Anne Curtis – Filipina/Australian Actress

Anne Curtis

A friend recently told me about a lovely actress named Anne Curtis. At age 21, this Filipina-Australian beauty has already been in quite a few (mostly filipino) films. She was 13 on her vacation in the Philippines when spotted by a talent scout from the fastfood chain Jolliebee. If any of you are Filipino, or hang with Filipino friends, you know about the famous Jolliebee! Best of luck to Anne in her career!

Check out Anne’s Yahoo Group. For more pics, click

Anne Curtis

Anne Curtis

Anne Curtis

Links for Anne Curtis

Anne’s IMDB Profile
Anne’s Yahoo Group
Google Image Search
Fan Site Image Gallery

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0 thoughts on “Anne Curtis – Filipina/Australian Actress”

  1. Although I’m not crazy about Filipinas in general, I’ve noticed that the particular combination of them with Australian men seems to often produce quite stunning offspring – I’ve seen it here many times.

  2. oh damn i have a thing for asians but a aussie-asian geez asians have any other type of women beat ten fold i love this $&^% 😀

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