Hestea Han is a model from Indonesia. As usual, what else am I supposed to say about her really? She’s here. She’s another pretty model. I like her skin, though I would prefer better photos:Stats:
Age: 21
Height: 5’5
Located: Jakarta

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Okay, in the first photo, what the heck is going on with the toes on her right foot?
She is nice to look at and that second photo with the open toe shoes and long legs is making me crazy. Pretty gal.
Yeah, the first thing I noticed was her toes as well lol.
Very nice looking girl…and the pigeon toes are uh…nice too? Just wish she had some tats cause I think tats are hot! ;P
You guys just wrecked her for me. I was pretty impressed until you pointed out the toes. 🙁
I wonder if she is any relation to the Indonesian tree man??
I’m guessing the odd toes in the first shot are the result of bad background editing.
It’s clearly an opposable toe, the next step in human evolution, no more bending over to pick things up 😉
readers: She is a pretty gal and I did not mean to focus on her toe in my first comment- I am not a “foot guy” (I am a nose guy, don’t judge me)
As Doc said, probably just bad editing….
Check out her other photos, she is cute.
Pretty girl.Especially strong in pic.#3
The fact that she has some “pedigital dexterity” should actually turn you on…should you be the lucky one she unleashes her “talents” on.At very least…it’ll be fun trying to make ’em curl. 🙂
She has toes? Hmmmm, nope, still can’t find ’em… 🙂
She looks fun! Some models look so grim. Hesta’s got a genuine smile! Pic 2 looks like she’s happy you finally showed up for your date.
She is very cute – and i like her smile in the 1st pic. The toe thing doesnt bug me…
I wouldn’t have noticed the toe if it hadn’t been pointed out.
It certainly hasn’t detracted from her beauty.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! And had there been a 4th pic posted, it would earn a ‘gorgeous’ as well.