When I first saw this actress in Dark Angel, I quickly drew two conclusions: she was Filipina, and she was one of the sexiest girls I’ve ever seen in my life. Turns out I was completely wrong on the first score (apparently she’s a mixture of French, Danish, Mexican, American Indian and Spanish!), but she sure does look Asian – and I don’t think too many people would disagree with me on my second conclusion! :-)You may recall from my previous Devon Aoki post that Robin and I had a bit of a debate as to whether Jessica qualifies for inclusion on Asian Sirens. Well, seeing as Robin is now safely on a plane to Vietnam I figure now’s my chance! As I also mentioned in that post, she is currently appearing (along with Devon) in the great film Sin City, as well as the major hit film Fantastic Four. Asian or not, let’s face it: she’s hot, both in appearance and in Hollywood!
Her IMDB profile is here, and probably her number one fan site is The Alba Area. I only wish she wouldn’t bleach her hair. 🙁