Grow A Pair?

With the Republican primaries in the news around the world at the moment, I thought it might be appropriate to post this video, starring Jenn Liu. While I think the video is very hot and entertaining, I don’t entirely agree with the sentiment – I think Obama has done about as much as he can reasonably be expected to do, given such a hostile and obstructionist congress. What do you think? And remember, please keep it civil. 🙂

Or if you’d prefer to look at semi-naked pictures rather than talk politics, there’s a few after the jump.

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0 thoughts on “Grow A Pair?”

  1. As a black man, I think I am significantly better off than I was three and a half years ago and think most Americans are too.

    I was previously spending more than $600 a month in healthcare for my wife and I, now, come 2016, I’m literally going to be able to buy a new Porsche every three years with the savings.

    Sure Obama’s trying to fix the economy, but we didn’t have a Democratic majority in both houses until 2006, and Bush had two more years afterwards in which to screw it up, plus who could have ever guessed that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be in trouble?

    The only trouble I have with Obama is the whole business of handing Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and probably Syria to governments that discriminate against Gays, Women, Christians and Jews…. I really think he has meddled to far there and like some have said “Its just not our business”.

  2. I think my IQ dropped a point or two from watching that.

    The Republicans are making this an easy campaign for Obama. They are so intent on pleasing the fringe elements that they’ve totally alienated the silent majority. Ron Paul is the only one of the group that truly speaks his mind and doesn’t worry about what’s popular, but instead what he thinks is right. The blatant media blackout he’s had to endure has really taken away his chances though.

  3. Yeah – I’ve always found the mainstream media ignorance of Ron Paul curious. I guess his policies go against their vested interests.

  4. PS, the fact that he had a pet monkey named Tata as a child in Indonesia is also incredibly cool.

    (“Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?”)

  5. Just got this email:

    After following your blog for six months I will never come here again. I am also a black man. I am also a surgeon. President Obama has destroyed this country. Your commenter that suggested that he can now buy several Porsches thanks to President Obama is nauseating and gross. Ridiculous !

    Funny how ridiculously worked up people can get over politics! I once again remind everyone to please keep things civil: you can express your opinion, but please follow the guidelines at the bottom of the page when you do so – I’ve been happy with the civility of the comments so far.

  6. Is it civil to say that Dr. Paul is a racist old crank? This is from someone who is mostly moderate, with some libertarian leanings.

    Dr. Lee, I think your analysis of Obama’s first term is spot on. Was he ready for the job, given his experience level? Of course not, but there is no other position you can have that will truly prepare you for the demands of the presidency.

    I hope that he wins a second term so that maybe he can govern without the worries of reelection and maybe, just maybe be able to implement good common sense policies. For example, when it comes to energy, too often it comes down to “”Drill nowhere” and “Drill, baby, drill,” when a better policy would be to drill with the appropriate environmental safeguards while leaving the wildest, most pristine or unique places alone (no drilling in the Grand Canyon, ever!!!). End ALL foreign engagements. Don’t punish the rich, but don’t give them the farm either.

    I could go on, but I won’t:-) By the way, the ladies look better than they sing:-(

  7. It does appear that Paul is racist, but I agree with him that the US should end all foreign engagements – and that’s about all I agree with him on.

  8. I don’t mind a bit of politics on this site. For some reason I hate it only when musicians and entertainers get involved in politics but blogs…. No argument here. I’m surprised someone would quit this site over it though. Maybe he should grow a pair and realise that different political views exist. shock horror

  9. Personally I’m tired of Obama apologizing to the Muslim community. What have they apologized for? And this “Obama Care”, I can’t afford health insurance for my family now. Now I’m going to be forced to get insurance or pay a fine. How does that help me and others in the same position.

    On to the naked, or nearly so, keep them coming.

  10. why in the hell would you bring up politics here? why in the hell would you be surprised that it is such a polarizing subject?

    really, really dumb-ass move to bring up that here. why not talk about who owns gaza? gay marriage?

    i come here to appreciate hot asian women. for all of that other crap i can just turn on bullshit broadcast news.


