An energy drink called Hang is sold in Thailand. They brand it as a cool drink for partiers and as a hangover cure for those who partied too hard. The went over the top with their branding activities with a little “sticker party”. The idea is the guys in the audience buy stickers and place them on the bodies of hot models in skimpy outfits. It starts off like this. See where it leads after the jump.

The model makes more area available for applying stickers. Note the expert full hand technique for applying sticker.

She is all stickered up. Good job guys.
(Visited 12 times, 1 visits today)
wow! hands on. she’s purty 🙂 nice nips
Nice one asainsweetheart! Very cute girl too.
Actually, I think it’s two different girls. Notice the outfits are different in the two topless pictures. Or didn’t you notice the outfits?
The rest of the photos from the event that I have (not as exciting as these) show several models. I think at least six were involved.
Now there’s a party concept.
dr lee, are those real?
On the basis of thes photos, they could be real or they could be submuscular implants – I’d need to see more to be sure.
I can definitely say they aren’t US-style, over-filled, over-the-muscle implants though! Also, I have been told that the Thai surgeons aren’t very good at producing natural-looking boob jobs, in which case it is more likely that they are real.
If I was a betting man, I’d say the girl in the first and third photos is natural. The one in the second photo I’m less sure about, but I still think it’s more likely she’s natural than not.
Now THAT’s branding! 🙂
Nice business idea…
Does the Hang thing really takes care of the hangover?
I love the faux snobbishnes of the poeple in this forum who asks:Real?…Or Implant? Enough! Doctors often do a better job than nature with breasts…and I have a hard time believing that anyone is gonna kick her outta bed.(those are good implants) I have a box of crackers awaiting her if any of you find yourself in no mood to do her.
I only wonder for curiosity. Would never discriminate a woman for her boob’s job!
I prefer chocolates… less of a mess and you can use it to play with lol
“Expert full hand technique”? Are you kidding me?
Like most men, I love breasts. But I have to say, I find wanton public grabbing by men in situations like this a bit disturbing. Those reaching in hands are just f***** creepy. I mean, what’s the point?
Let’s love our sisters from all around the world and admire and enjoy their beautiful bodies. But this grabbing for grabbing sake, it’s a degrading move perpetrated by boorish, low-life losers.
One thing I like about AS — The Essence of Asian Beauty — is the often respecful admiration of women’s beauty, without reducing ourselves to sophomoric grunts and groans.
This kind of ‘tit grab’ story represents a bit of digression on the site. I hope we don’t see it again.
I didn’t grab anybody!
Yeah, I’m a little disgusted by guys who would cop a cheap feel like that…but who doesn’t love to feel titties? And it’s not as if…oh, wait. I feel a women’s rights discussion coming on. 🙂
Yeah…I’m a tad uncomfortable with that whole TIT GROPING thing I see going on in the photos.It’s low rent.
This is not to say that AS should’nt publish the pics.She is afterall a rather hot “bargirl”…but as a hopefully at least somewhat socially conscious Yank-I would’nt want to enjoy that girl in that kind of scenario.
heyguys i think that’s the whole point for the promotion…..putting stickers on her and what can lead to…notice she took her top off. lets not judge the guys too harshly. she looks like a willing participant.
If she’s cool with it, then I’m cool with it. Although I wouldn’t be grabbing or placing stickers on the breasts of a woman I didn’t know intimately. But that’s just me.
blue, you never been to a strip bar?…how intimately can you know a stripper? 🙂
In my roaring twenties I met a stripper (Presley Powers) at a strip club. There were a few times where she would do her entire show right in front of me, ignoring the rest of the stage (that didn’t make the other fellas too happy — especially after her show when she would come and sit with me!). We hit it off great and started “dating” (if you know what I mean!).
I went out with her for a couple weeks until I saw the Hell’s Angels hanging out at the club. Bye bye! Thanks for all the good times! (I think she moved to Vegas shortly after that)
So, to answer your question, Lawboy, you CAN know a stripper very intimately! But perhaps less so within the walls of the club.
It’s the old evil US-style, over-filled, over-the-muscle implants that all heterosexual men hate. Down with the US of A. Damn them to hell with their fake ugly titties!!!
Geez…. it’s a party and the girl was welcoming the stickers on her tits. It’s not like the guys were jumping all over her.
I see a respectable distance.
It’s only fun… and a party, and a beautiful asian. Lighten up, guys.
Lighten up. There are more serious issues out there like the child molestation that goes on in Southeast Asia.
Damn I wish I was back in Thailand right now. I don’t mind a tit grab article such as this one. The viewer always has the choice of not clicking on the link to view it. But lighten up, it’s just a party and she’s getting paid to let guys cop a cheap fill like millions of other women all around the world. If she could do something better with herself, then I bet she would. I’m suave and sophisticated, but I can’t pass up the opportunity to grab some titties on some hot Asian chick.
