will make her a star
    Her field is high fashion
    She’ll pursue with a passion
    We think that she’ll go really far.

    *OK, so it’t probably not Vlad. But I live near a huge Russian community and it seems like half the men are named Vlad. Besides, try and rhyme with Sergey or something.

  15. I’d be totally smitten to learn that she occasionally eats at Scoma’s on Fisherman’s Wharf. Tourist restaurant, I know, but I love the lazy man’s cioppino with a big basket of sourdough bread. Yeah, there’s a ton of great restaurants in SF, but if I’m there and want a big tub of comfort food, that soup is tough to beat.

  16. Bet you didn’t think you’d be serenaded by poetry here, hey Jess? Nice work as always dbldipper. πŸ™‚

    Oh, and it really is very unusual for a girl to get such a universally positive reception here, which I think is an objective demonstration of just how gorgeous you actually are.

  17. Ooooh! Beautiful long and delightful. Second shot from the bottom with the glasses, red top and black fishnets is pretty nice.

  18. Haha oh man you guys are just overwhelming me with kindness! I really love the fact you all have something so nice to say, it means a lot!

    His name is Mike, short for Mikhail.. haha.

    I’m only 5’4″ :X

    The poem was amazing, thank you πŸ™‚

    I hardly go to SF, unfortunately so no… haven’t been to Scomas but I’ll be sure to check it someday.

    Thanks again everyone πŸ™‚

  19. naaaa Doc, we are only saying nice things because we know she is reading our comments! Fortunately, we don’t have to say anything negative about her.
    Except arf – he says nice things about every woman πŸ˜‰

  20. There’s always hot chicks in California. Usually rich parents produces a hot girl or boy. Very interesting how that is.

  21. Oh yeah! She is the prettiest girl I’ve seen in Asian Sirens. Natural girl next door type like Jessica Alba.

  22. Hey Jess, where do you get your good looks from? Your Mother? And your sisters must be stunners too??

  23. Yes Quyen, that’s something I’ve always found interesting too. I guess it comes down to the fact that the richest men can usually get the hottest wives.

  24. Dr. Lee – That is very true. The family have the money to afford the best skin care, best food, clothes, maybe personal trainer, at home gym, doctors, and etc.

  25. But wouldn’t it be true to say that the most ‘visible’ are these children who are now models? I always imagined California to be full of aspiring models. Which leads to such generalisations? I’m sure there are many more who don’t have such looks and are rendered ‘invisible’.

  26. @longtack: I think there’s no question that if you go to a wealthy neighbourhood, the people will be a lot more attractive on average than in a poor one. Of course, part of that is because they can afford to look good (good grooming, clothing, makeup etc.), but I feel there is more to it than that. And as Quyen alludes to, it is easier for the rich to be healthy: healthy foods are usually more expensive, plus health care costs, gym costs etc.

  27. @doc. I totally agree with what you say, but I think you are missing my point. Saying that “always hot chicks in California” is a generalisation based on them being highly visible – in the media and ‘working out’ and ‘being seen’. We tend not to see the unfit ones or if we do, we quickly forget them.

  28. Funny conversation guys, I agree with a few points! And thanks of course! My sisters are lovely πŸ™‚ Oh and if we were rich my mom wouldn’t drive a 25 year old Grand Marquis that can’t seem to pass the smog test. ha ha.

  29. I liked her blog about driving with the heater on and windows down, in cold/freezing weather it is the perfect combo. I keep trying to tell people.
    She is gorgeous, I would have guessed taller which is testament to her being very nicely proportioned. While I respect the decision to not do nudity let’s hope for more sexy outfits and poses πŸ˜‰

  30. Red top, hair up in the highway is best pic.

    Its a little Audrey-esque plus extra points for taking it all with good humor, I missed her visit earlier.

    PS, cars 25 years and older are exempt from Smog in Cali.

    PSS, I see Amazing Race in your & Vlads future.

  31. No, no, no Luke. Nice sentiment but we want Jess to seriously reconsider doing some nude work. The world is missing out on seeing her gorgeous body.

