Desi porn star: No dowry required


Okay, okay; I know to the ‘purists’ that an Indian might not make some of your ‘Asian’ designations. But until the world geographic organizations decide to break up continential Asia, Asian Sex Gazette will continue to represent – presenting women from South Asia, the Middle East and even Central Asia and Russia! (Oh, the horror!?!)That brings us to Sunny Leone – the adopted name of the Sikh girl – is, in fact, grateful to the adult entertainment industry for introducing her to her fiancΓ©, Matt Erickson, a senior executive with a major adult company. Full story here.

ASG’s staff is especially pleased that this Desi Dame is representing her culture, comfortable with her sexuality to the point of doing porn and getting married in a situation that shirks the age-old and discriminatory practices relating to dowry.

May she be a role model to many – well, at least some – Indian women!

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0 thoughts on “Desi porn star: No dowry required”

  1. I have no problem with Sunny being featured. Come on, she’s gorgeous. What’s not to love? I’m not one of these purists. I prefer Oriental, but I will appreciate a beautiful woman no matter what her ethnicity might be.

  2. I too prefer Far East-but in that rare instance where you actually find an ATTRACTIVE Indian woman…no harm in showing her.;->

  3. Yes, they don’t age well.
    And I mean by 21 they’ve already lost any attraction for me, whereas an East Asian is just getting started in her prime years of allure. And those years can last for decades!

  4. jgirl…for vietnamese, thai and chinese…they dont peak until early to mid twenties…but then they stay hot well into their 40’s. Indian women looks hot early but the testosterone kicks in πŸ™‚ facial hair and stuff..same with middle eastern women. and i think south american women also πŸ™‚

  5. Stripes and luv-j, nice vids. It’s funny in Stripes vid, the girl actually looks annoyed at the incompetent fumbling/groping of the dork. She gets over it though.

    And, IMO, the girl in luv-j’s vid is SMOKING hot. Just my type. That’s a real nice little dance she does, no?

  6. I know of a fine, fine, dear God she’s so fine, Indian woman in her mid-20s around here. I don’t think she has kids, so I guess we’ll see what happens after that. But this chick is a Goddess.

  7. I see nothing but stretch marks,facial hair & hip replacements for the girl in my vid.I hope I’m wrong…but clearly she’s 19/20yo and has no intention of ever seeing the inside of a gym.Tag it NOW.Indeed I once was made boot y call by this 40yo Korean professor @ UCI.She was slender and well preserved.In my top 5 of all time torrid affairs.

  8. It can’t be just simple testosterone that makes them age so fast. I think a lot of it is lifestyle: lack of activity & eating fatty foods, somewhat akin to American women of all races, lol. Plus certain racial factors.

  9. Those chicks in those two vids are hot, especially the second one. There are several hot Indians in adult entertainment. My girl is Priya Rai. Come to think of it, I can’t think of any other Indians past their late 20’s who are still hot. I guess lifestyle and childbirth are the reasons why.

  10. Childbirth is no excuse! I know many hot babes who’ve had children. They continue their exercise, yoga, and eating the right things. It’s a choice.

  11. no way luvj, childbirth IS a good excuse. do you know how much effort it takes to get back into shape after having a child? i mean, the modern woman post-childbirth has to not only take care of her baby but return to her job and keep her baby’s daddy happy? now you’re asking her to put in several hours per week at the gym to get her abs back? furthermore, if the birth wasn’t natural – i.e., she had a c-section – it’s DOUBLY haarder for her to get her figure back. for a celebrity or a mom that doesn’t work, yeah this is definitely a feasible task, but i think what you’re saying is so much to ask of a regular middle-class woman.

    my mom, for instance, worked 16 hour days at the restaurant she owned. when i was toddler, i hung out on this mattress behind the counter where people ordered food at because she wanted to save money on a sitter. she used to be a lithe skinny 98 lbs before birth; now she’s 140 lbs and has a post-childbirth tummy. but i’d be damned if i didn’t think she were still one of the most beautiful women i know because all of her curves just mean years of labor out of love.

    personally i think women with post-childbirth tummies are beautiful. i think when you guys find the right woman, marry her, and have a baby, you’ll see for yourself what i mean. it’s one thing to judge models, but we really shouldn’t be harpin’ on the mommies.

