Guess who’s back?


And what better way would there be to say ‘I’m back’ than some blatant, unabashed self-promotion? So here it is – my book. Red-light Nights, Bangkok Daze published last month by Monsoon Books (Singapore).

So if you had been wondering what I was up to, now you know!Here is the back cover text/description:

Sexy, entertaining, and thoroughly informative, Red-light Nights, Bangkok Daze is a collection of reports that offers a glimpse into what is enticing, insightful, and possibly unknown about sex in Asia. It looks at the sex scenes and unseens in the ‘usual suspects’ of Thailand, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Japan as well as in less obvious countries such as Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Covering the gamut of love, lust, passion, and pleasure across Asia, these articles offer unique insights into the sometimes shadowy world of the carnal pleasures on offer and the hypocrisies surrounding them. Gathered from the views of unrepentant ‘sexpats’, wayward tourists, and the locals themselves, in Redlight Nights, Bangkok Daze, you’ll find revelations about the varied experiences this huge cast of characters participates in. Succumb to the lights, and weather the daze; you’ll find yourself exhilarated and waking to a newfound awareness of the complex, interesting and yet confusing world of sex in Asia.

Then there was this book review in the Bangkok Post that I just found out about today that you can read by clicking here.

That review says that the book is available at Asia Books and other quality booksellers, which would be great as that is the first I had heard of it. It may take as long as April 2009 to get to western markets (US, Canada, Europe) as it has to get accepted into the Library of Congress first to insure copyright protection.

But for those of you pining away to get a copy – and I do hope that there might be a couple of you -you can visit my book page on the publisher’s website by clicking here. You can order a copy from them securely and it will ship immediately no matter your location. You can also read a preview of Chapter 1 there too!

Many thanks for everybody’s support, and ‘yes’ I will get back to posting sirens tomorrow!

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0 thoughts on “Guess who’s back?”

  1. Kimusabi – Um, no – sorry. But hopefully you will agree that when it comes to literature or all matters of the written word that it is one’s own imagination that can conjur up the greatest images and fantasies… 🙂

  2. I’m hoping and expecting to read an informative book which exposes a lot of the hypocrisy and down right ignorance of the sex industry in Asia. Also, some entertaining stories from your travels. Well done. I will order one soon.

  3. Congratulations. I can’t wait to check it out. I’ve always enjoyed your writing and looking forward to reading about what is going on in those lesser known countries along with the hypocrisies that are taking place. When I try to tell people about some of those hypocrisies, they don’t want to hear it.

  4. Nice job William. I don’t take the time to sit down and read a book very often, but I might have to make an exception for this one. Bravo.

  5. I would like a signed copy also. Let us know if you can hook us up or if it’s possible. I also want to comment on that link that jd posted since it was in reference to Bill’s article from ’05.

    I don’t know who in their right mind would want to have sex with a sex worker without a condom. I’m sure you could find someone that would have unprotected sex if paid enough, and there has been great strides in sexual education there, but why even take that chance? At the least you should protect yourself.

    And I don’t know how Tariq is the only person in Thailand that can’t find a condom that fits when they are manufactured there and doesn’t have the sense to bring his own as if he is hung like a horse or something and then says he was with this chick that was totally awesome. Please.

  6. Wow, you guys made me misty-eyed this morning; thanks for the support. Really it means a lot to me.

    A word of caution simply because I don’t want anybody to be disappointed: The book is a serialization of my reporting from the last 3 years or so, so if you are a long liner on AS you are bound to have read at least one of the chapters… That being said I am still sure that there will be plenty of new content even for people who have followed my work.

    Autographed, dedicated copies will be accomodated. Get in touch with me directly if that is what you prefer and we can make arrangements. If you are going to be in Thailand, as always, look me up and a signed copy will be easy – as will a guided tour (LawBoy). 🙂

    Stripes: Are you calling my wife fat?!

    Johnnie: I had this name long before Hollywood donned another Johnnie as a Sparrow. But yeah I get that alot. Arr..

    Finally, once again, many thanks to everybody in this thread – your support means a lot to me!

  7. I guess Bill should start selling some ebooks in that case. 🙂

    Congratulations, Bill. For sure it’s a great reading. I’ll definitely put it on top of my book list, as soon as I have the time.
    Hot stuff I’m sure.

  8. I’m definitely gonna make sure to try and get a copy of this when I get back from my vacation, looks interesting. Congrats!

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