Cherry Ann Kubota is a model in the Philippines. 22 years old, she was runner up on the Mossimo Bikini Summit and number 59 of FHM Philippines 100 most beautiful women. She is also half Japanese and half Filipino.Stats:
Age: 22
Height: ?
Located: Philippines
Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Filipina

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Hmmm is it just me, or does her nose change a lot from picture to picture
Make me fly to the highest sky.
She’s got some awesome curves.
A “USDA select choice” example of womanhood in all its raging and divine glory if there ever was one.
I’d love to reproduce with that human female…
Another unfortunate nose job, and another case where I can’t understand what all the fuss is about. 🙂
“She is also half Japanese and half Filipino.”
This gives her an unfair advantage to other Filipino models.
All right, two of my favorite nationalities in one woman. This is too good to be true! I want her!
Beautiful, I remeber her from FHM before. I was starting to lose interest after the last couple of models but this one is top notch for me.
Very slender yet with outstanding womanly curves!
A smile might be nice.
The photo with her holding a plumber’s wrench while wearing a heart pendant is both vaguely alluring and threatening at the same time. I don’t know whether to run away or pounce on her.
Lots of japanese in her, not much from Philippines. Certainly sexy, but wouldn’t keep me awake reading A-S. 😉
Damn near perfect, in my book!
I like her breed.. pretty and lovely to me.. 😉
Hmmm… I’m quite sure that without all the glmourisation, this girl would look pretty average.
Last few models (give or take) included Cherry, Coco, and Syrup. Are you guys making a Hot Asian Sundae? Can someone find a hot Asian chick named Sherbet, Sorbet, Vanilla, or Banana?
Why so serious? Smile honey,
Her pics do look nice, but I have to go with Dr. Lee on this one. That and I’m still suffering from small-boob-burnout. Could one of the next models have at least a C-cup or bigger? I get that the odds are against this coming true, but would maybe 1 out of 10 actually having breasts be too much to ask for? I think the past four models added together might total a C-cup. Maybe.
@thirtyeyes: Are you sure you want an Asian chick with a banana? I’m sure there are plenty of sites for that already! Oh, name. Sorry, my bad! Haha!
Halloweendm: I’m about to do a quickie post that I think will satisfy you. 😉
so sexy
I think I’d like to skip anyone named Banana, but on Asian Thumbs there’s recent posts of girls named Beer Berry (?) and Pancake.
jdrevenge, what’s up with the crack at the Filipinas? Some (most?) of us here don’t really care about the lady’s ethnicity (as long as its Asian for the purposes of this blog). All we care about is that she is an Asian Siren. Cherry, while not my favorite, qualifies for me.
Not only does her nose look different in different pictures, her boobs do as well.
I think she looks hot, she’s got some japanese facial features but more tanned skin, very sexy, and yes that nose job sucks!
I should like Cherry much more than I actually do. But overall, Asian-looking Filipinas really appeal to me.
She looks great in some pics, and just OK in others.
The photos where her tits look bigger are photoshopped.
“Another unfortunate nose job…”