Fasha Sandha


Fasha Sandha is a 25 year old Malaysian actress. She has a best selling novel (Sumpahan Fasha), won the award for Most Popular New Actress in 2005, and has been in movies since she was 21.Stats:

Age: 25
Height: 5’6 – 5’8 (mixed reports)
Ethnicity: Malaysian
Born: Johor Bahru, Johor









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0 thoughts on “Fasha Sandha”

  1. She looks great in the pic where she is in a black top and has her hands on her hips–and in the one in which she is wearing the multi-colored beads around her neck.

  2. I’d love to see more of her body. She is VERY attractive, IMO. I just love her look.

    From what I can see her torso, and ass, look to be fine. Her legs are a little suspect, though.

    Still, she has a classy look, and looks to be a beautiful woman.

  3. I guess this is where I come in to wonder what all the fuss is about. 🙂 She doesn’t look at all Asian as in oriental (or even islander) to me – I would have though she was Asian as in Indian.

  4. She does have a slightly Indian look, but Indian women are some of the most beautiful in the world so I think that’s a good thing.

  5. Could easily be half Indian.
    Simply put, a lovely girl!
    Favorite is photo 3 & 5. Also the linked pic. The last photo not at all.
    Plus she’s smart, which can only add to her hotness.
    Definitely my type.

  6. She does look Indian, plus her name sounds Indian, so it wouldn’t surprise if she had some Indian blood in her. I do like to know what someone’s ethnicity is for the sake of having accurate information, but sitting here over the internet, I could care less since I am never going to meet her. As long as she is hot, I’m cool.

  7. One can’t be a pure Malaysian. One either is a Malaysian or otherwise. Likewise, one can’t be a pure American, as it doesn’t make sense.

  8. Guys, for the record, she’s a Malay with part Arabic blood in her. Was the hottest thing in the Malay entertainment scene last year.

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