China’s Web Portal Tom.com is, as W.C. Fields might have said, a “veritable cornucopia” of treasures. One of them is lovely Xin Xin She is one of dozens of amazing Chinese models that are slowly cyber-immigrating West thanks to Flikr and other image storage services.
Without knowing any Chinese you can search for images on Google.cn by a simple cut and paste of characters. I am sure many of you already manage this just fine:Just highlight the Chinese name and then go to Google.cn and paste it in the search box. You can use a regular Google search, but you will get much better results using the .cn version.
That’s my kind of treasure hunt!

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Whoah, she’s the girl in that sexy top! It’s really great to have our own man in China – AS has been missing out on a whole new world of goodness. 😉
Awesome post. You just don’t see enough Chinese women online. Thanks a million! Good lord, I can’t wait for my visit to China.
Pretty eclectic blog you have Blueskies…
Thanks for the nice remarks…
Bring a big suitcase: you may not want to go home!
Hey Santini…
I’m saving up some cash right now. Although I’m not sure when I’ll be going or where I’ll end up in China. I’ve got a friend living outside of Shanghai & I’ve heard good things about Hong Kong.
I’m learning Mandarin right now, but I guess that won’t do me much good in Hong Kong…
Anyways, thanks for checking out my blog. It’s mostly therapeutic for me, but I’ve picked up a handful of regulars who seem to find it worth visiting. I’ve bookmarked yours and I can tell it will be helpful & entertaining! Peace!
I have to say, all the surgery she’s had does make her face look a little strange in some of these shots, especially the ones where she isn’t wearing so much makeup. But her body’s still really great though!
Yeah, plastic surgery sucks. Just be yourself…