Hong Ha Na


I like Korean women, but I don’t feature them here often because the Koreans and I have a very different standard of beauty, and I often disagree with the models that they consider attractive. It is very similar to the way many Asian Sirens visitors feel about models from the Philippines. Still, I do happen upon a few we agree on. Here is 홍하나 (Hong Ha Na or Hong Hana). She’s a Korean race queen.Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5’7
Ethnicity: Korean
Location: Korea

















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0 thoughts on “Hong Ha Na”

  1. Travis —

    No bias or preference of course, but I’d give you a nickel for every K-girl that you feature until I run out of nickels. Hmmmmm..

  2. My jaw just hit the floor…I’m gonna say WoW! to them delicious juicy breasts of goodness. And that badgirl shot with the cigarette hanging from her lip…drool.

  3. Ha, weekender, as great a deal as that sounds, there are many more things I can do with my time that will earn me $50 than post 1000 Koreans ;-). I’d need to profile 1,000,000 Koreans just to make a respectable salary! =).

  4. Sometimes I thing the Korean women I see on the internet are more attractive than the Japanese women. Don’t get me wrong, I love Japanese women too. But as someone once wrote the Japanese women tend to suffer from a terminal case of the cutes. The Korean women seem to have a different type of beauty. The impression I get is top-shelf, high maintenance. I also think that of all the Asian women, Korean women tend to have higher expectations of their men than the rest. Just my impression. Anyway, Hong Ha Na is a keeper in my book.

  5. Gorgeous. I love Korean women and this woman is an excellent example as to why. Long legs, round hips. Perfect…

  6. Wow, I hate to be the voice of dissent – especially when it’s about a Korean model – but I’m totally not digging this girls face. Her body is slamming, but her facial features are average at best.

  7. From personal experience, Korean girls do tend to be the most jealous and quick to anger out of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese girls.

    This one is totally hot though. She most likely has little to worry about in terms of partners’ fidelity =p She certainly wouldn’t with me!

  8. I noticed when I was browsing the forums that a lot of people don’t like her face. I think it’s great though. Not sure what the difference is to people – especially because I am less fond of the faces of many of the popular Korean models. Looking at them, I don’t think anything is wrong, I think in this case it is simply personal preference, rather than anything that really stands out as below/above average.

  9. I have to agree with TravisTroup – I’m a personal fan of her, but I’m amazed by the number of people that aren’t attracted to her face. Anyway, ever one is their own. But, I think everyone agrees that she has a smoking body.

  10. Korean girls need to be taken in hand by a strong man. This lady is the best looking lady posted on Sirens to date in my book. Love Korea.

  11. Koreans are a very rare example of a woman who can be sexy, good in bed, and a very good housewife. So what’s the catch? They’re jealous as hell! Some Korean people I know have a fiesty little daughter who I’ve known since she was 8. Even at that age, she gets insanely jealous when she sees me with other girls. She’ll give me nasty looks, verbally abuse me, and even punch me. 🙂 It scares the hell out of me to think what she might do if I was actually dating her when she grows up!

  12. As for the “mountains”, that’s mostly just a push-up bra – I can’t see any clear evidence of implants or Photoshopping, but these photos aren’t exactly revealing. On the other hand, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if she actually does have implants.

  13. Love Korean girls, but I find her only okay. Most of the K girls in LA have a really hard mean look that for some reason I find really really hot (and in fact many of them are). Nice body though, me likey:)

  14. Her face ranges from average to great in these photos. I love the picture with the umbrella. I would definitely like to see more revealing pics, though.

  15. Excellent K-girl genetics on display here (Hong, not Hye) and I’ve found that Korean genes mix best with foreigners to produce amazing beauty.

    Yes, they are hot tempered. Keep them away from the booze and the american-born Koreans make a lovely girlfriend.

  16. My wife is Korean, and yes, they are very hot tempered and jealous to the nth degree. But god are they gorgeous. Her body is a work of art (with modifications)

    She likes to cook for both of us, which is a plus. She is bit addicted to plastic surgery, but that is just the way I like it, so no complaints from me.

  17. Geez ya got Doc on here talkin about 8 year olds hitting on him and Twinpeter going on about his wife and plastic surgery. Anyone else have any off topic stories they’d like to share that have nothing to do with anything?

  18. My wife is a bingoholic, gambles excessively and my daughter can read now. She’s in kindergarten. There you go darklighter1. 🙂 Oh yeah, I love hot asian women too.

  19. Another nice treasure from the depths of the archives. I like the pic of her in the white hat on the sunlounge. I think it’s the combination of thighs, cleavage and expression.
    Sadly, CEC, none of the pics in your latest interview downloaded for me. So I couldn’t see her more recent pics.

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