Asian Siren Attack!

I’m sure you’ve all seen this by now, but as the hottest Asian siren related news I can remember, I just had to post it here. Rupert Murdoch’s Chinese wife Wendi Deng has been widely reported as “protecting” her husband in this video, but to me it looks more like she’s lashing out at the humiliation of this whole affair (and watching the value of her investment reduce by the day). I find it deeply disappointing that what is in fact a very serious matter has been overshadowed by this sideshow, just as News Corp have been doing with all manner of very serious issues for years now – including the one that brought on this hearing in the first place. Personally I cannot find any woman who is willing to marry one of the most despicable men on earth attractive, but unlike News Corp’s outrageously biased “reporting”, we report any Asian siren related news without fear or favour. πŸ™‚

BTW, before our conservative readers accuse me of bias, please note that I am making it clear I am expressing my opinion, not presenting it as factual, unbiased news as News Corporation constantly does.

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0 thoughts on “Asian Siren Attack!”

  1. I did not realize that this site was also some sort of political opinion or news forum. I was hoping to see beautiful Asian woman as advertised. I am not saying anything about being bias of sorts, but what does this have to do with the essence of Asian beauty?

  2. I’d noticed the recent news of the pie attack but didn’t bother following it up. Now that there is a link with an AS – or is that CAT: Crouching Asian Tiger? (Wendy Deng Murdoch), I have the full story.
    My immediate thought (being unable to view the above video (??) was which media source to go to for the story – Murdoch affiliated press or an independent such as Australian ABC? Nothing on the ABC, despite a Google search showing news from 3 hrs ago – still circulating (yep it’s gone viral!).
    Seems it’s mainly the Murdoch press that is continuing to highlight the story. Indeed, which media source is not M owned?

    So, yes Doc, the sideshow is indeed overshadowing the ‘real’ issue.
    Wondering if the whole incident wasn’t dreamed up by a Murdoch staffer, understanding the power of the social as well as the mainstream media creating the effect of deflecting criticism, albeit briefly.

    But we come here to ogle Asian women, so let me say she has a nice rear, from the one pic I have seen of her ‘attack’ in defence of her old man.

    Waiting for a poem now from dipper.

  3. In the wake of WerewolfVm’s comment, I am waiting for a comment regarding her figure.
    I am assuming we have two choices here: commenting on the incident in political terms or her figure/face/tats (?) in aesthetic terms.

  4. Okay, I added a link to a google image search for those too lazy to do it themselves – I think she would qualify as an Asian MILF for most people, hence worthy of a post here. Feel free to discuss her appearance, this incident or the politics behind it as you see fit (as long as it’s within our posting guidelines of course).

  5. @longtack: I couldn’t help wondering if this was a Murdoch staged media stunt myself. If it isn’t, then that idiot with the cream pie has done us all a great disservice by allowing News Corp to make Rupert look like a victim, and distracting people from the real issue here.

  6. Wendi is looking good at 40+ and can still turn heads. Questionable behavior, purposes and motives in life. I cannot bring myself to dwell on this entire subject matter!

  7. Noticed also that Deng is credited as producer of the just-released movie “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan,” a story set in 19th century China about the tough cultural norms imposed on women.
    I see it’s showing in Chinese cinemas round here – imagine the flow of RMB into the coffers. I doubt whether, given the Murdoch family’s diversified interests, their ‘fingers in a number of pies’ (pun intended), while their news media companies might suffer, their fortune will decline that much.

  8. Here’s an interesting story about her. I love this quote: “As the wife of the chairman and a private citizen, Wendi is entitled to her privacy,” the then News Corp spokesperson, Gary Ginsberg, said. Is there any end to the outrageous hypocrisy and complete lack of principles of News Corporation?

  9. Amazing! for a so called ‘private’ citizen to be so public! No end to the hypocrisy Doc, so what’s new? Seems faithful lapdog Ginsberg is also promoting the victim label.
    My heart bleeds!

  10. Gold Digger, user, manipulator, vampire, and cheat are some of the words that come to mind! MILF? I would have to sleep with both eyes open and my money in some off shore account away from her! But I am trying very hard to be nice and kind so I do not get in trouble here!

  11. Had to Google her too. Yep…she hot.Yep…she’s driven.Her life reads like some Jackie Collins novel.(not that I read that kinda’ stuff) πŸ˜‰

  12. Breaking news: my relatively new Chinese gf asked me for 5000 rmb ‘loan’ this morning. I said no, sorry, explaining I didn’t know her that well and I’ve been scammed before.
    And no it wasn’t by Wendy Deng lol.

