AV Idol Bauko Eichi

Bauko Eichi

Here is Japanese AV idol Bauko Eichi, hopefully a “quick save” from a fully-clothed front page of Asian Sirens. I’m sorry that the bikini-clad babes weren’t enough; to compensate, here is a post with nudity! (You guys can whip out the lotion and unzip the jeans now without feeling disappointed by a few inches of breast covered by a small triangle of polyester.)30-year-old Bauko Eichi (birthdate: April 28, 1977), also known as Minami Fujisaki, was born in Tokyo, Japan. She stands at 5’1, and her bust-waist-hip ratio is 33″-24″-33″ (metric: 85-60-85).

I am unsure of how many photobooks or videos that she has released under the name Minami Fujisaki, but under the name Bauko she released one DVD in 2000, entitled Bauko Eichi: Naughty Girl.

More photos of Bauko:

Bauko Eichi

Bauko Eichi

Bauko Eichi

Bauko Eichi on the web:
Bauko Eichi @ bobx.com (basic stats/profile)
Bauko Eichi @ asianology.com
Bauko Eichi @ rottentomatoes.com (filmography)

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0 thoughts on “AV Idol Bauko Eichi”

  1. I’m going to have to agree with Dr. Lee from the previous post and say that I don’t really think I will be posting many naked girls in the future. Here’s one, because there was such a demand for them and I felt bad because I had dominated the whole page with posts about actresses, pop stars, etc. But, in the future, instead of the other posters taking breaks, perhaps they can chip in so it’s not allllll just posts about asian entertainment/pop culture.

    Here’s my ONEEE post with a naked chick. You get ONE. And if you’re nice enough to me I might do another… maybe on Christmas or on lawboy’s/brakyer19’s/bigfoot dean’s/dr. lee’s birthday, but I think I will draw my line there 🙂

  2. In spite of all that, you’ve turned out yet another great post Christine – just one more and you’ll own the front page of AS! 🙂

  3. that last picture reminds me of your sachiko picture (the one on the splash page for her site), btw! just how she’s on her back stretched out, and all.

    time for little christine to go to bed. probably a good thing ’cause i don’t really need to know that you all are wanking off right now 😉

  4. p.s. dr. lee i think already sort of own the front page of a-s. the lucy liu and puffy amiyumi post was one of my tips! just one more post and it will be official pwnage. (sorry, that was the l33t hax0r in me)

  5. oh christine, you caved in to the pressure! why?

    nice post though

    i dont think this site should be devoted entirely to nudes, there are plenty of models/actresses/personalitys who, at least for the most part, keep their clothes on for all to enjoy. this should be a celebration of all asian females not just porn stars. keep up the good work christine!

    topic for discussion…would bic runga be considered asian or pacific islander?

  6. ok, i guess i should have done my own research before asking. my bad.
    won’t happen again, i promise. it probably will thought.

  7. “i dont think this site should be devoted entirely to nudes,” .. not entirely, but should be mostly….i think that is the spirit of AS…look at all the advertiser’s banners :)) boobs and more boobs 🙂

  8. Yummy. I won’t complain if you don’t hold to that policy Christine.

    I want to be the Incubus she’s opening the window for.

  9. Christine, well done. While your posts have been excellent, but it WAS time for some nudity. Posts like THIS are what started me visiting AS on a regular basis.

    And, brayker…Sayaka Ando…WOW! Why don’t i remember that post? She’s fantastic!

  10. You guys may not think this site is just about nudes, but I would draw your attention to the ads in the left hand column. Surprise, surprise, they all feature lovely nude Asian females. Why? Because they pay the rent.

  11. true nudity pays the rent but its all about the hot women nude or clothed but i will admit its the nakedness that keeps me coming back on a daily

    @ dean i know shes soooo hot i just wish she did nudes

  12. This site is not just about nudes. It’s about beauty and incidentally nudity is also a part of beauty.

    christine, I’m mostly here for the beauties, nude or in clothes. You’re going too far, assuming that we’re gonna get crazy and unzip it anytime we see a nude girl, lol. I’m kinda suprised that you would be troubled with nudity. It can be a form of art and in fact you should take a look at some photobooks too. What’s the problem? 🙂

  13. hey everyone,

    to answer some of your guys’ questions: i don’t really have a problem with nudity. for instance, i commented positively on tiang fang’s met-art pictures, because i thought they were really tasteful. there are a few problems with me trying to post nude pictures though

    1. i don’t know where to look, aside from some googling skills. most times, the pages that turn up results are really crappy

    2. if i do find some model worth posting about, chances are that i will have to go through a lot of sites with hardcore porn + softcore porn mixed in, and i’m not really interested at all in seeing girls with huge dildos up their vaginas. (btw, as a girl, and knowing what it feels like to do what they’re doing – not everything on camera, in spite of their smiles, feels good. so, a lot of times, i’m thinking, ‘why would you want to ever put that up there?’)

    so, i hope you understand that it’s not that i don’t appreciate the female body or see that nudity can be art. it’s just that digging for these websites usually results in a lot of horrendous pop-up ads, unidentified models engaged in hardcore poses.

    i’m also really unacquainted with porn culture (famous actresses, amateur vs. glamour, whatever) so i feel like posting on something like this – especially at the caliber i enjoy posting at – would require a lot more research on my part which i probably wouldn’t enjoy doing.


