The National Football League Kickoff game next month will mark the beginning of the 2010 NFL season, so after checking some of the teams’ player rosters for this upcoming season, I decided to check all of the the teams’ cheerleader rosters.
Of the 25 NFL teams that have official cheerleading squads (7 teams don’t), I did find several Asian ladies among the members, one being Duyen (above), who proudly high kicks and shakes her pom poms for the Houston Texans.Note: There may be some other current NFL cheerleaders who are part-Asian that I haven’t included in this entry because, since I really couldn’t put a finger on all of their ethnicities, and they usually don’t list them or their family names on their bios, I “played it by eye” and decided to only include ladies here that are unmistakably Asian.

Cincinnati Ben-Gal, Sunny
Kaoruko Horiike of the Denver Bronco’s cheerleading squad, who are simply called the “Denver Broncos Cheerleaders,” and have been in existence since 1993. Denver’s last prior squad, the “Pony Express” disbanded in 1978 after several members posed topless for a Playboy magazine pictorial. Kaoruko wasn’t included on the squad’s recently updated 2010 roster, so she may now be a former Denver Broncos Cheerleader.
Miami Dolphins Cheerleader Truly Chin is in her rookie year with the squad.
Self-confessed video game junkie Jennie is in her second season with the Raiderettes.
Rookie Raiderette Holly also works as a flight attendant for Virgin America.
Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader Alicia
Taiwanese-born San Diego Charger Girl, Tiffany
Chris of the Gold Rush, the San Francisco 49ers’ squad
Seattle Sea Gal Shelly, who’s starting her 7th year with the squad
The “junior” of the two Asian Sea Gals, Tiffany
Tomoko Kojima is a member of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders, who were nicknamed the “Swash-Buc-Lers” up until 1999.
Korean-born Valerie of the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders
Noriko of the Washington Redskins’ squad, who are referred to by fans as the “First Ladies of Football”
hmmmmm don’t see any thing special about those girls…they are not that hot………..
That is the best part about going to the game rather than watching it on TV.
Lets find the nudes od these sweet Asians. You just know some of these ladies try for Playboy.
I’ll go with Tiffany and Tomoko. They look real nice and smiley and stuff.
It’s been a while since we’ve had Asian American plastic on here – I can’t say I’ve missed it.
Oh c’mon, this is one of the best /Sirens post ever.
I myself am intrigued by Tomoko Kojima, whose well executed pose here gets extra points for being technically difficult and cosmetically unforgiving, should you have let your diet and exercise regimen go lax.
Lots of attractive Asian newscasters out there too… perhaps that could be an upcoming post?
What are those SD Chargers uniforms made of, cat fur?
Extra points to Sunny too for having a masters in “Homeland Security”. Sunny’s pictures show her both with long hair and her current “mom cut”.
Golf claps all around for maintaining those abs.
I wonder when an NFL player will use Tomoko’s pose as part of their touchdown celebration. It would definitely get some golf claps.
raiders holly and chargers tiffany are the best ones imo. but what is it that tiffany is wearing??? velvet??
They’re what I’d be watching if I was at a game. Tomoko is especially hot and lean.
Baltimere Ravens got also very cute Asian cheerleader
Velour, I think. Having ‘researched’ this particular topic some myself, I have to point out that the girls almost invariably look much better in either candids or live during the game (even over TV). The websites are awful, the ‘glamour’ shots use too much makeup and the artists dont know how to do makeup/hair for asian women.
There used to be some beauties on the Seahawks and Patriots squads, think they’ve left though.
Quick digging revealed this video of Tiffany (KoreanAmerican?) from the Seahawks – not too shabby IMO – http://www.seahawks.com/media-lounge/videos/Sea-Gal-Tiffany/81d0bdb2-509d-4f79-8775-f808686a9543
There’s also a big difference between models and dancers, they can’t all be both.
TheCollector: Good suggestion…I wanna see Betty Nguyen (Asian newscaster) formerly of CNN and now on CBS…
She reads the news, I have no clue what the hell she is talking about- she distracts me.
These cheerleaders are nice, but clearleaf is right on about their websites not being good…
@clearleaf: Hmm…I caught Shelly from the Sea Gals but don’t know how I missed Tiffany. I did my research a couple of months ago before her video was posted at their site but she does say it’s her 2nd year with the squad so her bio should have been there then.
