Unless you’ve been living without television for the past year and a half, you’re familiar with the Bing commercials where the person rattles off the results he or she found after performing an Internet search, in a robot-like manner.
Anyway, the lovely Asian lady with the British accent in the above ad is actress Gemma Chan and whether you use Bing, Google, or one of the other popular search engines, finding her website isn’t difficult.
EDIT: The above video has been set to private at Youtube, but you can view the original post and video here.
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she’s a 10!! havent saw her in Doctor who. but the commercial was hellu funny.
Well hey, I’ve been living without TV for the past year and a half at least.
So I never heard of her.
Had to use a proxy to get to her website, saw her one pic, and that was all I could do.
She is definitely pretty.
Noticed that she stars in Shanghai, a DVD I bought here, in Chinese btw, no English dub.
Gob-smacked. Bad-a-BING
With Gemma, I’d love a fling
Don’t think me a nutter
Sets my heart a flutter
The Siren bell she doth ring.
My lip are a smacking
I wouldn’t send her packing
Probably nice bristols
Carries no pistols
She’s really quite cracking.
Good to see you managed to get another poem in dbldipper. 🙂
What about Gemma is there not to like? I saw a depiction recently of a triangle – at the apices were “Intelligent”, “Good-looking” and “Emotionally Stable.” The catch was you couldn’t have all three.
So let’s review Gemma – 1) despite the paucity of photos, she’s gorgeous. Add a British accent to that and any Yank instantly melts. Even more, she’s listed at 5’9″ (1.75m). 2) Law degree from some Oxford college plus a classical violinist and pianist. 3) Cannot comment on the third leg, but I seriously doubt that her personality resembles roadkill.
Now, Sir kroos will be looking for skin and she’s not skanky enough for Servia. Someone convince me that Gemma is not the hottest Siren to come around, well, since the last one.
cute, but can we see her naked?
Thank you! I’ve lived without TV for more than a decade, but thanks to the net I haven’t missed any Doctor Who. I remember that episode and recall wanting to know/see more of this young women.
I’m right with you dbldipper, what’s not to like?
so hot! i’d marry this girl on the spot!
Nothing hotter than a beautiful asian girl who can play a violin. I’m sold.
I haven’t been living without TV, but I don’t recall seeing her in this commercial and I’m SURE I would remember:-) Very lovely, seems like she has a nice body, shame we can’t see more of it.
She is very beautiful. Watching her play a violin naked would be grrrreat! Also…I have a TV, just never watch it.
She’s hot and smart. I wanna meet her.