Busty Girl


I thought this was an interesting pose. I know I got the beach girl wrong a few posts back. I hope this one at least Asian? Enjoy!

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0 thoughts on “Busty Girl”

  1. I’m willing to bet it’s one of those very realistic sex dolls mass produced over there in Japan. They’re pure geniuses, I tell ya. Just about fooled everyone…except me. HA! My goodness how did I get so smart. 🙂

  2. A spinner Asian babe with juuust a hint of baby fat ’round the middle…and a flawless pair of cans.Does’nt get much better than that.Nice one Northie.

  3. A Japanese babe named Moe? I can’t think of any three Stooges jokes that would be funny enough…. Probably short for Momo?

  4. While I’m not sure how common the name Moe (pronounced “Moe-eh”) is in Japan it is a female name. Literally it means “bud” (think plant).

    Of course, there’s also the slang version of it which refers to female anime idol characters. *cough* (inner otaku revealed)

    Wow, I can’t believe I constructed a few coherent sentences in this thread.

    Then again, I’ve managed to avoid Moe’s pics for the moment. It’s like staring at perfection – and I haven’t earned it!

  5. I think she found difficulties with her bra. Is there anybody who want to be volunteer holding her breast?
    I like this pic.

  6. Moe holds de breasts; someone ties de rest. I was a bad Boy Scout and never good at knots…she’d never stay in that thing with me around 😉

    BTW…one of the best AS pics so far this year.

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