Introducing A Thai celeb: Paula Taylor

Paula Taylor

This half Thai – English model/actress is currently living and working in Bangkok. She’s seen literally everywhere you look from billboards to magazine covers. The Thai people just can’t seem to get enough of her. FHM Thailand once ranked her #4 sexiest star!
Paula Taylor

Paula Taylor

More of her pictures can be found at Thai Scans.

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0 thoughts on “Introducing A Thai celeb: Paula Taylor”

  1. She does have a bit of Liv Tyler about her- otherworldly – only more haunting.

    Perhaps we should start lobbying for a role for her if/when they make the Hobbit as a movie 😉

  2. look at her uper lip..they stick out so slightly and lifted….not to be vulgar but she got BJ lips….:)))very purdy….:)

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