  32. @Jess: the term “rich” is very relative – I’m not just talking about Wall Street bankers here. πŸ™‚ If you can buy enough upmarket clothing to do a fashion blog, you’re doing pretty well compared to most.

  33. Yup. I like how modest Jess is. haha

    Dr. Lee – Note that the standard of living in California is pretty high compared to other states. New York ranked #1 while Cali #2.

    I think I have a new fashion inspiration where I can get some ideas on outfits. lol

  34. What a beautiful woman. And a good writer, too. Good luck to you, Jess. There’s no reason to wish your bf luck. He already struck it rich.

  35. Jess, do you buy ALL the clothing you model on your blog? Or do you do a deal with retailers to advertise their products? Seems that if you don’t do that, you might be missing an opportunity. But then (shhhhh) you’d have to keep that fact a little hidden fom your readers to maintain some sort of ‘cred’ as a blogger who while loving and showing off fashionable items, has to ‘buy’ them (online) like everyone else.

  36. Ahem! No nude work… ever. Sorry to burst the bubble, but the most skin will be, if any, from bikini shots ha ha ha.

    And oops, thought the car was as old as I, its 23…. my sister says.

    Thanks you so much – Luke, The Collector, Quyen and ProfAbe.

    As for the last question, yes I have and do in fact buy everything I wear. I started blogging late November. So barely got my foot in the door at this point! But in the last 2 weeks I WAS contacted by 2 sponsors, so I’m really excited about that. πŸ™‚

  37. Wow! that’s good!!!
    Jess – may I ask….where do you get your leather jacket? I’ve been looking for something like that for a while.

  38. beautiful girl, mixed girls are almost always the most stunning. Funny and sweet too, though I do of course prefer the bad girls:)

    California is filled with beautiful women, some of whom are born here, many who come for one reason or another. It’s true there are plenty of regular folks too, but probably in comparison to most places the ratio is much better, only place I can remember being close is Miami. I live in a nice neighborhood in the San Gabriel valley where there are endless amount of asians of all types. While there are more beautiful girls in the better cities, even the poorer areas have plenty of stunners they just don’t have the means to dress or show as nice.

  39. If I may chime in, Jessica really is an extraordinarily beautiful young lady… there is some excellent DNA flowing through these veins. She may be’s greatest find of all time. You aren’t going to find this girl selling posters at an import car show. Her blog is extremely well written. Wish a girl with such good taste would also comment on mens fashion—maybe the young guys would wear something other than a T-Shirt and baggy jeans with some encouragement from someone with as much style as Jessica. Lastly, I want to confirm slackerking’s report on the amazing women of the SGV where I also live (South Pas).

  40. Thank you guys!! Quyen, I don’t have any real motorcycle jackets, and the one I’m wearing with my Jetty Betty colorblock dress is not leather, and I got it for about $25!

    As for men’s style, I like Johannes Huebl’s style, he is a German male model dating Olivia Palermo. Classic, sexy and clean cut, perfect πŸ™‚

  41. So, bikini shots then? I think i can handle that!! It’s nice to find a girl who’s such a great sport. She doesn’t seem high maintenance at all, which is definitely a plus.

  42. Oh Jess, I was reading a China Daily article yesterday about social media being used to market fashion. Tommy Hilfiger (Andrew Charles) mentioned Facebook Tumblr and Twitter as well as mainstream media ads to promote Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) inspired range. I think you might be on to something with your fashion blog and getting interested sponsors.

  43. I have a couple of second cousins that are mixed and one of them looks a little like this model. I never had any biological children, but I’ve always thought that if I were to have kids, I would prefer to have had one with someone with darker skin than myself.

    The rationale for this is because the kids born from Asian/White mixes tend to marry someone Whiter than themselves, but if you have kids with a darker person, the children would probably more likely marry someone Asian or darker, which would continue the exotic flavor.

    Being Asian means that we will probably always be around, but in this country the tendency of the ethnic people tends towards an eventual Whitening out, which is good mostly, but then you lose your connections with your roots.