Again-I would say that I’m just a TAD uncomfortable with what I see.Certainly distinctions can be drawn here.She does appear to be a willing participant.I would feel different about it if it were say a strip club scenario…But then there’s a different expectation there…and a more favorable(to her) financial dynamic.
It finally hit me why I’m a TAD uncomfortable with it.In AMERICA-this promotion could probably NOT happen.Half of all the lawyers are women.Women with an historical axe to grind.LAWSUITS would fly.
Why lawsuits? She is willing, who is being bothered by this? People at the party would complain?
There are too many frivolous lawsuits in America, im baffled why anyone would spend time suing because of a party thing. Unless people have too much time in their hands for futilities (which, in itself, it’s a pity, when they could apply their time in something really, really important).
USA is too uptight? I mean, this could perfectly happen in parts of Asia or Europe or South America… And people aren’t evil or disrespectful there, just because they see some tits on TV or pinch some nipples at a party girl.
You better not go to a party in a rich, easy going country like Sweden or Denmark, you’d be shocked 🙂
Gee, I’m a bit surprised at some of the reactions. The girls are having as much fun as the guys. It just seems like some sexy fun to me whether you are the girls or the boys.
Checking for next available flights to Sweden and Denmark…..
Sorry Asian Sweetheart…but if there’s anything that Americans like more than sex-it’s WEALTH TRANSFER.It’s our number one indoor sport.
Come on guys, groping her is what it’s all about! That’s the job she’s been paid to do, and judging from the photos, she looks like she’s having fun too!
Per lawsuits: I read a few years ago that if a persons income in the USA was $65,000 (give or take) there was an 85% chance of them being sued.
Doesn’t matter for what, all that matters is that you have the cash and someone else (usually a stupid lazy-ass f*cker) wants it.
Suing each other for idiotic reasons is all part of the American dream. Lot easier than going to work 9-5 for 40 years.
Just smoke your face off for 15 and then sue the tabacco company for selling their government approved product to you and giving you cancer. Or spill coffee all over your crotch then sue McDrivethru because you lost the “use” of your 68-year-old crotch because they didn’t warn you that their coffee is usually served hot…unlike every other f*cking coffee you’ve ever had in your entire life!
Why do you think the warning on the hair dryer says “Do not use underwater”? Because some complete moron did just that and fried themselves then sued because there was no warning to tell him otherwise!
Touch some titties, get sued!
Easy peasy the American way!
As per Scandinavian countires — it’s true. Very sexually open. I know a guy who moved from N.America to Sweden. He was shocked because everything sexual was just so open and natural to them. Even his g/f’s family all walked around the house naked, not even caring that he was there. Sex and sexuality is a natural part of life over there, not something to be shunned away and made illegal. (unless you are f*cking for babies. Then it’s okay, because God says so.)
It’s because they don’t have the Puritanical roots which America was founded on and are still present. Hell, Americans just voted against gay marriage! What do you think they would do in the face of tittie-grabbing parties?!? The whole country would explode! ha!
I bet you a woman living out in suburbia would be more appalled at a tittie grabbing party amongst consenting adults than the genocide that’s still taking place in Darfur.
what r u all complaining about, this is the job she decided to do, it’s better than selling 10 yr old girls’ virginity to western tourists. This is what THAILAND is all about…the SEXUAL PARADISE of ASIA (cheaper than Japan), you call it degrading…groping..sexual harrassment..that’s all hypocrysy…SEX SELLS !!, too bad you cannot TOUCH strippers’ BOOBS in America, or you get “SEXUAL ASSAULT” CHARGE , BUT YOU CAN F””K them “with the right AMOUNT of $$” after hours..so for those sex tourists .. Thailand IS the best choice in ASIA..Have fun – BUT ALWAYS wear CONDOMS !
[Sex and sexuality is a natural part of life over there]
Yup, it’s natural. Meaning it’s not imposed or exaggerated. Just natural, not a big deal.
Candyman, very true…
Nice post asian sweetheart. Looks like what started out as a fun look at a Thai style, sexy promotion party turned into a hot political debate. Regarding the “are they real” question posed earlier, they are. Pat, (model in the black trunks), takes her amazing boobs quite seriously when asked about them. She replies in an intoxicatingly cute voice when asked, ” They are real, for sure!”. Below are two shots from various shootings we have done which feature her lovely real breasts and have made their way into various magazines and websites including Thai Penthouse. We call her Pia at Pacific Beauty because we have a Pat already. There is also a bit of cultural misunderstanding over this boob sticker party story between East and West. In Thailand, even women grab each others boobs to check their size and texture although this is done acceptably only between friends and usually where alcohol is present as well. Nudity and anatomy are taken quite differently in Thailand and there is no Western shame and guilt usually. Below are the two Pat or Pia photos featuring her splendid natural boobs.
