In lieu of content…


I am usually very careful to not post anything that I don’t think Siren’s readers will find titillating. But I am ‘news guy’ from Asia with concentration on Asia and sex; so in lieu of hotties, the Dr’s guidance, Marco’s tutelage, or the numerous others that put the Sirens in Sirens, it is my job to pass you some news… Especially in lieu of other posts. Hope you like it!We’ve been following a number of stories; one of which is an utter challenge to the ‘Marcos’ of Google fame in finding the sexy pics – but this Siren was murdered in Malaysia using military ordinance under a Malaysian government player’s direction. All because he had an illegitimate relationship [and resulting child] with the Mongolian Model…

This is a big story as it could unseat the current government – the only people who had access to the munitions used as a part of her death! Wait for updates!

Today wasn’t so excited. There is news – but how ‘sexy’ is it? Apparently there is an Iranian actress turned ‘sex kitten’ on tape – which she denies – and here is the story; to an Iranian, the stakes are a bit higher than Paris Hilton could imagine.

Panda Porn…? This sounds like a joke, and we wish it was. Panda porn gained the acclaim of Chinese authorities who are touting it for helping the endangered bear breed. At the same time, we sadly report, a porn website operator was sentenced this week to life in prison!? “Okay fo bear porn okay..? But porn with bare ladies..? Life sentence?!” Jeez…

There is more, but God it stuns me sometimes. Have a look here. while we work to find something sexy for the next edition of Asian Sirens.

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0 thoughts on “In lieu of content…”

  1. I heard about the mongolian model thing, such a tragic end… I guess someone thinks they are above the law there.

    Regarding the panda porn, I think it’s pretty indecent for the government to force the pandas to watch porn. Someone should sue! 🙂

  2. pandas are getting extinct because they refuse to mate. The Chinese are trying to make them horny so they will mate. Maybe they should try feeding them viagra! Wonder whether viagra works on pandas…they probably need triple dose.

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