  44. lol! ^^

    Yeah I wouldn’t say I’m high maintenance πŸ™‚

    and longtack – fashion blogging is a lot huger the more I look into it! very exciting and fun to be a part of πŸ™‚

    and my roots… are American haha

  45. I agree. I think you might be getting her mixed up with someone else Stripes.
    Although you did say ‘vibe-wise’ which probably doesn’t mean looks. Maybe you need to explain the ‘vibe’ you are getting.
    But then you also used Bay Area goddess, (and Jess qualifies there both geographically and her beauty) which might explain it. Yes/no?

  46. oh and haha yes’s most probably gotten huger since that article I mentioned. It was from late 2010!! Just catching up on my reading lol!
    Funny you should mention your ‘roots’. In Australia there’s an animal called a wombat (kroos, doc, back me up and sorry dipper and fellow Americans)…it eats roots and leaves. boom boom!

  47. What a beauty . I don’t often comment here on Asian Sirens but in this case I will make an exception. Jess is are one of the most beautiful ladies I’ve seen here. And since I’m an avid rider of my Harley Davidson motorcycle
    [ also a sportster model] well you know which pics of her I like the most.


    “Vibe-Wise”…meaning just a mellow,effortless kinda’ graceful demeanor comes through.No real physical resemblance…and certainly no career affiliation. πŸ™‚

  49. @Asian Panty Lover, I hope you mean you are very attracted to Jess and would like to meet and get to know her better?

  50. Thanks Doc for supporting my comment. I thought I might have been verging on inciting APL.
    Your point about the possibility that Jess may read APL’s comment and be offended, ought not to be an excuse for readers making crass, vulgar comments about any model on the basis they may read such comments.
    In that case, what is ‘rude’ according to the posting guidelines?

  51. Yes, I think this sort of comment is certainly borderline rude – perhaps I should be deleting them. If there’s any way I can express our moderation policy succinctly, I guess I can say this: just imagine the model herself will be reading your comments, and act accordingly.

  52. Yeah, that’s not a bad rule to adopt. While some of us might ‘think’ along the same lines as what APL had published, it’s another thing to actually express that secret thought for public consumption.
    It’s akin to the idea of going up to a woman and saying “I want to F%$K you!”
    It’s not socially acceptable.
    Blame the anonymity of the web I guess and the ability to say what you think without too much censoring, but I think AS would be right to uphold its principles of respect for the women we love to ogle.
    If only other websites could follow that lead!

  53. Jess, enjoy the fact that some of us are trying to defend your honour! πŸ˜‰
    But it’s nice to know you are broadminded.

  54. I’m pretty broadminded too, especially about pretty broads.

    OMGIWTHT!! was the code we were supposed to use, as I recall.

  55. hahaha thats no code!!
    eezy ->

    And thanks longtack and Dr. Lee, I do appreciate it πŸ™‚

  56. Jess is definitely a lovely and classy addition to the Asian Sirens lineup (and obviously popular!). Nice to see she apparently enjoys the give-and-take here, too! I also appreciate the efforts to keep the comments well moderated – from my experience with message boards, definitely a necessity.

  57. I don’t like her…she took a Hawaiin word and rewrote it to fit her needs….and refuses to listen to one who lives Hawaiian Nei….

  58. LOL i KNEW “QueMan” was somehow linked to Asian Sirens. Thanks for saying I am a disgrace and shame on me for calling myself “happa”. its HAPA with one H by the way and stop leaving me comments on my About Me about it because I’m not going to approve them. Quite frankly, you’re harrassing me “divermike”

  59. Apparently it’s more than a case of simply not liking Jess.
    Nobody likes harrassment. Or cyber-stalkers! Luckily, with the system AS has that sort of thing can be nipped in the bud easily. Find and block the IP.

  60. Okay DiverMike: not liking Jess is fine, but harassing her is something else altogether. I hereby warn you that I have IP records of everyone who posts on Asian Sirens, and I know how to use them should it ever be required. If you continue to harass Jess, I will assist her in taking whatever action she feels necessary to stop it. You have been warned.

  61. thanks longtack and dr. lee!

    as for the ‘hapa’ i did mean it with one p, as i wrote, and i was referring to how queman/divermike spelled it as with 2 p’s. but i checked and ‘happa’ is also correct but less common. so nevermind πŸ™‚

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