Filipina YouTube Star on eBay

We’ve had her here before, and she’s getting even more famous. An autographed photo of Filipina YouTube commedienne “Happy Slip” Christine is up for auction on eBay. Included in the package is a stapler YouTube star Kevin “Nalts” Nalty “stole” from Christine. Proceeds will go to Canine Lifeline, a charity for lost dogs. Current bid: $840.02.

Happy Slip Autograph

In a recent interview, Christine mentions doing less and less of her day job thanks to her Happy Slip business. If the bids on this auction are any indication, Christine’s in the money once YouTube starts sharing revenue. Her success after that will catalyze the creation of a cottage industry in her homeland — where TV is dying, YouTube is huge, and Google sends checks.

Of course, that just means more Filipina YouTube babes for us. 😉

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0 thoughts on “Filipina YouTube Star on eBay”

  1. Much better is her singing a song about Apple Macs based on a James Blunt original. Can be found on her site. Very good if you like Asiain girls and computers! She seems pretty and talented.


  2. That photo of her is beautiful and the proceeds are going to a good cause. If she was offering a date, then I would bid on that. I can’t drop $840 on a photo and a tiny stapler. The bills are too serious right now.

    And I am hoping that the revenue sharing will lead to more, better quality videos of cute Asians on YouTube.

  3. I thought she was a native pinay, but now I see that she is american. It would be much nicer if she was truly living in the Philippines and she would get successfull from there. Now, that would be a nice fairy tale.

    This way, it’s just another american dream. Still cute, but not so rare.

  4. Well, a Casey, or some musician, artist, anything.

    Good to know those bloggers are having some success, I didn’t know that filipinos were so well off in the blog scene, these days. Nice! 🙂

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