I don’t know Adam. None of the girls I know grab each other. Although there are a few I would like to know their “size and texture” 😉 It must be the younger kids who go out partying that are doing all that grabbing.
The thing about nudity is true that there is no is shame. But it isn’t polite in public. So Thai girls don’t even wear bikinis at the beach, at least not without a t-shirt and shorts over them. You’ve seen that I’m sure. After living in America and getting used to the beach there it seems ridiculous to go swimming with all those clothes on.
Pia is very cute. But your second link isn’t working. Can you fix it so we can see more?
Hello Asian Sweetheart,
If I knew more about you are I might be able to comment on why you don’t see Thai women checking out each other’s body parts as much as I do. I am sure you are going to assume it’s in bars or clubs but it’s more the Hi-So women I know who are interested in each other bodies so much. Maybe it’s a shared interest in beauty enhancments as in, who is your surgeon, where do you work out etc… It’s done between friends. As for the missing link on Pia, we will have to wait for Doc Lee to repair those as he uploaded them to the AS server and I have no access. I am sure he will do it shortly.
I would also like to make a short comment on this Thai sticker party. When the folks at this pary are placing stickers on Pia’s proudly presented boobs, the attitiude is playful and cute which makes all the difference and is very Thai in style. If some bloke grabbed a drunken handful I can promise you he would get a real blast from our lovely friend here and maybe her manager as well. The style of behaviour found in Western style bars in Bangkok, that tourists might be more familiar with, is quite different and groping is more common although seriously frowned upon by the girls working there. I have even seen unwitting and badly behaving tourists roundly smacked for bad behaviour that they thought was acceptable due to bad intel from Internet chat rooms etc. No one likes to be groped. So the point is, Pia is not being groped in these photos, she is just doing her job as a human sign board promoting Hang Beverages and getting paid well for it.
k4k…although your comment is true in some aspects, it is this judicial systems that provides for you safer medical services, safer products, safer conducts from big companies….dont be lured in to the propaganda of big business and big insurance companies. you are only getting exposed to what big businesses want you to hear and not the true facts. case in points the tobacco companies. if we only have time for me to enlighten you about their conducts that led to seemingly people’s conduct and the natural progression of pathology relating to tobacco. count your blessing that you live in this country that provides for checks and balances buddy….are you familiar with vioxx? bad deal for the little guys for now but hopefully not for long:)
Lawman — I don’t live in America, I live in Canada (your close but meek neighbour). We have many the same products you have — hot drive-thru coffee and tastey menthol cigarettes — yet this country sees a fraction of lawsuits that yours does.
Of course my country also has overly repressive laws and taxes restricting anyone from getting too far ahead of the crowd. Gotta play it safe, you know.
I wasn’t stating that your judicial system is haywire, merely the hoards of nutjobs who have access to it. If a person is stupid, carless, or ignorant enough to cause themselves harm using a harmful product or a benign product in a harmful manner then they shouldn’t be allowed to sue anyone. Today’s society likes to blame (and sue) the other guy instead of taking responsibility for their own actions and results.
This is much different than a company selling a product that they think to be safe but then with more testing is found to be harmful — and then being sued by the users.
A tittie grabbing party, on the other hand (no matter in which country), should be a celebrated funfest for all involved — with no lawsuits of any type!
I must admit, star-encrusted boobs are pretty cool looking.
That reminds me…(and I know I’m going to screw this up — bear with me)… some years ago, in the USA, a guy blew his head off with a shotgun — possibly suicide (I’m not sure). His family sued the gun maker for some rediculous claim like they didn’t put a warning on the box saying “pointing a loaded gun at your head and pulling the trigger will result in death.” I’m not kidding. It was some crazy lawsuit like that and I think the family won. WTF?!?!
I know…vague and sloppy on the details but an example none the less.
p.s. — I’ve decided to sue Exxon and Ford for polluting and poisoning my air. Oh, yes, and also Starbucks for selling me a highly addictive product which I now spend all my money on leaving me bankrupt (they warned me their beverage was hot, they didn’t warn me it was addictive).
I’m also putting together a class-action suit against God for casting Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden and forever enslaving me (and the rest of humanity) to a lifetime of carnal agony. Anyone who wants in on this one just e-mail me. God should have pretty deep pockets, I’m going to go for the max settlement. Playboy may be mentioned in the suit too.
No time for tittie grabs tonight, I’ve got work to do…….well, ok, just one tit!
