Celestina Tiew


Celestina Tiew actually has a bit of an interesting story. I found this model a little over a month ago, then just a days later she was arrested for drug use. Presumably nothing too serious (probably Marijuana based on the way the media is reporting on its severity) but it made headlines. Good timing, because at least it gives me something to talk about.

Celestina is a blogger, whose fanpage can be found here, Flickr Photos here, and blog can be found here.Stats:

Age: 22
Height: ?
Nationality: Singaporean (is that a word?)
Located: Singapore







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0 thoughts on “Celestina Tiew”

  1. Not a big fan of the 1st picture and yes, that tat is a bit over the top–nice colors though. Still I think she is cute. Not fantastic, but kinda cute.

  2. Agree with STRIPES and Bigfoot.

    Her facebook has too many pictures with the cartoon contact eyes and scared look. She manifests a childlike innocent look in just about every fb photo – Not a fan of her redundant pose.

  3. She is not aging well. In the four-year span of her photos, she looks to have aged ten years. Her skin looks worse, and the lip job doesn’t fit her.

    Ah yes, the cartoon eyes…..I suppose it’s cute when you are a teenager. But when you are 22 going on 30, not so much.

    Her blog is all about shilling for over-priced junk. I knew too many girls like this- it doesn’t end well for them.


  4. French, you are right about her looking much worse in the newer pics. I really didn’t look at her blog earlier. I assume the newer posts are her now, and those aren’t very cute at all.

  5. Like the second pic a lot, but she’s not really my type. Still, you all are on quite a roll lately, it’s been ages since there was a post I flat out didn’t enjoy. Keep it up.

  6. oh my, you all are right. She’s slamming into that proverbial Asian wall quickly from the pics posted on her blog. If she’s really 22, she’s screwed.

  7. I agree with a lot of you. Her newer, untouched pics don’t look so hot. I like looking at nice legs, too, so this girl is not high on my ratings system. I really like the pics above, though.

  8. Coming to this page late and reading the comments I have to say thanks to fungusfarm for the alert about ‘those eyes’.
    And yes, I agree with most comments – she is just ok. Sorry kroos I disagree. Yna was much tastier.
    Oh and was she busted in Singapore? Will she get a few lashes of the cane? Ouch! Hope it’s one of her fetishes lol.

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