Anyway, I edited to include her.
@naso: I saw a couple on the Ravens roster who may be part Asian, Serena and Kellie, but wasn’t sure so I didn’t include them here.
I’ll have to ask one of my coworkers if Noriko from the Redskins is his daughter. If not then she’s one of the ones they missed or couldn’t identify.
Well, of course Tiffany is the best, she’s a Charger Girl!! (hey, I’m a San Diego guy)
She’s MIT (Made in Taiwan) and if you can put up with the initial commercial for Charger tickets, here’s a video of her: http://www.chargers.com/media-vault/videos/Tiffany/f65823d8-d975-4e5e-ac04-f35e081bad09
If the Dolphins had Asian cheerleaders, I might use my season tickets rather than sell them.
From the pics, the best are 1. Duyen 2. Tomoko 3. Tiffany
Hmmm…. As was commented previously, Isee nothing special here. If I had to pick a “best one” I would go with Tomoko Kojima. I do love small tight packages.
Shelly Tiffany and Valerie please.
what do you guys think about the way valerie and tiffany talk? to me they sound like a typical white valley girl from Cali. Doesn’t sound intelligent.
I definitely agree…I think Tomoko is the best because she sounds intelligent and she have a cute japanese accent =]
No one else likes Kaoruko? I like Holly too. Just based on these photos, didn’t watch any videos.
Yeah, if I had to pick a favourite, it would be Tomoko (at least she looks truly Asian, as opposed to Asian American), but for me, even she isn’t really anything special at all.
Oh, and Quyen: you agree with yourself? 😉
I’m not thrilled with any of these cheerleaders. Maybe they look better in motion. At least the one on my team looks aiight. Her name is Alicia. And I am glad that football season is here again. Go Eagles!!!!!!!!!!
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Hmmm, I have to agree that Alicia is at least as hot as (indeed hotter than) any of the girls in this post.
Yes! Alicia is the hottest! she loooks like a model too!!!
she sounds intelligent and nice…she looks maybe korean?
I concur Alicia is for the win!
Yeah none of these girls did it for me either. Maybe it’s an American Cheerleader thing, just not my type. Although I have to say Alicia looks pretty hot if I was to choose.
weird, i actually know duyen… lol
I have tremendouse respect for Candyman and enjoy his blog.
However, Philadelphia fans, regardless of sport, rank out there with English hooligans in crowd behaviour (minus the violence.) I mean, who boos Santa Claus?
Not to say that any other team’s fans are especially nice. Take any big rivalry in the NFL – Chicago/Green Bay, Dallas & anybody, Pittsburgh/Cleveland – and the combined IQ of the entire crowd shifts to the negative side.
@ AsianWomenAlways: Truly’s obviously Asian, but since she’s a rookie, her info wasn’t up yet when I did my research, which is why she wasn’t originally included here.
I wonder how many of these Asiancheerleaders can take these BIG men in the NFL down there?
Those NFL guys are huge and these chicks are so small. The sex must be insane.
Truly Chin, Tomoko, Tiffany and Alicia. The rest is for you guys. 🙂
@servia – how would you know about the size of NFL players? taken a few snaps in your day?
@ nicholiservia: All NFL cheerleading squads have strict rules about their cheerleaders fraternizing with the players.
Ewwww! The truth comes out nichols. That’s so funny dbldipper. BUSTED!
haha, I hope they didn’t get get their cocks out in your mercedes 😉 just joking!
Truly Chin is gorgeous, I am sure they all look good from the stands, but Valerie from the 49ers has a man face.
they should get cheerleaders selling more branded merchandise than just dancing around! Japan kinda does it through idols not cheerleaders
There are a few here who qualify as butterfaces, but I do like Tomoko, tiffany and Alicia.
As I stated, I decided to only include the cheerleaders who were unmistakably Asian and skipped over those who looked like they may have been part-Asian, one of whom being Tritia Ogata, whose info was sent in by Robert Houston.
Tritia’s 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 Puerto Rican and in her 2nd year with the San Fransico 49ers Gold Rush. Click on her photo below to see her bio.
Well CEC we had one girl recently who was only 1/4 Asian, so Tritia being 1/2 Asian makes her more than a worthy addition.
Any more? Keep ’em coming mate.
Yeah, I think Tritia is definitely AS worthy – at least as much as the girls in this post actually. 🙂