  13. Wow on the slo-mo replay.She gets airborne in a snap.Former volleyball player? Looked like she was primed for a spike.Went over the top of a coupla’ lame suckas.Like some defensive end batting down a pass.All that aside…The real story here is an ethically suspect media entity is being (justifiably) called to the carpet for it’s corrupt practices.It appears that many other media outlets are gleefully participating in the roast.

  14. not only she seduced that older American guy to have him sponsor her student visa out of China, she destroyed his marriage while living under their roof, and then she married him to get a green card and pay for her Northridge College tuition while cheating on him with a younger guy. She left her husband within 4 months since he couldn’t afford to send her to Yale, but stayed married for 2 years to get her papers.
    She caught Ruppert in her net as soon as she met him.
    Would I do her?
    of course! but she’d be tied up!

  15. I saw the “pie attack” on the news, but before that I was wondering who the hot asian woman behind them ( the father and son ). I was guessing she was the sons wife, but soon found out the rest.

    Still, she was up pretty quick, way before any body else ( response wise, she was further away and still almost got there first).

    When I saw it, I thought it would be funny if somebody posted this on this site…

  16. Yes. Her life story doesn’t exactly paint her in a nice light does it.

    But you have to remember that this is the reality of what women do. I mean that with love and respect for women. Just guys….

    we need to know.

  17. She is kind of cute, but the fact that she’s defending that idiot of a husband of hers puts me right off. Here’s hoping his low life company perishes… which I doubt.

  18. Wow, what a life story!
    This woman looks like she could steal your husband, cut your throat, stab you in the back, trample all all over your grandma and not even bother to look back as she moves on to the next rung of social ladder.

  19. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. πŸ˜‰
    Rupert was afterall…a willing volunteer to her “charm”.

  20. Shuai Ge is absolutely correct about this woman! She is not that hot to get involved with, especially she is not a Sung Hi Lee! Now she is one to be hungry for if there was a possibility, which is next to zero!

  21. Since when has sexual fidelity defined someone’s fitness for public adoration?

    Lol. Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary with four different women in the Court testimony of a single case alone (once in a limo with an ex- Miss America, Elizabeth Ward Gracen).

    Paris Hilton gets laid by someone new every week and has Herpes.

    Deng has an MBA from one of the most prestigious schools in the US and got all A’s. George Bush went to the same school and got all B’s and C’s. John Kerry went to the same school and got all C minus’.

    She sleeps around like Bill Clinton and is smarter than GW and John Kerry put together.

    Maybe she should run for office?

    She couldn’t be worse than John Edwards, afterall.

  22. Collector, while I really didn’t want to get involved in this issue, but I feel I must respond. There is certainly a double-standard for men and women when it comes to sexual fidelity. That is wrong, IMO. A bimbo is a bimbo.

    But there is also a big difference between one who is unfaithful for fun and one who uses sex to achieve their goals. Bill Clinton didn’t fuck his way to the Presidency. He may have used his position of power to get laid (a despicable thing IMO), but he didn’t gain anything other than sex from it.

    It appears Deng has screwed her way into a prominence in society. I have to agree with Shuai Ge here. That’s the last kind of women I would ever consider getting involved with. Not because she might be unfaithful. but because she seems to be a user and a gold-digger. But as has also been mentioned, Rupert knew what he was getting into. He made his choice. (To be honest, with his money, he probably could have done better.)

    As horrendous of a human as Paris Hilton, she didn’t screw her way into society, she was born into it. She screwed her way into celebrity, that’s for sure. Why people pay any attention to these kind of pseudo celebrities is beyond me.

    Oh, and I should mention, when I first saw Wendi, Rupert and the pie thrower, I laughed my ass off. Guilty pleasure, I guess.

  23. Deng has a masters degree in what, how did she acquire it and the grades? Teachers pet maybe and slept her way to good grades? Who knows for sure, but her past sure does make a person wonder? Questioning her abilities to be qualified to be president is a stretch for sure. Her interests in life is all about her, no matter how or what she has to do to achieve it! It’s all about me attitude and what will I get for sleeping with you! Besides there are far better women out there, who are better looking, have degrees and did not sleep their way to the top of the money pile! Common sense tells you just looking at the two of them side by side, it was for the money plain and simple! She got him by the power of the vagina! It’s like selling your soul to the devil tangling with her! Those who would give her a jump or two, well what can anyone say to you! It ain’t free, it’s going to cost ya one way or another!

