Aja’ ChaChanhsy


Aja’ was eager to be featured on Asians Sirens. I love it when someone wants to be featured here. It makes my job easier since I don’t have to find someone to write about. So let’s meet her.I think Aja’ is pretty sexy, especially when covered in chocolate syrup. Looking through her photos, I’m a fan of the ones where she either shows lots of skin or when she’s smiling in them.

This is also the first time that I am writing about someone who contacted Asian Sirens requesting to be featured. Hopefully, I will be able to do this more often, so if you are someone who would like an article on here, you can start the process by clicking on the Contact Asian Sirens link listed on the left.

Age: 23
Ethnicity: Laotian
Height: 5’5
Weight: 124 lbs
Measurements: 34-28-36
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Hometown: Sacramento CA

Aja’ also took the time out to answer a few questions that I had for her which I really appreciate.

Me: How did you get into modeling?

Aja’: Well, it first started when my parents twisted my arm to do a Laotian beauty pageant and surprisingly I loved it. I didn’t win but I was voted Miss Congeniality. From there I started a Model Mayhem profile and the rest is history.

Me: Your website is currently under construction. Can you give any details about it? What type of content will you have on it?

Aja’: Yes it is. Hopefully not for long. It will be a site where you can visit and get a little personal with me. I’ll have my daily blogs, fan comments and replies and photos ranging from fashion to fetish.

Me: How did you find out about Asian Sirens and what made you decide to want to be featured on here?

Aja’: I was just browsing and came across the site. I loved how it is dedicated to asian women. It was also great to see that it is not only the professional models featured but the novice models as well.

Me: How come you are single if you don’t mind me asking?

Aja’: I have yet to find the person that makes my world move.

Me: Can you tell me about the tattoos that you have?

Aja’: My first one I got when I was eighteen. It’s my favorite flower, stargazer lily, and my grandfathers intials. The second I had to get because they always say once you start you can’t stop. It’s my lastname across my whole left side. If you’re going to get one why not go BIG!

Me: From looking at your photos, you look like you are a lot of fun to be around. What do you do for fun?

Aja’: I love playing dress up and going out with the girls. But I have no problem showing up the guys on a game of pigskin. I’m a huge kid at heart and still have random trips to Chuck E Cheese for a round of skeeball.

Me: Where do you see your modeling career in a few years from now?

Aja’: I would love to have more exposure and have my name at the tip of everyone’s tongue. There are tons of magazines that I would love to be featured in and shows that I can’t wait to attend.

Me: My favorite photos of you are the ones for Cookie Heaven where you’re covered in chocolate syrup. Can you tell me about those?

Aja’: That certain shoot started off being a simple kitchen shot with me baking. I felt the concept was overdone and wanted to spice things up. And it ended up with me stuck to the floor with chocolate in my hair that took 4 shampoos to get out. =)

Me: Would you ever consider posing fully nude or just stick with implied nudity?

Aja’: I’ve done fully nude photo shoots before. I’m very comfortable with my body and don’t mind showing it off to others.

Me: Like I said, the Cookie Heaven photos are my favorite photos of you. Do you happen to have a favorite photo of yourself? If so, why?

Aja’: My favorite photo of myself is one that I’m holding a bed sheet across my body. I’ve attached it to the email also. %%Aja_ChaChanhsy_3280.jpg][Link] I love it because that was actually a candid shot when the photographer was climbing up his couch trying to get a better angle and it turned out perfectly elegant.














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0 thoughts on “Aja’ ChaChanhsy”

  1. Very pretty; tight curvy body, wonderful expression in her face, she looks happy and projects personality. She should do well!

    Et tu on the tats also, no more tats on that pretty body pls.

  2. Pretty girl.

    I love the chocolate photos and her smile. She has a beautiful smile.

    I would like to see more of an variety from her.

    Good luck sweetie!

  3. She’s got some pretty hot photos and seems to have a great personality to go along with it. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I detest the tat on her side.

  4. Very cute…would like to see more of her body – especially her back side.

    I like her curvy tummy…

    I don’t like the amount of foundation makeup she appears to be wearing. Too thick and it shines too much.

    The quality of her ink work is good, but I agree with everyone else – no mas!!! A small one or two in very discrete locations is okay, but the ‘all over’ coverage is really unattractive!

  5. I LOVE the tats and would LOVE to see more. Aja’ oozes personality and she is super cute.

    I give my official seal of approval*.

    * May be redeemed for date with yours truly at anytime.

  6. Hello Aja, from distant Laos
    Welcome to our Siren house.
    We celebrate the Asian beauty
    It is our right, it is our duty

    The pix of you in chocolate sauce
    Really leave me at a loss.
    In my mind they’ll surely stick
    You know I’d love to have a lick.

