Asian Sirens starts international poster campaign!

Asian Sirens starts international ad campaign

Asian Sirens decided to start a massive international poster campaign! 🙂 And we found a great way to spread our posters around the globe without spending a lot of time and money.

As you know, our friend at FreshCreation is always looking for new creative things online, and pointed us to the WondaWall. The first digital posterwall on the internet. At WondaWall you can paste your posters on your city’s wall as you would do in real life.Let’s see it our posters in Amsterdam, Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo will make us even bigger! 😉

Asian Sirens starts international ad campaign

Asian Sirens starts international ad campaign

Asian Sirens starts international ad campaign

Asian Sirens starts international ad campaign

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0 thoughts on “Asian Sirens starts international poster campaign!”

  1. you’re riight there.. ii thiink iits a great iidea that u guys contiinue to advertiise… asiian-siirens may just cause quiite a stiir, much as myspace has done.. haha

  2. We’re starting just now with, but thank you for seeing the potential of it!!!

    greetings, the wondawall crew!

    ps: great site you’ve got going on here! gotta love asian chicks…

  3. Hi WondaWall, like the site and thanks for the complimens! Hope your walls will fill up soon!

    Hey, maybe you can give us a large poster for free now? 😉

  4. Looks to me like an update of the million dollar home page idea, but like the original it’s probably crazy enough to work!

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