I thought this was an interesting pose. I know I got the beach girl wrong a few posts back. I hope this one at least Asian? Enjoy!
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0 thoughts on “Busty Girl”
Very Nice !!!
I’d say its a safe bet this one’s asian.
A very interesting pose indeed!
I like it a lot.
Wow… I know I’m going to sleep well tonight… haha! Good one Northy!
Below the bellybutton on down is killin’ me guys… geez!
Yep, I’m certain that’s been lifted from a Japanese photo album or magazine, so she’ll be Japanese for sure.
model’s name? thank God for Boobs 🙂 nice one Mr. North
With that body, i don’t care if she’s Martian — I just want to see more pics.
“model’s name?”
Moe Yoshzawa
I’m willing to bet it’s one of those very realistic sex dolls mass produced over there in Japan. They’re pure geniuses, I tell ya. Just about fooled everyone…except me. HA! My goodness how did I get so smart. 🙂
Moe Yoshizawa? Whoa…never heard of her.
A spinner Asian babe with juuust a hint of baby fat ’round the middle…and a flawless pair of cans.Does’nt get much better than that.Nice one Northie.
Very Nice !!!
I’d say its a safe bet this one’s asian.
A very interesting pose indeed!
I like it a lot.
Wow… I know I’m going to sleep well tonight… haha! Good one Northy!
Below the bellybutton on down is killin’ me guys… geez!
Yep, I’m certain that’s been lifted from a Japanese photo album or magazine, so she’ll be Japanese for sure.
model’s name? thank God for Boobs 🙂 nice one Mr. North
With that body, i don’t care if she’s Martian — I just want to see more pics.
“model’s name?”
Moe Yoshzawa
I’m willing to bet it’s one of those very realistic sex dolls mass produced over there in Japan. They’re pure geniuses, I tell ya. Just about fooled everyone…except me. HA! My goodness how did I get so smart. 🙂
Moe Yoshizawa? Whoa…never heard of her.
A spinner Asian babe with juuust a hint of baby fat ’round the middle…and a flawless pair of cans.Does’nt get much better than that.Nice one Northie.
has anyone been able to find any more of her?
She’s all over the initernet with tons of pics. Here are some via Google Image search.
Be sure to turn off Google’s”Safe Search” or you won’t get any boobies!
A Japanese babe named Moe? I can’t think of any three Stooges jokes that would be funny enough…. Probably short for Momo?
While I’m not sure how common the name Moe (pronounced “Moe-eh”) is in Japan it is a female name. Literally it means “bud” (think plant).
Of course, there’s also the slang version of it which refers to female anime idol characters. *cough* (inner otaku revealed)
Wow, I can’t believe I constructed a few coherent sentences in this thread.
Then again, I’ve managed to avoid Moe’s pics for the moment. It’s like staring at perfection – and I haven’t earned it!
So it’s safe to assume she doens’t do nudity?
Too bad…
I think she found difficulties with her bra. Is there anybody who want to be volunteer holding her breast?
I like this pic.
I volunteer.
Moe holds de breasts; someone ties de rest. I was a bad Boy Scout and never good at knots…she’d never stay in that thing with me around 😉
BTW…one of the best AS pics so far this year.
More baby fat to nibble.
makes me tongue hard
gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous
If you turn your laptop around. Looks like a perfect place to rest your toughts.