The cheerleading squads in the Nippon Baseball League are much larger than those of their Korean counterparts and their routines are more elaborately choreographed. Watching the official cheerleaders for the Orix Buffaloes, the “Bs Dreams” in action (above) is evidence of that.
EDIT: The above video has been deleted from Youtube, but you can view the original post and video here.10 of the 12 teams in the NBL have official cheerleaders, also called dance teams. (The Hanshin Tigers and Hiroshima Toyo Carp need to get with the program.) Below are just some of the ladies from each of those 10 squads, and all of the spellings are 100% accurate.

Team Venus (Yomiuri Giants)
Cheer Dragons (Chunichi Dragons)
Swallows Wings (Tokyo Yukult Swallows)
Diana (Yokohama Bay Stars)
Fighters Girl (Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters)
Golden Angels (Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles)
Honeys (Fukuoka Softbank Hawks)
Blue Winds (Saitama Seibu Lions)
M☆Splash!! (Chiba Lotte Marines)
Bs Dreams (Orix Buffaloes)
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Hey, Youtube cameraman. Use the zoom next time, will ya?! lol
They seem very well organized. And damn sexy!
I’m afraid I can’t pick just one team…
Can’t decide if I prefer the B’s short shorts or the short skirts…decisions decisions…
My favorite outfit would have to be the Golden Angel’s cowgirls. Way to ride!
Why oh why can’t US baseball have cheerleaders? Why only basketball and football?
oh baby!!! Ichiro, Matsui, and those guys are idiots for coming to play here! Sure they get more $$$, but is it really worth it? i think not
Ahh, Japanese Cheerleaders. I’ve loved them ever since Pride Gran Prix 2000 where they presented those giant checks to MMA Champions.
Hard to beat American Icons like cheerleaders or cowgirls in Asian form.
Makes your senses go all woogly for a minute.
They lose out to their Korean counterparts in the leg department, but make up for it in other areas. 🙂
You know, if WE had Japanese cheerleaders for BASEBALL…..then, hell yah, I’d get into that sport. In more ways then one.
I love a team that swallows
I’m with Luke!!!
Go Buffalos!!!
Never thought I’d say that – or associate a fat, overly hairy beast – with such gorgeous Japanese girls, but there it is!
I’ll take one of each!!!
Cheerleaders are nice, but…….
I’ll take the beer girls any day. They stroll up and down the aisles during the game. Mini-keg on their back. Paying customer? – they kneel, yes kneel on the stairs in front of you, pump the keg and fill a cup of beer.
If anyone asked me a definition of heaven, a Japanese beer girl would be towards the top of the list.
These girls are full of charm and grace
Certainly rather fair of face
With one I’d like to closely embrace
Think I’ll even get to first base?
Tell me, dear, is it worth the chase?
That I could be the one test case?
Take a chance on one from the Western race?
Or shall I seek some other place?
Alas, I’m sure you’d me abase
And slap this guy right in de-face.
My steps I’ll now just simply retrace
And for pix of you I’ll hit erase.
These Japanese girls, they’ll whoop and holler
Two bits, four bits, six bits, a dollar
C’mon everybody, up on your toes,
Let’s hear it for the Buffalos.
Dressed in sweaters and mini dresses
All adorned in lovely long tresses.
Don’t sit there, don’t be blighters
Shout real loud for the Nippon Ham Fighters
Hey there ladies, shake your pom pons
This ain’t no kind of funky come-on
Bay very loud, just like ten beagles
Go! Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles
You girls, you are so lithe and lean
I like to watch your cheerleader routine.
On this I won’t continue to harp
Hit a home run, Hiroshima Carp.
‘nuf of that.
Once again, I have to completely agree with the Doc (it’s becoming a trend). Overall, fewer butterfaces than the Korean cheerleaders.
dbldipper: I won’t even try any poems for this entry after reading yours.
I made a pledge and wrote it down
to resist the urge when feeling down
to pull the pud and choke the snake
I bravely vowed a week-long break
I hear you gasp and asking “Why?”
It’s my wrist you see- got R.S.I
And so I donned some oven mitts
and glued my zip to lock my bits
And bravely faced the my greatest fear-
a week without my Britney’s Spear
But then I made a big mistake
My noble vow I had to break
I had a sudden asian craving
I needed pics to stop me raving
And so I checked the sirens page
(all lovely things of legal age)
But when i looked my eyes went wide
cheerleading babes- their Asia’s Pride!!
Two things in life I can’t resist
they’re Asian babes, and getting pissed
I tore my jeans and ripped the mitts
and grabbed the butter to coat my bits
And then I……..
ummm… I might stop there. You get the message. I LOVE japanese cheerleaders.
Ah, right to the edge of “[comment deleted]” and then kroos pulled back:-)
I might be wrong but I can’t recall any posts on AS of Singaporean cheer squads.
I found this pic recently of what I think are cheerleaders. Quite nice too 😉
And think a post devoted to them might be in order.
great one, thanks
Wish I was there.
Japanese cheerleaders, good for whatever ails you to be sure.
More cutie c’leaders
But they don’t seem to be Asian, Maria!!
Ya 🙁 Asian is better, but still, for those cheerleading lovers….. i like the outfits generally speaking
….of course i’d prefer asians tho, anyone know of any asian cheer sites please let me know 🙂
Nude Asian cheer sites would be even better:-p