Quick one today. This is Anna Bell from Lusted. Obviously not her real name and I do not believe she has been on any other websites. I think she is Korean, but I can’t get this verified. I do know she really likes to flip off the camera. Most of the other photos are considered too graphic for the website, so the number of photos had to be limited.Photos:

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We’ve been on a good run here recently, but I guess all good things must come to an end. π One for the “dirty amateur” lovers. Definitely Korean.
MONGOL, I think…and very masculine at that!
Actually Knighthawk, you may be right – she could very well be Mongolian!
Pic 2 I like, and in a strange way I like her face in the last pic, the squint, the raised eyebrow.
But if she wants to be an ‘internet phenomenon’ – and I doubt whether that would happen, the least she could do would be to go to the same charm school as Elly Tran.
Look good here, because I can’t see her tits!
Not too big of a fan.
I Think she was just playing around and decided to do this photoshoot last minute.
Well I do give her that much Nancy (hi!) – she seems to have a playful nature.
Munching on mid-autumn mooncake here.
@longtack hi π
I thinks Docs description was perfect when he said she was a dirty amateur. There’s nothing wrong with liking it, but you know what you’re getting.
Anna Bell seems quite full of sass.
What she needs is a touch of class.
Sheβs flipped us the bird
This is really absurd
Her pix are just too darn crass.
@longtack – enjoy the moon festival. Do they shoot fireworks in Hangzhou?
My description of Elly as an internet phenomenon was nicely followed up by your hype comment. When her pix started appearing a couple years ago, they generated a bit of a buzz due to her unknown nature and, apparent assets.
I’m not sure what the opposite of “phenomenon” is, but Anna Bell sure fits that. Hey, at least she doesn’t have any tats!
OH MY GOD. You guys are mean. I LOVE THIS ONE. What’s her number?
Well said (rhymed?) dbldipper. π Quite frankly, it it were only up to me we wouldn’t have featured this girl at all, but we try to cater to all tastes here.
Well, just to let you know… I SAVED ALL HER PICTURES.
I for one LOVE this girl.
If my first Asian girlfriend was this hot, I’d have married her.
I mean – that body looks so strong… I’d totally break it down.
i’d hit it…not super hot or anything but a couple beers later and she’d be ok for the night
Oh my goodness…you guys are so mean.
I wouldn’t neeed a drop of liquor for this one.
I think I’d need to be unconscious. π
She’s what Koreans look like without double-eyelid surgery.
dbldipper, not in Hangzhou any more, but rest assured fireworks happen all over China.
lol@Doc (who would “need to be unconscious”) who says:
“we wouldn’t have featured this girl at all, but we try to cater to all tastes”.
You’ve made nicholoservia more than happy at least.
Wondering now what arf is gonna say about her?
ahhhh…. she’d beat the now very mouldy woollen sock under the bed.
There’s definitely something about Anna that would make her a tempting proposition on a dreary sunday afternoon. Not my usual cup of green tea however…..
Sunday or any other day – I’d smoke this chick.
I think I’d like her better if I met her in person. She’s just kinda ok here. Maybe a live action vidclip or something.
you’d have trouble lighting her up after she’s been swimming.
@ dbldipper: Actually, she’d look much more appealing all tatted up. π
That said, she has a very masculine face but she wins points for her naughty personality. I definitely wouldn’t turn her away but she certainly isn’t even close to being as hot as many Korean ladies that have been featured here.
Wow, even arf thinks she’s “just kinda ok”! At least nicholiservia likes her.
Does absolutely nothing for me! I’ve seen better looking eye candy at the local ice arena. This Chinese/Vietnamese gal I saw there the other day picking up her little sister from figure skating practice was,”to-die-for” gorgeous!!! Unfortunately all I could think of after that was, “high maintenance”. But at least I get to see her twice a week, and as long as the weather remains warm, her very fine legs.
The only sirens in this case are the men in white coats coming for nicholiservia
At least she’s naked…
No fireworks in Shanghai so far, maybe tonight?
LOL @ Luke72. π
Yeah guys, look at the bright side. There’s pussy, there’s no hair and she seems naughty.
nicholiservia is happy, lets toast to that!
She look like a Korean girl getting hammered by two dudes I posted on my blog a few months ago. So I definitely think she is Korean.
Korean or maybe northern Chinese but 100% American. Seems like an approachable dirty girl who would be happy on a Harley or in a trailer park…
Not a big fan, she seems like she has an attitude and her looks aren’t all that!
AlienOverlord, saving the big bangs for National Holiday next week maybe?
arf impresses me: even his less than enthusiastic comments are positive.
raising my glass with daznlover! (clink) ganbei!
By the way, in the last pic, Anna reminds me very much of a Chinese kindergarten teacher I worked with in Guangdong. And she was nice.
Well, @servia has found his kitty
To most she seems a bit gritty.
I hope sheβs got
Sheβll need it a lot
A great personality.
Sorry, maybe that’s too mean. By these pix, though, she just seems the type that would tell you to go F yourself at the drop of a hat, and this earth already has enough of those.
Men don’t know how to handle those girls that tell you to go F yourself.
I do though, so its not a problem.
Is this girl flashing GANG SIGNS?
@ servia – how do you handle them? Pull out your gun?
Excuse my ignorance. What’s a GANG SIGN?
I too, want to know how nicholiservia handles such girls. But I shudder at the explanation.
nicholi…one of them there confused white gangbangers and everything in between. π Word to your mother. ;P
Not bad, definitely a nice body for sure.
I’m guessing her facial features are a wee bit too ‘ethnic’ for some viewers here. I’m sure those who don’t like her looks would change their minds if she became “westernized.” You know, eye surgery, plastic surgery to hell like a lot of “beautiful” asian models and celebrities.
With some makeup and style she’d look nice.
Drunk and horny (and much younger) in a Korean bar, I probably picked up someone like this. Sober and older, not a chance. Strout may have a point, but we’ve all seen plenty of Asian ladies who look great without surgery, or we wouldn’t be checking out Asian Sirens.
may have to tie her up and give her a spanking.
@nicholiservia. Was that comment TO me or ABOUT me? Not sure.
Are you saying that YOU might have to tie her up and give her a spanking?
If so, she’s all yours. She doesn’t do a lot for me generally.
Show her who’s boss, nicholiservia-style, although we never did hear how you’d handle this type of girl.
@longtack: I think nicholiservia was simply answering your question on how to handle this type of girl.