Today I typed in “Human Body Art” in Chinese (人体艺术 for those of you who can see the characters. My apologies to those of you who cannot.) into several search engines here and maxed out my two gigabytes of RAM pretty fast with open windows.
Body art is usually a euphemism used here for erotica so it can slip by the censors and into mainstream bookstores and onto Internet sites. And am I ever glad that the authorities seem to like this photography as much as I do. I found one great cache of hundreds of pictures at Nphoto.net.
I located several artists and models I really appreciated and hope to be able to share with you in posts to come like chjilin above andChina has an abundance of gifted photographers and, of course, no shortage of beautiful subjects:

Damn, you dig up some really great stuff Santini47 – China is a gold mine! 😉
Do you have Korean naked girls pictures?
L-69, Asian Sirens is full of Korean babes. Just brwose through our Archive or use the search function in the left column.
Great site. Thanks for the direction.
special, very special. all time top 10