  14. additionally, i have to add that while i think metart photos are generally beautiful and i like them, there’s a difference when i’m looking at a photo of a girl posing nude seductively. if the photo’s well taken, it probably seems like the girl’s looking through the computer and straight at you – unfortunately, that’s really a turnoff for me, since i don’t get aroused by girls seductively looking at me. that’s the second “ew” element to it.

    analogously, i think you guys would probably be less than happy to have to sort through a bunch of gay porn sites in order to find some nude photos of a guy for an womens’ magazine. it doesn’t turn you on and after a while you feel a little vulgar, like you’ve taken too long of a look around the locker room showers.

  15. fine and dandy…call me a pig if you like but i like boobs and nudity…of course sometime scantily clad hot women are also good. 🙂 sorry i cant be the sensitive metro that will say they are here for the asian beauty nude or non-nude. 🙂 nakie women for me, plain and simple. otherwise, this site will look too much like Vogue or Cosmo or something chick mags site :)) no offense to the female members 🙂

  16. christine…please dont take it the wrong way from the Neanderthals here, me included….but you should post what you feel comfortable with !! because it is something we all appreciated….i was just suggesting to the other bloggers to mix it up with some nudity sometime so that we boys can have a chance to use the lotion :))) good job girlfriend !!

  17. Thanks for the explanation Christine – in your last email, it did sound as though you had a problem with looking at naked chicks, which surprised me! I agree all those porn pop-ups are extremely annoying – interestingly, as I also like to do more ‘informational’ posts, most of my previous posts have ended up being non-nude as well (but as my posts are so infrequent, I guess nobody noticed!). If you want to do a nude model, I suggest an independent web model, as you will be able to get pretty much everything you need from her site.

  18. Oh, and while I agree that Asian Sirens should mostly feature nudes, that doesn’t mean Christine has to feature them. We have different bloggers to cover different niches, and I think Christine has done a lot of great posts on a lot of great subjects that our other bloggers probably wouldn’t have covered (and almost certainly not covered as well). It’s not her fault that the rest of the blog team is on holidays at the moment! 🙂

  19. I use Mozilla myself, which eliminates 95% of it. But even the 5% that remains is still very annoying! I can’t imagine what surfing for porn must be like for IE users. 😉

  20. i use safari’s popup blocker, and i don’t really get popups – but like lee, the 5% that do come up just really stink up my day. also blocking the popups makes the page load so much slower, and there’s all those ads that pollute the page…arrr, porn on the internet just sucks.

    and in my last e-mail, the locker room analogy was just to intimate that feeling of vulgarity. i just feel dirty going to all of those porn sites which are smattered with smutty ads or really poorly done amateur porn (sometimes i just downright feel sorry for the girls) and afterward it’s like, “oh my goodness i can’t believe i did that just to get these shots. not worth it.”

  21. I completely understand. Even as a guy, I’m pretty annoyed – and indeed offended – by all this crap. I feel they’re treating me like an idiot – do they really think I’m dumb enough to fall for this crap? Sadly however, many people obviously are. 🙁 You will notice that everything on my server (Asian Sirens, plus Sachiko’s site) is absolutely 100% free of pop-ups – or any kind of invasive advertising for that matter.

  22. i’m not really interested at all in seeing girls with huge dildos up their vaginas

    I’ve joined a few webmaster affiliate programs for my blog so I get access to a lot of galleries, but in a way it sucks because you find a really attractive woman you wanna post, but halfway through the set she’s got a giant jelly-dong lodged up her coochie or she’s got her snatch pulled open so wide you can see her lower intestine. Personally I’m not really into that. Just show me some tasteful nudes ala FEMJOY or Met Art.

  23. or she’s got her snatch pulled open so wide you can see her lower intestine LOL BlueSkies! This is a good example of the kind of pussy shot I really don’t like to see. No matter how many people ask for pink or dildos or whatever (and actually there haven’t been that many), I will never take this sort of shot of Sachiko. I just really find these kinds of photos nauseating.

  24. lower intestines? you’re totally dreaming. more like a pile of used condoms and a missing house key

  25. I’ve been looking for my keys for the past two months now. I’d have never thought to look there until christines’ last comment. Worth a shot, I guess.

  26. Also, I like her butt…it’s not too big and a little on the round side. A nice little handful of buns with some shape to it.

  27. I think there’s a new sheriff in town, by the name of christine. And with a new name…christine’s siren sensations. Maybe?

  28. Thanirz is missed but I appreciate the diversity of having an active female contributor. Christine, you are doing a great job! These days I don’t spend a lot of time reading the text of these postings but thats not because I am whipping out the lotion. I just don’t have the time and as they say a picture says a thousand words. Yes, we guys are visual but most of us are not teenagers anymore so visual is not enough.

    Anyways, I agree that others on the blog team can provide the diversity that folks desire in terms of nudity. Obviously, these types of postings are not within Christine’s comfort level and she shouldn’t feel obligated to research and post about nude Asian models.

  29. Christine, what do you think when you look a naked girl.
    Please understand, I just want to know throug your point of view.

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