  11. The post, son and singing all suck. The girl isn’t attractive. I don’t give a hoot about any of your political views or opinions. Bring on the hotties. Tumblr trumps AS on days like today.

  12. @icycup: well it’s a hot video featuring Asian girls which just happens to discuss politics. And please mind your language.

    @redlaw and other detractors: I notice that neither you nor anybody else has even mentioned the semi-nude photos of Jenn I provided for those who don’t wish to discuss politics. Why not focus on them instead? Why get so worked up about politics here?

  13. What a coincidence Doc. On another post, I went off topic with a ref to Aussie politics (the recent state election – where you and kroos voted; I didnt have to because I am o/s and Shanghai was too much effort to vote absentee). And I asked you to delete it. You did and rightly so.
    Now you do a blatant politics/sex mix.
    US politics bore me, (although it is wise to keep ‘abreast’ of who is supposedly running the world.) And I know it is fascinating to the US audience here.
    And while you placate us with a few nudies, fungusfarm does have a point. Let’s debate the women’s qualities not Obama’s.
    You ask: “Why get so worked up about politics here?” Well wave a red rag at a Republican and a Democrat mate. 😉

  14. Let’s keep this site politics free. Nothing good will come out of discussing it here. But let me point out that Obama and Democrats had overwhelming majority in both houses of Congress for first 2 years, but spent that time shoving Obamacare down our throats, looting treasury for benefits of their labor union friends, bailing out car manufacurers, offering taxpayer-guaranteed loans to green energy companies in exchange for compaign donations (Solyndra, Fiskar etc). 40B down a drain, with nothing to show for. Meanwhile real unemployment is around 11%, home prices collapsed, 50% increase in food stamp recipients, gas prices doubled in 3 years, poverty rate up, median family income down $2000, inflation rate went up from 0.03% to nearly 4%, deficit & national debt increased by 40% in three years. All that while Obamas go on vacations every other month. Our problems aside, Obama is the greatest president ever. By his own admission he’s at least fourth greatest. Almost as great as Lincoln or Washington. Perhaps in recognition of his awesomeness, we should do away with elections & make him a president for life, of all 57 states. google for “Obama punching above their weight”. Several minutes of hilarity from a greatest orator since Cicero.

  15. The Semi nude pics are fine but she doesn’t look as attractive in the Video. I am not a detractor. A long time visitor, participant and supporter, I don’t care for politics at all much less here. I was truly enjoying Asian sirens again with the more frequent and fantastic quality of the posts since december.

  16. Obummer is absolutely the worst president in the history of the US. I feel sorry for any one who thinks he actually represents this country in a positive way. If we’re lucky, he’ll be done this year and we can move on and still be free. But I agree, leave politics off this site. I normally like the pictures.

  17. With all due respect to the “anonymous surgeon”, his complaints of what I do with my money (whether buying a Porsche or feeding orphans) are no different from his complaints that someone else is making him buy something with his money.

    I don’t read the newspaper. I’m a busy guy, and I was not aware up until today that the debt had doubled under Obama and that the Stimulus Package had been so badly mismanaged.

    That said, I’m going to give the guy one more chance and four more years to fix unemployment… he spent his first two years passing healthcare, so he really didn’t have much time to work on it.

    That said, if you don’t like Obama, you too, are certainly welcome to vote and donate to the candidate of your choice.

    I know I”ll be donating to Obama, because he’s going to save me $10k a year.

    Pure self interest sure, but its everyone’s primary motivator.

  18. @longtack: we’ve had several posts here in the past where something the model does is related to some other subject, so we discuss it in the context of that post and that post only. So discussion of politics is off-topic here, unless it’s directly related to what the featured model does. A good example of someone we’ve featured from the other side of politics is Michelle Malkin.

  19. @Nik2: I think it is only fair to point out that pretty much all the problems you cite are a direct result of the GFC, which happened under Bush’s watch, not Obama’s. Funny how conservatives now blame Obama for it.

