While surfing some photography sites I bumped into Mia Guzman. She is Filipina with some Spanish mix, so I figured; let’s feature her! Couldn’t find a whole lot of interesting info, so you’ll just have to do with the facts the pics and the links!Ohw, I just found some extra info at beautifulnewsmakers:
Mia Guzman was born on 6 May in Balanga, Bataan Philippines. This 5’5″ beauty is a model mostly known from Hot Import Night events, but has also participated in various videos and appeared in magazines. Mia has lived half her life in America and loves to dance, pose for the camera, beatbox and she is also very athletic. She’s also been seen on the hit MTV show “Wild ‘N Out”.
Some facts:
Date of Birth: May 6
Birthplace: Balanga, Bataan Philippines
Hometown: Bataan, P.I. and Seattle, WA
Current Location: Los Angeles, CA
Ethnicity: Filipina (with some Spanish mix)
Measurements: 34C-27-35
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5’5″
Weight: 115 pounds

Some links:
Mia Guzman @ slickforce.com
Mia Guzman @ images.google.com
Mia Guzman @ myspace.com
Mia Guzman @ miaguzman.com
Mia Guzman @ pinoyspy.com
Mia Guzman @ sportcompact.ca
Mia Guzman @ hhdb.com
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not bad, not bad at all.
Body, eyes, just great. She’s in great shape and her legs are hot!
Not for the weak at heart. 🙂
Not for the weak of heart indeed – she looks way to “mean” for me (a lot of girls these days seem to think this look is sexy, but for me it’s a huge turn off). And her legs are far too stocky for my taste.
me like! 🙂 doc’s wrong on this one 🙂 doc she can have that mean look —–> grudge boink 🙂
Grudge boinks seem to be pretty popular around here. 😉
IMHO she looks ugly in the cover shot. Should have used the 2nd one for the article.
Is that even the same girl in the first shot? The first pic looks awful, but she looks stellar in the second. I don’t see the “mean” look in her though.
I think I agree with FredF. She is hot in the bottom four shots. Nice and saucy. I don’t think I would want to see her beatbox though. Way too silly for me.
She is ok in person…but i heard after her boyfriend got her the implants she split up with him….thats a quote from my ex-gf whose says hes trying to hook up with her…
how many times have we heard about the implants scheme :)) she has that island look about her..dont know if pix has been photoshoped but they look great.
She was dj’ing at a nightclub in san diego last friday, shes pretty cute in real life.
That first pic doesn’t look like her…she’s a stunner though IMHO.
Wow. That third pic (in the light blue tank) is fantastic.
She does look ready in that shot. For a kiss on her lips…perhaps.
Does anyone else think this woman looks like a younger Tia Carrera?
spittin image I think.
Huh? IMHO Tia is far more attractive than this girl!
tia looks better than this girl when she was younger..tia is old now MILF:)
A young Tia beats Mia hands down. Mia edges her out a little looks wise only because she is younger, but I still find Tia more appealing. How good would Mia look without the fake tits, makeup, and contacts?
too bad, she ain’t naked :<
But there’s some resemblance with Tia (despite the make up thing).
Still, Mia’s body is strong and sexy, I like that a lot.
I just don’t see it – certainly not a “spitting image”! And I’ll take MILF Tia over this girl any day. 😉
I’ll take young Tia or MILF Tia. Can’t really lose either way now can ya?
The 1st pic is the hottest, 3rd and 5th look good too, but I really don’t like the 2nd one, I think she looks trashy there, and the 4th she looks too ‘chola’/ghetto.
I’m sure she wouldn’t look mean if she smiled, though I think her ‘mean’ look is definately sexy.
She really seems like one of those girls who needs makeup and benefits a lot from it.
I agree with Setlak, 1st pic look good, 2nd worst looking pic, 3rd look good, 4th does not look good. Makes you think how she really looks like in person?? with out the make up, hair do and any surgeries??
The 3rd shot is my favorite.
To answer Kim Nguyen’s question, I strongly suspect she wouldn’t look very good at all.
She’d look good enough for me though. 🙂
I still think she looks alright but nothing spectacular.
3rd pic is a good pic of her with her natural boobs even with plenty of make up. Proves that natural is the best to go.
I’m not so sure they’re natural – look at the second pic, for example. Although they aren’t big, they definitely look fake to me.
Oh no I meant the 3rd pic is with her natural boobs, looks like 34A maybe. And in the 1st, 2nd and 4th and 5th pic is def. with fake boobs.
I don’t think the third pic is revealing enough to show whether it is pre or post implants – I think she probably has implants in this shot as well, they’re just covered up by her top.