Chelsea Fujisawa “All natural”

Chelsea (23) comes from Tokyo, Japan and is Playboy’s latest “All natural”. Now, we can’t place Playboy photos on our site, so you will have to check out the photo here.

Ohw, here is her myspace profile. Thanks to zamscan for the find.

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0 thoughts on “Chelsea Fujisawa “All natural””

  1. She’s hot, to be sure.
    But when did we start doing the “DDD” thing for size? Isn’t that the same as one “D”? Is she truly more than that? Does that make her more sexy?
    Is that just a Playboy thing as a titillation factor?

  2. It says a lot about Playboy that it’s unusual for a PB model to be “all natural.” (Hell, I’m surprised they even allow models who aren’t bleach blondes with fake boobs. I know–it’s business.)

  3. DDD is total BS – she would “only” be a D. Interestingly, they rate Lena Li as a DD, which is probably accurate, but certainly not overstated (a girl her size would normally be quoted as much bigger). So it seems that with Playboy something always has to be fake – it it isn’t the model themelves (and yes, I do think this girl is all-natural!), then it has to be the write-up.

  4. As a marketing ploy-I must confess “DDD” sounds sexier than “E” or “F”.Let the marketers do what they do.It is afterall why we desire a Mercedes & not a Chevy.Oh…she’s cute.

  5. She doesn’t do that much for me… think I’ll stick with the Xcity gals. Also the, uh, baldness is a bit of a turn off.

  6. She doesn’t look that attractive. Has more of a regular Asian girl look than an exotic/glamour model look.

  7. “But when did we start doing the “DDD” thing for size?”
    my penis is “DDD” :)) sorry doc, had to say it 🙂

  8. do you have pics of her in her school girl and nurse outfit? 😀 and the purple bikini… :D?

  9. Just heard from ModFX photographer David Tan that he has opened a new web site for her:

    However, like other recent Playboy models doing their own web site, it is implied nudity only – I can only assume this is due to some kind of contractual obligation with Playboy. I don’t get it – why pay for implied nudity when you can get the full monty? I guess that’s what Playboy wants people to think.

  10. Why would she take such a beautiful Japanese last name like “Fujisawa” and come up with the nonsensical “Co”? You can’t even make that name in Japanese, it’d be “Ko”.

  11. I photograph models and can tell you that DDD-cup is an exaggeration. For comparison, the following model is a C-cup. It’s ridiculous that Playboy feels the need to exaggerate, since Chelsea Fujisawa has an awesome figure with her C-cup breasts, and if she really were a DDD-cup, her breasts wouldn’t look as nice.

  12. Here’s another photo of a model I’ve photographed and know is a C-cup. As you can see C-cup is quite busty, and I’m sure most people will agree that she and Chelsea Fujisawa are about equally busty:

  13. She’s a pretty large C – could be borderline D I think (although it does depend on underbust measurement). I think this girl could market herself as a D anyway, and I doubt anyone would complain.

  14. Thanks guys, I really like her as she has a big breast ank looks sexy, Can anyone sharing more photo and video? Thanks in advance, : )

  15. My goodness…they’re just so big and soft looking. Just wanna rest my head on them and dream a little dream. 🙂

  16. Thanks a lot for the prompt update, Zamscan

    It seems that Chelsea takes nude photo no longer, I am really disappointed at that, : (

    Anyway, Thanks for your effort, buddy

  17. Now that’s interesting – when I saw the words “she’s gone blonde” I cringed, but judging from this photo it actually seems to suit her! Any more?

  18. there a possible re-up? i just discovered her. i know, pretty late. But now im addicted! help me!

    PS. thank you Zamscan!

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