  12. Wow, there sure are some guys with stringent criteria as to what constitutes a good-looking woman. I can only conclude that they must all be about 6’6″, with a full head of hair, and a six-pack stomach. I feel so unworthy…

  13. jeep…you are mistaken. we never claimed to be adonis. but we are not putting ourselves out there as a public figure to be judge as a model or actress. this is what this site is about…critique. as doc can attest, he and i are soft fluffy guys…so think first before letting your sarcasm fly bro.

  14. I was just poking a bit of fun. I’m not in bad shape, but I’m both height and hair-challenged. I’m not fussy-I can find something I like about pretty much every woman presented here.

    Gee, I was standing in line at the grocery store today,and a middle-aged Indian lady was standing right in front of me,wearing a sari. I found the sight of all that bare skin very interesting and attractive-especially that little bit of tummy at the waist.

  15. I agree with Christine – it isn’t impossible to stay in shape after childbirth, but it does become at least ten (in some cases maybe even a hundred) times harder. In my experience, men almost always severely underestimate this difficulty for women. To top it off, women often lose interest in sex after childbirth. That – combined with the fact that the world is seriously overpopulated anyway – is why I would never want my partner to have children. On the other hand, I still think it is ultimately her decision if she really wants to have children – or not.

  16. The woman I marry better not even think about “letting herself go” FOR ANY REASON PERIOD.That’s not what I paid for.:->Trust me …that’s the reason I have’nt married yet Christine…because in this far from perfect world…you want to be able to afford the best possible circumstances.Lest you have to romanticize SUFFERING.I don’t expect you to openly agree with me…but feel free to nod in silent agreement.
    I’ve had the experience of bedding women with post childbirth tummies.(4 that I can remember) Indeed 3 of the 4 were very sexy…minimal or no stretch marks.2 of them had it goin’ on naturally.The 3rd one had a budget for cosmetic surgery & used it well IMO.(7 figure divorce settlement)That 4th one I just made a bad call on.Stretch marks…sagging boobs…hanging
    skin…loose vajajay.This on a woman who could’nt have been more than 120lbs.
    This all becomes a moot point in the near future when medical science perfects human incubation.I can just hear the “moral” outrage from “natural childbirth” pressure groups now.It’ll be just like cosmetic surgery.Women will swear they’d NEVER do it.Meanwhile it becomes a multi-billion dollar medical sub specialty.

    JEEP 44…”stringent criteria?” Pleeeeze! I think we all want what we want.No I’m not “6’6″ with a full head of hair & a six pack.I’m 6’2″ with bedroom eyes & a six pack…But even if I were 5’8” fat & hairy I don’t think that would matter to most hotties as long as there’s Nieman Marcus..and Juicy…and Aspen.Such is the double standard.

    As for hot Indian chix…well we managed to scrape together 4 here.There’s probably at least…oh let’s say 6 more out there.See…nobodys’ raggin’ on them.Maybe I’ll open up a chain of gyms in India.;->

  17. I prefer Persian, Turkish women, but there are some good looking Indian babes out there. About the age problem, I do under stand the problem, see Turkish, Persian and middle east woman tend to look older then they are, I know this for a fact ; ). My X was half Persian and half Afghan, every one thought that she was 21-23, but really she was 18, its also the same with the men.

  18. Christine, the many “hot” moms to whom I was referring are most definately not models; they are far removed from that world. Nor are they rich. They are regular women I’ve known either as lovers, or as friends from my yoga class.

    Far be it from anyone myself included to second-guess how you ought to view your mother. In your eyes she’s beautiful and that’s how it should be. But please don’t insist that I must agree with you.

    Btw: I’ll never demand in a partner what I’m not willing to do for myself as far as letting myself go.

  19. Sunny rocks. I think her DVD “The Female Gardener” was the first pr0n DVD I ever paid full price for. Totally worth it. πŸ™‚

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