K4k…it’s lawboy..i like to stay young:) hard to explain with such limited space here but i assure you i do have some very good explanations for you about the finer details involving product liability and the responsibility of companies who put products into the stream of consumers. but unless i am paid well i will not get into this:) so lets get back to the boobs and this Hang party which i intend to visit once in BK:)
K4K…At least Canandians have universal health care and Celine Dione:)) can you guys take her back?
I did not know that was Pia doing the sticker party. Thx Adam. I know her as Ginny from Asian4You and she’s been posing nude for years for many websites and them titties are real and they look great. So you really have to be crazy or really gay not to want to touch them.
And the U.S. Judicial system is f***** up. We have too many people being awarded millions of dollars for their own stupidity. We have so many old laws still on the books that make no sense today. A normal person cannot competently access the system unless you have alot of money to spend. And we have judges that throw the book at first time offenders so they can’t be anything but a criminal when they get out of jail. What really irks me is companies like NTP who don’t invent anything sue companies that have already had products out for years and win millions of dollars from them. I guess I’ll never be able to stop talking about politics. Oh well, back to titties. 😀
The link to Adam’s second pic is now fixed – sorry for the delay.
Adam, those hi-so girls are the worst! I’m just a simple middle class Bangkokian – we would never think of doing that kind of stuff. Well, maybe think of it, but not do it!
Hi Asian Sweetheart,
Well you might be right about those hi-so gals. They can be cruel and selfish but they love to look good. I would guess that middle class Thai culture has less tolerance for naughty behavior so I understand your view. The most boob touching/examining faction of the population though are the models and actresses because it’s more of a professional interest in the tools of the trade sort of like like guys hanging around discussing car parts. Pia is quite proud of her natural boobs and lets you know it.
BTW, Doc Lee fixed the link to the other Pia photo so there they are again.
I don’t mean to be rude but who took those stark looking shots of poor Pia above there? It’s really hard to make such a cute girl look rough but they seem to have done a good job in making her look frumpy.
My goodness, the original post was good but these last photos… gorgeous!
Adam, I’ll be calling to get her ph number, lol.
Thanks guys!
Hey Adam, the shots asianweetheart posted may be amatuer (after all, they are casual snapshots), but I still think she looks pretty cute! IMHO, she’s one of the better models on your books for sure.
Hi Doc,
You got me all wrong. I love the shots Asian sweetheart posted of Pia! They look great! I was talking about the 3 little shots just above, against the stone wall posted by Candyman. We all love amatuer glamour photos don’t we? But… if Pia were an amatuer model making amatuer pix for an amatuer website I would not care but I know she is a total pro and cares deeply about how she looks in public as part of her job. She would make a sour face and an ugly sound if she saw those photos, I promise you. And by the way, I doubt the publisher intended the photos to look amatuer, it just comes out that way because they don’t know anything about photography or care.
Those 3 little pics aren’t that good, they’re just to show how great her body is.
Damn! Pia definitely has a Big Mac Rack Attack! 😛 Perfect set!
You know if I search hard enough i might be able to find some gold stars around the house…
I wonder how much it would have cost to have an interactive party like that if there wasn’t an advertiser paying for everything…
$1… $10 … $100… $1,000… $10,000 per sticker?
adam..i wish i have your job:) wanna trade? 🙂
Maybe I shouldn’t stir up the angry lawsuit-happy-America debate again, but I saw this news about a case where a judge has ruled that…a burrito is not a sandwich. There, that’s settled. It took a ruling from a judge, but now we can move on.
Awesome! And that cost the taxpayers how much? I wonder if the judge felt really important on that day? America has it all.
I would, however, love to be sandwiched between Pia’s amazing breasts! Call it a burrito if you want, I don’t care, just as long as I’m in there! 😛
See, politics, laws, religion…everyone fights over. But I have yet to encounter even one person who hates boobs. Breasts are the world’s common ground for peace and happiness. We’ve ALL sucked on at least one! 😉
Great campaign! Perhaps I should suggest it to one of my clients as well 😉
man, she is gorgeous. thanks for reminding me why i live here! 🙂
oh my god i really want to touch thoses boobs damn it !
k4k..i guess we can find common grounds about boobs..:)
asiansweetheart…i respect your opinion about the american judicial system but let me remind you that our economic, market, and culture are all based upon a stable and predictable judicial system. i really dont think you can trivialized a judicial system that is considered to be the best for developed countries. i can see the reasoning behind the decision that needed to be made by this federal judge. how do you think the little mexican restaurant felt when a big bad company like Panera Bread tried to shut them down based on the language of the lease contract prohibiting another “sandwich” shop. I think it is a very clever argument and a win for the little guy. unless you know a little more about our judicial system, please dont trivialize it….just my 5 cents…you can email me if you want to discuss further about the sandwich, burito argument or the hot coffe argument…good exercise for the brain:))
LB: how do we come by your e-mail addy?