  24. Speaking of kicking a dead horse around, this Deng issue is getting old. Where are the Asian babes? My eyes need something beautiful to gaze upon! I’ll even take a slightly tattooed babe at this point! As noted, it is not my most favorite thing on a woman, but it will work for now!

  25. I find the title mis-leading and the content boring and the video a waste of time. Please note that I am making it clear I am expressing my opinion, not presenting it as fact.

    I’m going back to Gerra Bella posting …

  26. She’s a very sexy lady. This is the type of woman I’ve been most attracted to in the last couple years. The older wiser type. Sorta like a couple of my wifes philipina friends.

  27. We’ve got another entertaining video coming up tomorrow – I’m confident it will get a more positive reaction than this one. πŸ™‚

  28. thanks to her 2 kids with Ruppert she’ll be in line to control 1/3 of one of the biggest news conglomerate in the world as soon as he croaks.
    don’t you think her chinese roots aren’t interested?

  29. Maybe they will and maybe not it is according if there was a prenup and or his last will! Could be possibly a subvert Chinese plan to have her marry him and then take over his vast empire? Then manipulate the news media and take over the world as most communists want to do! Well it could be possible in a far out sense of insanity!

  30. “It appears Deng has screwed her way into a prominence in society.” – Bigfoot Dean.

    Deng may have MARRIED her way into prominence in society, but so did Princess Diana and Kate Middleton.

    Paris Hilton, Jenna Jameson, Kim Kardashian SCREWED their way into prominence in society.

  31. From British Saga study published today:

    “A survey of 9,000 women aged 16 to 75 found that wealth and ambition in a man were the two favourite qualities for younger women, with half admitting they look for one who can afford to lavish them with expensive gestures.

    Almost a quarter said they looked for a man who had set his sights high in his career.”

  32. Longtack – when I saw the post and your comment, my first thought was – CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. This one is taking a bit of work. We may see a dozen more tattooed ladies before I get this one done.

    I like an occasional post like this. If you’re pining for some pix, there’s got to be, what, maybe 1000+ posts in the archive.

  33. Not sure what the controversy is. Women have been using the power of the pussy ever since Eve got Adam to eat that apple.

  34. Tough one dipper??

    Although I think you might have one good starter idea already:
    ‘power of the pussy’
    Oh and I love the conspiracy theories!

  35. To respond to WerewolfVm’s initial comment (paraphrased): “Why all the politics where’s the P and A?: I will say that what a person DOES is extremely important in judging their attractiveness. All on a purely subjective basis, of course.
    On the person of Wendi Deng I would have to say that I find her an extremely attractive person all the way around. (we all need money, capishe?). Perhaps she’ll start a charity when ole R.M. takes the grand exit. Money is just money. She has a soul. She is human. Money is only money. People use relationships on a daily basis to get things done.

  36. There once was a media baron named Murdoch

    Whose “news” was all just a crock

    He needed no persuasion

    To marry an Asian

    Cause she was good at sucking his ….

  37. There once was a man
    didn’t like what he read
    in a paper
    that’s owned by a Murdoch, enuf said.

    So one day at a hearing
    he took it into his head
    to take in a pie
    filled with cream instead

    His aim to get Murdoch
    was blown all to bits
    as he had not counted
    on someone with tits
    [and a nice arse too]

    And volleyball skills
    of a woman named Wendy
    jumped up and attacked him
    her hubby defended

    The story of course
    Went immediately viral
    Even Asian Sirens
    added to the spiral

    Now Missus Murdoch
    Chinese to the core
    is seen as a woman
    digging gold all the more

    And will be the woman
    as the stories unfurled
    who will inherit Rupe’s billions
    and the News of the world

  38. Alright tack – message received. Guess I needed a little push. Not the one I started with, but here it is.

  39. Now Rupert was facing the ire
    Of a Parliament fully on fire
    His media had gone bad; they acted the cad
    His life was stuck in the mire.

    So, during this political hazing
    Came an act that was almost amazing
    This guy threw a pie; not really sure why
    Then Wendi jumped in without fazing.

    Now, some folks pronounce it β€œgall-AUNT”
    As though they’re some kind of savant.
    Others will say it as β€œGAL-ant”
    Though that doesn’t take too much talent.

    Thus, Wendi exhibited this behaviour
    By being Sir Rupert’s good saviour.
    Yet – if the video you play – you can just hear him say,
    β€œHey, bitch, I can take care of myself!”

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