Now that I am on vacation and no longer ill, I can finally put some articles together. So here is Elissa. I saw her while browsing around DSport today and thought that she was pretty sexy. Plus she’s the first import model in a long time that I actually wanted to write an article for, so I hope you guys like her as much as I do. Enjoy.Stats:
Age: 21
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 107lbs
Ethnicity: Mexican/Chinese
Location: Sacramento, California

DragSport Interview
AndrewDH Photography
Keith Selle Photography
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When I saw the first picture, I thought, great potential! As I progressed through them I was not disappointed. Those last few with her hair down are spectacular! Love the over the shoulder bikini top one! Nest to last, another great one, but to much makeup.
She would make me a wonderful mistress!
Not bad at all! The latina element is very strong, but she’s still an Asian Siren. Anyway, nice to hear you’ve recovered from your illness Candyman.
Well two things are apparent.
1. She suffers badly in comparison to her predecessor, Ms Bu Ni.
2. She has undergone some major, and not necessarily complimentary changes to her upper anatomy during the course of the photographic tribute on this thread.
I wouldn’t say she’s any less attractive than Bu Ni (or whatever her name is) – just different in style.
Thanks Doc. I had a sinus infection that was kicking my ass. I guess I shouldn’t have went to the doctor at the last minute, but now I am all better.
@AsianWomenAlways: I was going to put this in the article but decided to scrap it. These days, I don’t have alot of free time. So with work, family, and other commitments, I have a limited amount of time to put an article together, especially since I don’t get paid to do so. This is all done out of love for Asian women and writing.
So if I am going to write about someone, they have to be beautiful in my opinion. But the problem that I usually have is when I find someone and think that they look alright, when I go to find additional pics and see how they look without the aid of photoshop and or makeup, I’m disappointed. Elissa is the first import model in a good while, and probably since Janelle Ha that I wasn’t disappointed in when I looked for more pics. So I wrote an article.
@jackspratt: What? Not that you should, but if you are going to compare Elissa to someone who was featured previously, then at least explain why so we can discuss. And if you are going to say that she has had major surgery, at least say which part of her body you are referring to so that I am not assuming. Upper anatomy could be alot of things.
Actually, I should call a halt to any further comparisons between Bu Ni and Elissa, as it will likely lead to a flame war. As a general rule, I will only allow these sorts of comparisons if there is some kind of connection between the models involved – “this girl is better than that girl” types of comparisons are largely pointless and often hostile.
Still, perhaps you are over-reacting a little Candyman – I think it is clear in this case that “changes to her upper anatomy” means a boob job, and I think you took AsianWomenAlways’ comments completely the wrong way – they were almost entirely complimentary.
i love her DSport pictures. she seems pretty versatile – looking hot and cute in different pictures.
she has a kid?
見鬼 Carumba. Very nice. Very unique.
My grandfather told me that in the old days, Chinatown in Havana had the most beautiful Hispanic/Chinese women there. Today, you won’t find a single asian there.
They fled en masse once communism hit in boats you would be afraid to step foot in (Castro forgot to build a wall).
Ieatpho, medically there are several easy ways you can visually determine whether a woman has had a child or not.
While beyond the bounds of this forum, whether a woman has delivered a child can even be ascertained from a complete nude photograph.
She’s very pretty, hope she steers cleaner of getting all tatted up and ruining it all.
Wow! No complaints here. Very nice.
OK, one complaint…no nudes.
Wow. She’s spectacular.
Absolutely hottie.
Unlike many here, I wouldn’t mind tattoos.
The blue-gray contact lenses actually work pretty well on her.
wow what a coincidence!
i recognized that next to last picture since i just got a friend request from that photographer this morning!
i absolutely love the fifth picture. X]
I don’t see the latino in her at all. Very very hot. Thanks CM.
Asian + Latina, what else can someone ask for???
TheCollector on her myspace it says she is a parent… cant really tell that she had a kid in these pics…
Day-yum! What a great mix!! This girl has a look that could pull serious mainstream appeal.
Hey guys don’t knock the moms. If you’ve been to a strip club, you know mothers can still be hot.
When I first saw her, I thought she was a Filipina. Chinese/Mexican would definitely explain that. The best of both worlds, I say.
IRIS Media: Few of us here would knock a MILF, (even if they’ve already been knocked ((up)) heh heh!
Oh yes — love the fact that she smiles, and a beautiful smile it is.
Implied nudity only? Bummer.
is it just me, or is her navel too high
She’s seriously cute. Love the pics where her outfit is riding up and she has no bottoms on.
She would pass as a Filipina which is a plus for me.
A gorgeous gorgeous woman indeed. This girls like crazy hot. Love every single inch of her.
Ceahorse: I don’t think her navel is too high, but I do think she has a long (and lovely) torso. Seriously, a couple of inches below the rib cage is normal, I think.
Very pretty indeed. She surely has the SoCal image down cold but I’m not sure that is a good thing to be frank.
But she’s a SoCal girl who isn’t afraid to smile which is a good thing.
I love the first two pics. She has quite a thin upper lip which reminds me of a chipmunk a bit like Tania Zaetta. I think the belly piercing gives the illusion of her navel being higher than it is. It appears as if it wasn’t the best job from the third last pic.
Oh wow quite spectacular a very nice mix!
Very magnificent! There is not one picture that I dislike
good mix 🙂 awesome body with a tinge of asian:)
LawBoy’s back!!
Now that is a bit of allright! Thanks for the find.
She’s a fantastic mixed girl!