    Also, Australia has had free medical care for all for decades, as do many other first world countries. It’s hard for us to understand why you want to pay a fortune for a basic need.

  20. You really got some of them riled up with this one Doc. I think some of them might have even signed up just to complain.

  21. Nik2, funny how you start by wishing the politics away, then embark in a long and winding tirade straight out from Faux news propaganda… Obama will be remembered in history as one of our best President, and by all fairness, when you consider the state of the country he was faced with after 8 years of a non-elected low IQ draft dodger (no insult here, all facts all the time), a situation not seen since the great depression, and that in a short 2 years, he was able to set the country and the economy back on track and pass healthcare legislation that had been fought for for 50 years… I can only wish us 4 more years! but with a congress that behaves in a fair and patriotic way.

  22. wow that video was bad lol. I am not a fan of Obama but the alternative doesn’t look much better…

    as for the asian girl in the video, cute but nothing special.

  23. So Nik2 is complaining that gas was around $1.80 when Obama took office, and now it’s about $4.00 so it’s all his fault! Of course, it only when down that much because the global economy cratered, but never mind.

    On the other hand, a lot of folks on the left blamed Bush/Cheney for the high gas prices during most of their terms, when in reality there’s little any President can to to affect gas prices.

    I’m really sick of people on both sides distorting, twisting and otherwise refusing to have an honest debate about the issues.

    More Asian nudes:

  24. Wow, the video is pretty funny and Jenn is fairy hot. I find it hilarious when people complain about the president’s inability to control gas prices. Oil is a commodity where the price is determined in international markets by supply and demand. The price is going up because: A) the supply of dead dinosaurs
    is constrained by finiteness and extraction frictions (i.e. its hard to do and when technologically feasible oil recovery projects are slow), so basically in the short run supply is inelastic. B) China/India/etc demand for oil is growing extremely rapidly.

    Constrained supply + rightward demand curve shift = price increase

    So, unless Obama can somehow convince the Chinese/Indians etc to give up on this whole industrialization thing and go back to subsistence farming, the trend line for oil prices is not going to decline.

    I’m a health economist by trade, so I won’t even get started on the ACA.

  25. I like Obama, but there are things he can do about crude prices.

    Oil is a commodity controlled by a collusive oligopoly where a few players intentionally limit supply to raise prices.

    If Balgor’s theory were correct, we would never again see sub $4.50 gas (I paid $4.97 last week), but in reality, in the long run, supply is very elastic, and when fuel prices stay high, ROI on more expensive extraction methods (geo steaming, etc) become cost effective and non-OPEC oil supply increases. Aware of this, OPEC periodically bounces the price around a little to test the market.

    OPEC countries support Obama, but in general, support profits first. Yesterday, its largest producer, Saudi Arabia, spoke out against high prices, principally because speculators are taking some of the profit out of the market for them… the more transparent they make their moves, the less profit taking by speculators and the more OPEC keeps.

    I think Trump may have something on OPEC, btw. Other than Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, the twelve member countries are a veritable who’s who list of countries who have hated the US in the last two decades: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Venzuela, Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, UAE, Algeria, Nigeria, Angola.

    All the electric car fiascos that were part of the stimulus package (and full disclosure – I have an absolutely free electric car I got in my garage in 2010 as part of the stimulus package) served a single purpose if nothing else… to show the world’s controllers of oil that what (has been) the World’s largest economy for the past two decades would not hesitate to develop substitutes for oil that would eventually further dilute price.

  26. I said trend line not daily price and short run not long run, prices fluctuate a great deal around the trend line, so below $4.50 gas is probable, since that price is within a 95% confidence band of the 200 day moving average.

    Supply isn’t that elastic even in the long run, warning technical (but you don’t need jstor access to download):

  27. The sentiment of the video is spot on. I voted for Obama for campaign promises that he immediately went back on. Offshore oil drilling, escalation of both wars, don’t get me started. And I have had to drop my health insurance because the premiums went up to $16,000 for my family and we preferred to keep eating rather than sending that money to them. I wish The_Collector would tell me where he found savings in health insurance, I am not aware of any state in which that is to be found.

