I’ve always been a sucker for that tan/blonde combo with models even though I know a lot of you guys hate it. I know how fake it looks, but something about how fake it looks is attractive to me. So bear with me on this because there are some of those photos below. This is Caitlyn Tran. I have no idea how long she’s been modeling, but if it makes you feel better I think her hair is back to being black now.Stats:
Age: 22
Height: 5’2
Ethnicity: Vietnamese, Probably
Located: Georgia

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I want to bury my face in that tummy of hers. I wonder if she has a sweet Georgian accent- the sexiest of all southern accents.
She looks like a girl from Can Tho, Vietnam, that I once knew. That tummy/hip ratio screams Can Tho to me. And that beautiful Asian nose!
Fourth shot down with the striped knee highs on is a doozy. Love the tan and blonde hair.
I think she’s cute.
She’s nice, looks a a girl you might actually meet, I’d say girl next door, but in my neighbor there would never be anything that nice.
Definitely a “bang as much as physically possibly (using whatever medication is at hand to delay exhaustion) until she starts demanding way too many expensive presents and gets annoying” type of girl.
Very cute, very sexy…. Like French, I wanna bury my face in her stomach. But not after French has.
Sexy girl. I love the first pic with the bit of ass crack showing above her panties.
looks like a oompa loompa from wiz of oz. sorry, but true.
The Oompa Loompas were from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, not the Wizard of Oz.
When she turns 30 years old, she’ll spend a lot of money to get rid of the “crow’s feet” and other sun damage.
She is cute, but needs to spend time indoors and away from the tanning bed. I have extra space here….
Meh….. I would not proposition her. I’ll let you fellas gawk at her.
I’m glad somebody else could be the spoiler this time – I don’t find her attractive at all, and totally unremarkable.
Adorable. I think her tan has come out of a bottle.
Yes, thumbs down here too. No wow factor, although she is cute. And nothing to do with the blonde hair. Even a return to black hair might not improve her appeal. I see her doing Target ads modeling clothes maybe (2nd last pic suggests that).
Arse crack? where? oh ok, yes hmmm!
Watch the navel iron guys. Ouch!
I don’t mind the blonde hair and tan girls but this one just doesn’t do it for me.
Well I think she is NOT helped by her choice of clothing, which seems to emphasize her “shortness”. The last photo has her “divided” into 4 sections- fine if you are 6 feet tall, not fine if you claim to be 5 ft 2 inches.
The hair extensions are tacky. I wouldn’t bring her home to meet me Mum (I reserve that for Asian Siren Miss Malaysia 2012) but I could see a weekend in Vegas happening.
And if she has a real Georgian accent, I swear she’d win some of you over.
Nice skin, great features, the light hair works for a model doing a shoot. In real life I want it jet black and glossy… mmmm. But this is good too.
There’s something about her as a whole that transcends the individual elements. She’s very cute, and I actually prefer her with the blonde hair. Great smile, would love to meet her in real life actually. Not the most beautiful, but cute and hot.