    I for one don’t mind the tats
    Not like some of these other cats.
    Your gentle curves exude pure sex
    Looking at you, my mind’s just wrecks.

    We love women posters on this site
    Their comments, while true, are very polite
    Even when ugly they often muse,
    “Hey, there, girl I love your shoes!”

    So I will finish with my point
    Now don’t get all bent out of joint.
    Many pardons, don’t think me rude
    I’d really like to see you nude.

  7. She’s fairly cute, but for me she isn’t anything spectacular – an import model, yes, but not a real glamour model. But that’s why we have Candyman, Travis and CEC writing for us – so all kinds of girls can have a fair go here. And she certainly seems to have a nice, fun personality.

  8. I didn’t quite know what to say about Aja (humming that Steely Dan song ‘Aja’ [Asia] since yesterday..”when all your dime dancing is through..I’ll run to you”).
    So I waited til some of you guys could help me sort out my words.
    Ok, some points:
    Travis, re the first pic. I liked it the best and I was quite disappointed by the ones that followed. I’d say it was the heavy makeup, especially round the eyes, the photoshopping (perhaps) of her skin, and the tats (despite the wonderful inkwork) please. no more Aja that started the downward spiral.
    Nancy (swoon)..I disagree. There IS variety in these poses IMO.
    Yes, again IMO, Aja’s face IS rather ordinary, nothing ‘spectacular’ as Doc says. But that’s not to say she isn’t pretty..she is damn cute, but a distinctive model? Not yet, she comes close on several occasions. She DOES come across nicely in the candid shots though.

    Yes, American Arsenal, I’d like to see her ‘arse’ (Aussie for ass) too, taking note of AA’s nic (hehe), and legs!
    Love her little round sexy tummy!
    And dipper…kudos: the poems are getting longer mate!
    Look out Henry Wordsworth.
    um, that’s it for now. Next!

  9. Well, I’m not sure I can add anything that longtack didn’t already say — and yes I also thought of the Steely Dan song (have the ALBUM somewhere).

  10. VINYL? kinda dates us huh Wingsfan? lol

    oh and if Aja joins the comments, like Nancy Bui (swoon, again) did, can I put a request in for a pic – a self pic will do, of her ass? Thinking here of an over the shoulder bathroom mirror shot. Can’t find one anywhere on any of her sites. 🙁
    but hey my imagination’s strong.

  11. I have the Citizen Steely Dan box set (which contains excellent remasters of all their material), which replaced the Mobile Fidelity remasters, which replaced the original CDs, which replaced the records. I also bought the more recent remaster of Aja to see how it compared with the box set. Hmmm…

  12. Well, still waiting for Aja to pop her head round AS’s door, and I see Doc (a true fan it seems) digressing into SD music. (btw ‘Sign in Stranger’ has the best set of varied guitar licks in one tune).
    Now in the words of Austen Tayshus, don’t lead us astray Lee ana.

  13. Yeah, I’d better give myself a slap on the wrist – if there’s one thing I love as much as beautiful women, it’s great music. Better not get me started. 🙂

  14. They say the times are changing but I just don’t know
    These things are gone forever
    Over a long time ago, oh yeah

    Pretzel Logic

    Guy down the hall in my college dorm was nuts over Steely Dan and nearly drove us batty.

  15. I don’t see any evidence that Aja’s cross-eyed in any of these photos. But you know what – I often find slightly cross-eyed Asian girls cute!

  16. Very cute! Of course the chocolate one is getting all the press but I also love the bubble gum shot.

    Let’s not get into the whole tattoo thing AGAIN, personal choice and all….

  17. I like her but she needs better more sexy pictures to share and promote herself. And it would be a great idea for her to stop with the tattoos! I know the low-class look with the tats is popular these days but it does nothing for me or my penis. Her best pics above are the leather bra/ plaid skirt ones because we get to see some tat free skin and her face is very pretty.

  18. Yeah, I’ve thought about it and I actually really like Aja quite a bit. Interestingly, I’m not a big fan of her modeling photos, but I am a tremendous fan of her candid photos. She’s exactly the type of woman I would approach in real life.

  19. Has it really been over a year since Aja Chachanhsy was posted? That’s insanity. Aja’s website looks like it’s in production, and I have yet to see any of these nude modeling photos she mentions, but maybe when it’s finally active some will come out.

  20. AHA! GOT YOU:

    It’s been bothering the hell out of me that she posed for nude photos and they didn’t exist. Thanks to a happy accident I found some, mostly for Asian Diva girls which won’t be relaunched for a while:

    Link to Others

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