    Regardless of what side you believe in, it’s very true that Republicans no longer compromise, so it is better off if you have an agenda to retain the respect of your supporters and do what you believe in. There was a time when respectful bipartisanship was observed when the country was in crisis, but no more, unfortunately. Remember when Clinton went to the people to get his budget passed, and he was the only president to balance the budget in 50 years. Yes, it was an easy time to do it, but I don’t think it was easy. It took kahunas, something the current pres lacks. I would support any pres, right or left, who could do that today.

    In regards to the ladies, I would watch them sing about anything. So cute. Fun find, thanks, Doc.

  28. Another comment on those who don’t like political discussion here: I like this site precisely because it seems to attract thinking people, not just eyes with a set of glands. There are ways to keep it light and still get a feel for what others are thinking, which is good for us all. Like it or not, politics can affect everything, including the right to view pretty women on the internet. It’s good to, ummmm, here it comes… keep “a breast” of things.

  29. @luvasianwimin, I’m assuming you’re self employed paying $16k, per year.

    Under the now WH-approved Obamacare, you’ll be able to opt in all your employees for $4500 annually, you’ll have to drop their current private insurance (no yo u can’t keep your doctor, sorry) and each of your employees have to pay premiums into Obamacare, providing they are not of a certain religion, labor union, or restaurant that got waived out of having to pay comply.

  30. Obama, has fulfilled 95% of all the promises he made to the American people since he took office. He has been more successful then any other president in that aspect. As for this girls cutting him down, They may be hot in a bikini but they should take singing lessons (which I don’t think would help) – Or maybe just keep their mouths closed because 1: they have no idea what they are talking about. 2: It just makes them look stupid and untalented. and 3: by the first 30 sec of their video, they were the ugliest girls I had ever heard and never want to hear them again.

  31. Doc-this post of yours has rhyming written all over it, but I’m late to the game & too tired to think. My 2 cents, though.

    When Truman left office, he was considered one of the worst ever with the lowest public opinion polls recorded. Now, people wish for a president like him.

    Reagan took numerous vacations and acted the doofus, but was a terrific PR guy for the US just when we needed him after Watergate and Carter (one of the worst ever.) Plus, he probably had the best team around him of any recent president.

    Unfortunately, Nixon will be remembered for Watergate, instead of his foreign triumphs (opening China to the West, for example.)

    Clinton spoiled his chances of being really good thanks to Monica. He was an amazing politician, though, who knew exactly how to play the middle.

    Regardless of the upcoming election, Obama will be remembered as a people’s fantasy that never took hold as reality due to the severe polarization in Congress. But we really won’t know for 50 years.

    Sadly, in this day, anyone qualified to be president cant get elected. Truman? suffered through bankruptcy. FDR? rich snob out of touch with “the people.” Lincoln? are you kidding – tall introvert geek? Jefferson? too brainy.

  32. “Personally I’m tired of Obama apologizing to the Muslim community. What have they apologized for? And this “Obama Care”, I can’t afford health insurance for my family now. Now I’m going to be forced to get insurance or pay a fine. How does that help me and others in the same position.

    On to the naked, or nearly so, keep them coming.”

    Posted by: wknight on Mar 28, 12 | 7:58 am

    @wknight: Excuse me, but what do Muslims need to apologize for!? I find your statement very offensive being Muslim myself. Your name itself implies that you’re a racist prick!!

    @AS: Very entertaining gals, I enjoyed the video:-)!!!!

  33. DocKhan: calling another commenter insulting names – no matter what the reason – is a serious breach of our posting guidelines. Please make sure you comply with them in future.

    I do agree that there are discriminatory undertones to wknight’s comments, however, which I would ask everyone to refrain from as well.

  34. When endless campaigning and kowtowing is recognized and appreciated as “leadership” then perhaps Obo is worth a second look. Meanwhile, let’s hope that real leaders emerge and that the American citizenry learns to take back the checkbook while replacing a very corrupt and self-serving Congress.

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