Gwendolyn Wan – a pretty dog walker


Gwendolyn Wan is 20 and Singaporean; a part-time dog walker turned model. She was on the cover of Maxim Singapore January 2007 edition. Listen to her talking about herself on AsiaOne.







More photos can found at XANGA.

You may also want to check her video taken during a promotional event for FHM GND 2007, here.

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0 thoughts on “Gwendolyn Wan – a pretty dog walker”

  1. stripes..why not age well? she looks gorgeous..almost every girl i see here on AS reminds me of one of my GF ; )

  2. Lawboy-I said she was cute…but 10 years out I’m predicting eye job and cheek lipo.I guess that’s better than needing cheekbone implants.Bone structure suggests osteoporosis too.A glass of milk would’nt hurt.In the mean time she could bring crakers to bed with me.Yep

  3. STRIPES, that’s interesting exercise as a long-term way of thinking. You’re good on that, I see! 😉

    She’s probably a natural slim type. Very pretty. I’m not lucky enough to have a dog walker like Gwendolyn 🙁

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