Jacqueline Li Xiao Lu


Jacqueline Li Xiao Lu is an actress and singer in China. Very popular already, don’t be surprised if you come across her again in the future.Stats:

Age: 27
Height: 5’3
Ethnicity: Chinese
Located: Beijing, China













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0 thoughts on “Jacqueline Li Xiao Lu”

  1. I don’t like the makeup in some of these photos (it makes her look a little drugged out), but that aside I find this girl quite attractive – for once I think she may actually look better in real life than in many of her pics (although the opening pic is awesome!). She also looks Taiwanese to me, which is no bad thing in my book. 🙂

  2. She gives off the professional singer look and makes me feel uncertain whether or not she is truly pretty. You know, like when you look at a picture of Celine Dion … you know she’s famous, and she gives off the air that she must be pretty, but is she reeeeally pretty? Er.. cute enough.

  3. She looks really cute in those white tank top pictures but in the others not so much, in those others she looks full of herself.

  4. Very, very nice example of an inherently gothic beauty. The first image is so captivating it very nearly rocked my world.

  5. Something about those eyes… just doesn’t look quite right to me. She’s fine in some photos but sorta looks strange in others. Maybe Doc’s right; it could be the makeup.

  6. Mainland Chinese girls are definitely getting hotter and hotter. I just got back from Shanghai and witness a lot of super hot girls. Big fancy cars are also very common in Shanghai. No bad for a country that is formerly embracing communism.

  7. that first photo, wow very nice, but the rest not so good she could have looked a lot more sexy, and a few nude shots then i would have been in love.

  8. Very nice. I like a lot of her facial features. Too bad there’s such a discrepancy with the photography. I’m sure she could put out more shots like the first if working with the right person.

  9. The first photo is definitely the one that hooks you in, the others are not so great. But she is still cute 🙂

  10. As I said, she looks Taiwanese to me. I don’t think she’s mixed – she just has the usual westernising eyelid surgery and (probably) rhinoplasty. The name means nothing at all.

  11. Her facial structure from the maxilla and zygomatic bone on up look distinctly european, not at all like a full blooded Chinese or Taiwanese whose origins happen to come from mainland China.

    Her ears appear too big for a full blooded Chinese (unlike Japanese girls who tend to have unproportionally large ears).

  12. Dr Lee, since you’re able to differentiate the origins of a asian girl by looks alone, please educate us on how to recognize whether a girl is from Taiwan or China.


  13. Ted, almost every Chinese actress has an European first name that they are credited with in Western versions of their movies. Her name is Li Xiao Lu. She goes by Jacqueline. Just like Zhao Wei goes by Vicky Zhao Wei and so on. Their first name is completely meaningless in determining their origin.

  14. TedS: it’s difficult to explain – I just know it when I see it from a lot of experience. If I could put it into words, Taiwanese women tend to have quite small, sharp features, with a small chin, relatively large and round eyes, and a facial shape kind of like an inverted triangle. They also have a quite creamy, white complexion. The facial features you describe are a mixture of these characteristics and surgery as I mentioned. I’m not saying she necessarily is Taiwanese – merely that she has that sort of look.

  15. Appolyon —

    It’s funny you should mention that.

    Xiao lu actually co-starred with Dakota Fanning in the US major motion picture “Push” that came out earlier this year.

    The film was set in Hong Kong, and she is a main character acting as the daughter of a Triad leader.

  16. oh, i forgot,

    renowned chinese/american actress ming na is also in the movie.

    sadly, even with both of their talents,
    the movie still isnt any good. T_T

  17. That first pic really pulled me in, she looks stunning in it. The rest didn’t do much for me at all. The pictures make me feel like she is a completely uninteresting person, not that there’s any validity in that.

    That first picture however is a stunner.

  18. Wow _J…. she was the one in that movie? That is kinda funny… I have seen that movie but I didnt realize that Xiao lu was playing that woman in it.

  19. In China she is considered quite a popular and rising actress. Recently she starred in a comedy Chinese movie called ‘One Night in Supermarket’ with Xiao Lu playing a cashier and dealing with a group of customers and robbers. And judging from her looks in the film and the photos attached here she is so much different. Below are the synopsis and trailer of her new movie:


  20. We used to have my daughter make her eyes like that when she was a toddler. In Xiao Lu’s case, either she’s purposely trying to avoid the Asian eye look or she’s had surgery. Cute, but just a little bit odd looking to me.

  21. HideoMax: All in all, I wouldn’t mind feeling her……… As far as Travis’ comment about coming across her again in the future, my filthy mind reels, heh heh!

  22. Totally my quintessential ideal when it comes to the perfect asian girlfriend. She’s got so much versatility to her style and is amazing hot in the face and otherwise.

    give me that.. lol ASAP.

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